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Menor the Destroyer

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Everything posted by Menor the Destroyer

  1. Note what her claim was though. She listed several films and directors as inspirations of which Malick and his films were just one. So why would you expect it to be a direct resemblance? Anyway this is the wrong thread for this discussion so I will leave it at that.
  2. It was more because you were claiming as fact that this will live up to it while simultaneously shitting on Eternals and claiming that it's impossible for it to live up to the influences, while having seen neither movie.
  3. I loved the Ent parts in Two Towers so this talk of the LOTR books being boring is crazy to me. For me the LOTR books are better than the films (though I really enjoy the films as well).
  4. GvK, in the horrendous release conditions it had, wouldn't have been far off 45 if it opened on a Friday, so its a bit weird to talk about whether its "possible" that MAX releases can hit 45. The question is whether the baseline demand for Dune is strong enough to sustain the hit from MAX.
  5. HK was 132296 in my run that finished around half an hour ago. Making a few guesstimates on pace, should be around 85-90% of F9 at the same point, which is in line with where it was on Wed. Not sure where it will finish, maybe 250kish at MTC2? The run takes a bit too long to be totally sure about the pace. Will update tonight when we are closer to final, that will give a better idea. At the moment I would agree with the 15ish Friday that has been floated, since MTC1 is a lot weaker.
  6. Humor, idk, they all fall within a certain range of humor but I wouldn't say Black Panther and Guardians have the same type of humor. Visual styles, to an extent, but there are definitely quite a few differences between the subgroups of MCU films. Emotional beats, again, some are shared like the "power up" moment in a lot of the origin movies and the "assemble" for Avengers films, but there are plenty of differences there as well.
  7. Yes. The issue is not CGI itself, but the quality of the CGI. It's on the filmmakers, not the technique. Anyway we are a little off track but my initial comment was relating to the Doc Ock arms in this movie, I thought they looked fine in the trailer so it doesn't seem like an example of bad CGI to me.
  8. I'm not familiar with those arguments, but I don't think this is a case where I'm stating something consciously but feeling something different subconsciously. My preferences in terms of how these types of big action blockbusters look also tend to be very friendly toward CGI-heavy sequences, as long as I feel a sense of immersion and wonder from them. I mean I'm a big fan of the Star Wars prequels, I don't think I would enjoy the action sequences in those as much as I do if I had some innate bias against CGI scenes. That said, I would be interested in reading these arguments, if you know of any sources. True, but this applies for any sort of effects, I think (and any part of filmmaking in general, really).
  9. And comes with limitations. So it's definitely not always better. If doing something practically is gonna limit the ability to do an action scene that would be really cool, I would argue it shouldn't be done practically. Sacrificing imagination for the sake of "realism" is not a good thing. I guess this is why I've never felt the anti-CGI thing because to me a bad-looking effect is the same whether CGI or practical. I never felt any charm from fake-looking practical effects. Also saying digital effects are just "punching buttons on a computer" is really reductive, there's plenty of effort and craftsmanship that goes into them just like practical effects.
  10. Yep. The "formula" doesn't seem anything different than conventions used in nearly every other big action franchise.
  11. Ah, I misinterpreted your post. I read the framing of "I know Dune is about to do pretty okay" as grouping Dune with adult dramas as an exception and was quite confused.
  12. I said after the second trailer that the movie looked a bit gray for my taste, but in this particular scene, I don't see it as an issue. Not every scene needs to be super colorful.
  13. So those who work on practical effects don't get overworked? I don't see what poor working conditions has to do with this particular debate.
  14. Halloween Final Thurs Numbers (MTC2): Showtimes: 2175 Seats Sold: 88262 $ Sales: 1106865 Will probably add another few thousand from here, so about 93k final or 1.17 million. Compared to other MTC2 heavy films like F9 and JC gives 5.47 and 6.13 million respectively. Venom 2 (again very MTC2 heavy) gives 5.53 million. Will go with that last one, so probably 5.5 million. Not sure where MTC1 ends up, if it comes in the same as MTC2 or lower (as opposed to slightly higher which is what I expect) then it may be closer to 5.
  15. Whoops, had an extremely busy day and MTC2 run slipped my mind. I'll post final numbers for today, though. But presales for tomorrow may have to wait until morning.
  16. Well that would be 8 days of sales for BW vs 5 for Eternals. It's early enough in the PS period that this makes a difference.
  17. Halloween Kills MTC2 Thursday Showings: 2086 (+133) Seats Sold: 37413/480945 (+7914) Gross: $480945 (+100933) Friday Showings: 4936 Seats Sold: 60767/684435 Gross: $746923 Friday most likely sold another 13k since yesterday. Anyway, this is moving along quite nicely, though definitely seems to be overindexing in MTC2, so I will tamp down my excited talk from yesterday a bit. Still, my gut is saying 50+ OW with good walkups. Also, this is less than 24 hours (around 22 or so), I just posted it late.
  18. SC had social media reactions on the night of its day 1, hence it held well for the first 4-5 days before dropping off. Then it had another review bump the next Monday too. I think BW will be a better comp until the final week since they were closer in PS length.
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