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Menor the Destroyer

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Everything posted by Menor the Destroyer

  1. I keep forgetting day and date. Yeah then my Sat bump was too optimistic for sure.
  2. Yeah that's what I'm saying, did their source just completely mess it up, or are they making it up.
  3. Also did Deadline just straight up make something up here? That article claims that Dune PS is higher than Black Widow.
  4. I think it could make a very good movie, but not sure about audience appeal. It would be a pretty "cold" movie, for lack of a better word. Not something that would do too well at the BO.
  5. Farm was the best part of AoU for me. Without the party and the farm, two scenes which could have been cut if focusing only on plot, the movie would have been much worse.
  6. You know what they meant though. In terms of overall reception four of those are near the top of the MCU and one is near the bottom.
  7. Rendezvous with Rama is nowhere near as commercial-friendly as Dune. Also it's basically one good book and doesn't set up a super vast world like Dune. Though I might be underselling the series, I didn't even make it halfway through the sequel because it was just such a step down from the first.
  8. Maybe Sunday is optimistic, but I don't think ~20% is particularly out of the norm for a fall opener Sat bump?
  9. Friday numbers from last night: Eternals MTC2 Friday: Showtimes: 3713 Seats Sold: 16165/620794 (+1285) Total $ Sales: 216912 (+17238) Strong reactions bump, though not quite as amazing as the bump for Thursday was. Dune MTC2 Friday: Showtimes: 3410 (+1207!) Seats Sold: 29546/517814 (+5815) Total $ Sales: 385641 (+73328) Decent jump, well below Bond's jump though, but with this being non-discount-boosted, can catch up tomorrow. Still thinking 14 million Friday is possible. 5-14-17-11 = 47, I would call that a good opening for a Max release. Let's see where it lands.
  10. While Phase 4 has had writing issues for sure, Eternals seems like it would be challenging for any writer. It's introducing so many characters (and apparently each of them gets some big moment and focus) I'd be surprised if there weren't some cracks in the script there. My hope is just that it doesn't detract too much from my viewing experience.
  11. Ok. I was worried about another disaster with the dicey start but the Astros are hanging in there. Just need to get some runs on the board.
  12. Eternals MTC2 Thursday: Showtimes: 1966 Seats Sold: 23663/320507 (+1838) $ sales: 338191 (+25961) Good bump from reactions. More than doubled yesterday's pace. Hopefully the pace doesn't drop too much in the following days (a drop is surely inevitable though). Needs to sustain at least some of this boost to avoid falling too far behind BW. Dune MTC2 Thursday: Showtimes: 1709 (+478) Seats Sold: 23575/248493 (+3568) $ sales: 330144 (+48813) Ok bump I suppose. Unfortunately can't really use the Bond comp today with that Atom/TMobile inflation. Problem is, I have nothing else good. Bond added 5700 tickets on Wednesday, I suppose Dune can match that with normal bumps. I'm expecting it to catch up to Bond (true Thurs) by my final run on Thursday. 5ish previews. Fridays for both are taking too long and not sure when I will be back at my computer to post. Will have those tomorrow.
  13. Losing by 10 counts the same as losing by 1. I will only worry if the Astros lose today.
  14. Oh sure, I'm still gonna watch and form my own opinion, and many reactions have praised the characters. Just gives me a bit of trepidation.
  15. He elaborated and said it also reminded him about the theatrical JL and felt like the characters were underdeveloped. I was mostly in line with him on BW, TSS, and SC so it does worry me a bit.
  16. It's not like the sentences in those tweets are particularly long or byzantine to not be understandable, even if you think they're hyperbolic
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