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Menor the Destroyer

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Everything posted by Menor the Destroyer

  1. If he does a Cena-type thing, then it definitely will piss off Western (or at least American) audiences. A lot of people are tired of every celebrity knuckling down to China. Probably wouldn't affect BO too much but it wouldn't be a good PR look at all.
  2. Venom 2 was at 4250/521393 with 3213 shows at MTC2 a couple of hours ago. I am doing another run now but it's broadly doing similar numbers to Shang-Chi, with a slight edge due to the much higher show count. A healthy start I would say.
  3. Runtime will only help the OW as it allows theaters to squeeze in many shows. As for quality, it's impossible to say how the runtime would affect it.
  4. So far from partial data I am seeing it about equal to SC start or a bit higher, though it also had tickets go on sale at a better time.
  5. 1 hr 35 according to Cinemark. Yeah, very short for a CBM. It's an interesting choice, hopefully it means that it's a tight and fast-paced film.
  6. Huge showcount for Thursday at MTC2. 3206 shows. That is 20% more than Black Widow started with!!! They are really betting big on this. Will run numbers once I get out of class. Edit: So the runtime is only 1 hr 35 min. That, along with the 4 pm start, explains the high show count.
  7. IT trailer went viral. 197m views in 24 hours. It was everywhere on my social media. Dune has not had anything close to that level.
  8. I think I still need to actually see to appreciate the context though you explained it well. I went back and rewatched the Gringotts dragon scene, which confirmed my memory, I didn't find it all that amazing, though it was a functional action scene. Buckbeak's flight was really good but was a very different type of scene.
  9. Reception in East Asia overall seems fairly meh. So it will probably just do baseline MCU numbers, nothing special.
  10. It was better than the Harry Potter examples you posted. Well, better than the Hallows scene and the Goblet of Fire dragon, at least. Buckbeak's flight is a different type of scene entirely. Not better than Avatar's creature action (but that is an extremely high bar, Avatar had exceptional effects). Haven't seen GOT to compare. Also the CGI on the dragons was good. I had heard there was some issue with the third-act CGI and was pleasantly surprised that they actually looked nice.
  11. I don't think it would be much of a fight if Spidey has to split. I am not sure about Matrix 4 but it should still destroy Kingsman.
  12. Given how weak Tuesdays have been this year that is a lot better than I expected.
  13. For me meta can go more bad than good, though that descriptor itself could mean a variety of things, but it immediately made me think of some of the meta stuff in TLJ which I hated (thought it was a complete misrepresentation of previous films). Only 3 posts down. You know what to do.
  14. Frankly, I was never that invested in any of the characters, even Neo, Trinity, and Morpheus. To me it was the biggest weakness of these movies. The action scenes were nice and the worldbuilding intriguing, but it's hard to stay engaged when I just don't care much what happens to these people.
  15. I mean there are a couple of other posts below agreeing with him... Personally the tease doesn't do much for me but I will wait for the real trailer to say anything more.
  16. Spider-Man really lucked out until Dead Man's Chest. Reloaded, Shrek 2, Spider-Man 2, and ROTS all would have crushed the record with Friday openings.
  17. I liked the first two (though didn't like the first as much as most), don't really remember much about the third other than it being supremely messy. I think this has the potential to do well but the HBO Max release will be a big drag, especially since it targets an older audience.
  18. Average does not matter since the MCU releases a lot more movies. As I said if you compare the biggest movies to the biggest movies, Furious does not fare so well. EG > F7, IW > F8, and don't tell me that F9 would have come anywhere close to TA or AOU overseas with that huge China drop. There was a time in 2015-17 where Furious was the top dog overseas but not anymore. Frankly with the way F9 dropped I won't be surprised if Jurassic has surpassed Fast overseas by now, we will see how Dominion does.
  19. I'm liking the score on first listen. I like that Shang-Chi's theme is a blend of his father's and mother's. It's a good theme too, I was able to hum it as I walked out so it has some memorability at least.
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