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Menor the Destroyer

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Everything posted by Menor the Destroyer

  1. I did not like the CGI in the WW finale but the rocks in TLJ looked fine to me, as did the creatures in this film. I agree with others that the gray lighting was ugly but I didn't have a problem with the bat sidekicks. Actually now that I go back and rewatch the scene, I think having many rocks that appear sort of weightless better fits what the scene is trying to convey. It would have a different tone if they did what you suggest.
  2. Bolded makes little sense to me honestly. There are plenty of other concerns at play when choosing whether to go CGI or practical and there are plenty of fake-looking practical effects. I will never understand the idea that practical effects are inherently superior just for being "real." None of these movies are actually real.
  3. Wow, you really got me there. Because I liked a third act fight that you didn't and don't hate CGI like most people online, I "don't care about anything but eye candy."
  4. This seems like 97% of Saturday at the same point. Are you expecting night shows to be that weak? Holiday Sunday should be able to keep the pace for the most part.
  5. Third act fight was quite good for me. I feel like people hold CGI sequences to a much higher standard than "practical" sequences and will bash on anything that isn't top-tier CGI as being unnecessary. Personally I like it when blockbusters go big rather than try to be "grounded"
  6. This movie was awesome other than Trevor Slattery who felt unnecessary and slowed down the pace of the movie at the wrong moment. I wish there had been more scenes between Shang and Wenwu and Shang and Xialing, felt like there was a bit more to unpack there. But other than that a really strong movie, great action, flashbacks were inserted well and flowed well, nice emotional hook, and the third act was suitably grand. I loved the dragon fight, it was exactly the sort of large-scale action that blockbusters should do. A.
  7. Was an awesome movie. Some nice emotional moments, great villain, great action. Loved the third act craziness as well, wish more blockbusters would go that route. I did think that it slowed a bit in the second act but really picked up again which was nice. Easily the best Phase 4 release so far and the first one that lives up to the quality of most of Phase 3.
  8. If so then perhaps Canada can have a smaller drop than the US today.
  9. True but ideally this sort of tracking should provide info about those who haven't bought tickets yet. Like if a film has high presales but low interest, it should be very presale-heavy since it didn't attract the general audience. It doesn't seem to really do that though.
  10. I really wonder how the awareness/interest stats can be so off sometimes. Someone posted those stats on r/boxoffice where Shang-Chi was lagging behind Free Guy in both awareness and interest. Are they just getting bad samples or what, or not accounting for fanbase factors.
  11. Yeah I saw that. Another point regarding the Saturday is that we are getting this data with a couple of hours to go, and since Friday late nights are equal to or greater than Saturday the ratio would decrease in those two hours.
  12. Pirated version for this will be in shit quality. For BW there was HD quality which is what made it more enticing.
  13. Yeah if it's 9% and 6% down from final I would consider that quite strong. At first I interpreted it as down from the same point in time. I would have considered the latter disastrous since based on the earlier update it was running around 5-10% ahead of what I would have estimated Friday's gross at that point (was expecting the ratio to increase until evening shows and then decrease again to around 10%).
  14. Uh, 9% down? That seems pretty bad this late in the day. Edit: On second thought 9% down at the same point does not make sense with the number you posted earlier today. Do you mean 9% down vs the final Friday number?
  15. Seeing this tomorrow morning. Super hyped. I haven't loved any MCU content since FFH (maybe Whatif but that is dependent on the later episodes), so I'm hoping this one really delivers.
  16. It looks like around 10% increase to me but we will know more in the night (especially once our Comscore trackers weigh in).
  17. Unless COVID gets disastrously bad, I don't see this going anywhere as low as 60M. The buzz is higher than what Shang-Chi had and that is still doing 70.
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