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Lion Roar

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Everything posted by Lion Roar

  1. Also the Oct 2023 date is gone now, presumably that was the DP3 slot and is now on hold until Ryan Reynolds decides to come back to acting. Blade looks to be the Nov 2023 one, they should probably move it up another week to take advantage of Halloween.
  2. Damn it this is by far my most anticipated movie in the next few years and now I gotta wait another 2 months? And no Marvels until 2023?
  3. Why does Ezra Miller's hair look terrible for both versions of Flash? I still don't like his interpretation of the character, but I am intrigued by Keaton's return. Too bad Michelle Pfeiffer is not in this, would have loved to see her Catwoman again.
  4. I too prefer the first trailer. Really don't like all the shots focusing on his bullet proof suit. Otoh, Colin Farrell's accent is amazing.
  5. The more depressing/polarized the real world is, the more people will gravitate towards escapism in entertainment. The way the world is headed I don't see fun action genres losing traction any time soon. These things can still do well on streaming, but most people don't want to pay an extra $20 to be sad in theaters when life is hard enough.
  6. I can't speak for others but subject matter is definitely the turn off for me. It's much more repulsive than Squid Game.
  7. This is nothing like Gladiator though. If it were I would be there opening weekend. As it is, with this subject matter, I won't even bother streaming it.
  8. Eternals T-24 Presales at local AMC: Starting with 4 shows only due to long runtime: 2 IMAX and 2 Standard. Presales are wayyyy ahead of V2 and Bond. The 7PM IMAX is already 50% sold. Eternals has sold 267 out of 1024 seats: 182 IMAX, 85 Standard Comp: 3.98x V2 first day, 2.1x NTTD first day. V2 severely underperformed here and NTTD overperformed, so no idea where it will end up, but this is definitely a fantastic first day.
  9. Damn I was already losing interest in this with the return of miss bland and blofeld nonsense, but reading these spoilers I actually have no desire to watch this now. Guess I will just wait for Dune and rewatch Shangchi again in the meantime.
  10. This seems inevitable after the end credit scene. Xialing's great, and I hope to see a lot more of her and the Ten Rings.
  11. NTTD T-11 update: Wednesday Sneak Peak: 119 out of 338 - 35.21% Thursday: 217 out of 1118 - 19.41% Combining the two nights, NTTD is currently at 1.87x Venom 2 with an extra week to go. Yeah my theater is overperforming alot for some reason.
  12. T-4 update: Venom has now sold 180 tickets total out of 1536 seats, 11.72%. Almost doubled in about 10 days. - 113 out of 1044 IMAX - 67 out of 522 regular This is still behind NTTD sales at my theater even without the Wednesday sneak peak. Not sure why this is doing so poorly in my theater compared to the national data(Or why Bond is doing so well here). I'm curious to see just much this is underperforming.
  13. Does anyone else immediately think of Lose Yourself when they see the title? Or is it just me?
  14. WTF is this tacky nonsense I'm offended just looking at these pictures
  15. Didn't realize there is an early access screening for NTTD. Anyway, it has sold 32 out of 338 seats.
  16. NTTD starting with 6 shows at my local AMC, same as V2, 3 PLF 3 regular, but alot fewer seats. It has one less IMAX and instead has a much smaller auditorium for one 3D show 🤣 It's doing much better than V2 though despite having 400+ less seats. NTTD has sold 127 out of 1118 seats: 5 3D, 95 IMAX, 27 2D. Comp: 2.49x Venom 2 after first day of presales 1.33x Venom 2 total sales T-13 I have no idea why NTTD is doing so much better than V2 at my theater, but it has quite a few large groups, while V2 is mostly singletons and duos. V2 is still moving very slowly here, sold 4 tickets in the last 24 hours.
  17. At my theater Bond surpassed Venom 2's first day of presales in less than an hour.
  18. 8 days later, Venom has now sold 91 tickets total out of 1536 seats: 47 out of 1044 IMAX seats 44 out of 522 Regular Haven't started picking up yet at my theater, let's see how the next two weeks go.
  19. I was going to skip this because I can't stand Chalamet, but these reactions are making me reconsider. Maybe I'll give it a shot.
  20. It's too bad that he felt this was a racist fantasy because it certainly didn't feel that way to me or any of my Asian friends and family. Not sure how it's a Orientalist fantasy when Wuxia is literally one of the most popular genres in Chinese culture and has been for over half a century. Obviously Shangchi has a seat at the table, they already said as much in the mid credit scene. I guess some people want to take the most cynical view on everything and get angry about every step towards progress that's made because Shangchi somehow wasn't magically made the leader of the Avengers at his first outing.
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