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Menor the Destroyer

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Everything posted by Menor the Destroyer

  1. FWIW, my dad usually sees Bond films on OW, but he's still worried about Covid until cases go down to June/July levels, but will be going back to theaters when they do. I doubt he would be the only one. We can't say that there's zero pandemic penalty for a movie like this, and claims about whether older audiences will "ever" come back to a theater seem very overstated to me. As far as mid-budget films those were on the downward trend even before Covid.
  2. I think people's expectations here were in the 80s, which was reasonable given good walkups, but it seems like we're getting the opposite. Though the signs were there with fairly weak bumps in the last few days (barring the Atom-inflated Tuesday).
  3. Not exactly a fair comparison though, did Spectre have Wed shows? I wasn't tracking BO then.
  4. Charlie did the calculation yesterday night, should be about 1.1-1.2 million.
  5. Bond MTC2 at 41081 tickets sold in the run that just finished. SC and F9 were in the 75k range at this point. It has sold about half of what those two did since last night from some rough extrapolations. The last hour was closer to 55-60% of F9/SC pace (they were almost identical on the final day). I guess that can go up to 70% for the rest of the day just from the numbers already being kinda low, it won't be that hard to increase them. That will give it a 75k finish. Just making a guess, MTC1 perhaps 120-125k. Overall I think pure Thu previews are heading for the 6-6.5m range accounting for Canada. Could be 7 even, I don't really have a good sense of just how much Canada's overperformance will add.
  6. Very soft start for Bond today. Will get full numbers later but hoping for 75-80k at MTC2, that will require significant acceleration relative to comps from where it is now.
  7. My sense is it was below Venom 2 from Sunday onwards for sure, though need to go back through the thread to check.
  8. Does the +556 include the +104 for Wed that you posted earlier?
  9. Not even peer pressure, I've only even heard of Squid Game online. Have not heard any of my irl friends talk about it strangely, usually I hear about these big Netflix shows.
  10. I wonder if Fandango leans more toward more frequent moviegoers while more infrequent moviegoers tend to book through the theater site. I am just wildly guessing but it does seem odd that there could be such a skew between Fandango's report and the data we are seeing in the thread, especially since no Fandango in Canada.
  11. I don't see this having super crazy walkups. Sure they will be decent but we haven't seen any trend to indicate some massively backloaded PS run. Yesterday's MTC numbers being the exception, but from today it looks like that was purely caused by the discount. My guess is Thu alone will be in the 6m range. With Canada maybe 6.5-7. Looking at F9, MTC1 was 67k for Thursday at 8PM Eastern on Wed night, so probably would finish with like 73k final PS. Bond pure Thu was like 53k yesterday night with like 9k added during the day? So would probably do about 12k more. That will leave it around 90% of F9 which comps to 6.3 million. MTC2 is worse at around 60% of F9. If that cancels out Canada...hmm.
  12. NO Time to Die MTC2 Wed: Showtimes: 71 (nc) Tickets Sold: 7857/15714 (+1807) (final will be around 8k) Gross: $124830 (+28449)* Thu: Showtimes: 2945 (+128) Tickets Sold: 32427/408276 (+5687) Gross: 451724 (+76121)* TSS comp: 6.7 million Fri: Showtimes: 4786 (+223) Tickets Sold: 52002/672729 (+11165) Gross: 658132 (+137254)* TSS comp: 23.7 million F9 comp: 16.84 million Fri comps don't have ATP adjustment, which would be a big factor for summer releases, so take with a grain of salt. * for same reason as before Awful pace jumps, yesterday was clearly inflated by the Atom deal (thanks @TwoMisfits for the tip on that, otherwise I would have been really weirded out by the pattern). Even in isolation the pace is not that great.
  13. That was the best part of the episode, wanted more of that. On the length point, I don't think anywhere close to all the episodes need to be longer. In fact the first four episodes were just fine at their length. 5, 6, and 9 were the ones that seemed like they needed more.
  14. For me: SC solidly upper crust MCU Whatif slightly below middle BW/FWS/WV low middle Loki low My main concern is not really SC being better than the rest as the relative rankings are not that significant, but the fact that it's the only above average one so far. Bring on Eternals, I will be very disappointed if it's not at least on par with SC. Hopefully Whatif season 2 improves as well, I think there is scope to do so. More of the stories need to have complete arcs like the Dr. Strange episode, and if they're keeping the 30-minute format then I would ditch the Avengers crossovers completely, there's not enough time to make it work properly. But I think the episodes should be permitted to extend to an hour if the story requires it. 4 was a great episode showing the potential of the series, if the rest had that impact, this would be top 5 easily.
  15. Yeah, it was a solid finale but Avengers films are awesome due to the character interactions, and they didn't really have that much here. The first half was a lot better than the second. Solid start, probably my favorite of the D+ shows so far, but Shang-Chi is still far and away my favorite phase 4 release so far. This probably beats BW for second.
  16. Student perk for my university through a local independent theater. Usually they don't show blockbusters but somehow they are showing this.
  17. @TwoMisfits just confirming, Atom/T-Mobile did the discount deal for NTTD yesterday right? Edit: Yeah I see it on the Atom page. Can definitely see that explaining the unusual bumps at the MTCs yesterday.
  18. Must be Sat+Sun sales pushing it above those two. I don't see how previews and Friday would be ahead in the US.
  19. I am hoping it can add 18k+ for Friday. If it does that then we will be in for another great weekend.
  20. I am tired to make the full post with comps like normal but NTTD #s Wed: 6050/15714 (+618), 71 shows (+10), $96381 (+9679) Thu: 26740/398588 (+5033), 2817 shows (+804), $375603 (+70615) Fri: 40837/651460 (+10037), 4563 shows (+1386), $520878 (+126404) Solid bumps, though it was starting from a low-ish base for a blockbuster.
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