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Menor the Destroyer

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Everything posted by Menor the Destroyer

  1. but honestly I was expecting a bit more after the way it started. It was frontloaded like Shang-Chi's first trailer.
  2. Around 25 hours: Youtube (main channel): 16.3M views, 559k likes Youtube (IGN): 5.1M views, 194k likes Youtube (ONE Media): 2.2M views, 54k likes Youtube (HBO Max): 1.6M views, 66k likes Probably another few million from various channels. All told around 30M Twitter: 7.3M, 103.5k likes on the main tweet Facebook: 2.7M (movie page) Instagram: 1.36M (movie account), around 1.1M between the two WB accounts. Numbers are not that crazy. It was really frontloaded to the first few hours.
  3. Would phrase this like: low tier = Less popular/known character and small-scale story mid-tier = either less popular/known character and big-scale story (CM) or more popular character and small-scale story (FFH) upper-mid = more popular character and big-scale story
  4. TSS comp depends on the final few days anyway. I am concerned that it's running below F9.
  5. We're really about to have a qualifier against the world #73 in a major tournament final. Unreal. This US Open has been crazy fun.
  6. Deadline has sources for the numbers I'm pretty sure. That's how they often report a daily right before Disney officially reports it.
  7. Given Keyser's update I would guess the lower end. Not sure though since there was a huge MTC2/MTC1 split. I don't get why they won't just report the number. Even 4.8 would be perfectly ok.
  8. So that takes care of one of the rumors I was waiting on. Now if Nintendo could just get on that Switch port for Twilight Princess...
  9. Uh...I don't really see what extra information that line shows (haven't read any leaks). Doesn't the trailer make clear that he went back to the Matrix at some point? I mean he's in the Matrix (presumably) throughout most of the trailer.
  10. It did change though. Weren't they free to leave the Matrix after the end of Revolutions?
  11. Yeah I could see not having Morpheus in it at all but why recast? Why get rid of your best actor?
  12. I will be happy to be surprised. I want this movie to do well. I do think the opening could be good in some areas but I'm worried about legs.
  13. Yeah, it seems to be working so far. Although I forgot to take into account that the trailer release date was announced in advanced and set to a premiere. That would definitely inflate the initial view/like count.
  14. Ok so he forgot about the Matrix and has to be retaught? Ehhhh...this looks very rehashy. Trailer is doing very well though so far. Without HBO Max this will have nice BO potential.
  15. Man this Djokovic-Berrettini quarterfinal...Berrettini started off really well, then Djokovic found peak form and goddamn is he disgustingly good at his best.
  16. Yeah looks like. Though I don't remember how much there was for Shang-Chi.
  17. I think the damaged/not-for-sale seats are making a big difference with Friday having a much bigger showcount.
  18. Venom 2 MTC2 Thursday Showings: 3213 Seats Sold: 5272/520197 Friday Showings: 5087 Seats Sold: 5221/838958 Thursday finished about an hour before Friday (finished just now) since the run is much shorter. Thursday pace has really fallen (it probably is a couple of hundred higher in reality though since a few showings aren't returning data). 24-hr number should be significantly below SC. Friday on the other hand is looking quite strong but I'm not sure how much of it is the unusual amount of damaged/not-for-sale seats I'm seeing.
  19. Are you planning to do a Megaplex update today? Main reason I'm curious is because in MTC2 it seems like Friday is actually selling more tickets than Thursday, but I'm not sure if that's because MTC2 is showing an unusual amount of blocked/damaged seats, or if this one is actually shaping up that backloaded. Would be interested to see what the Th/Fri ratio at Megaplex is like.
  20. Yeah I think Feige should do it and he needs to be careful about what he says. Frankly I just don't like the idea of an apology for a statement that was perfectly fine.
  21. Maybe not since BW was summer, so it would make better use of that 5 PM than Venom of the 4 PM. Hard to say.
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