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Saul Goodman

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Everything posted by Saul Goodman

  1. Yep, it's closer to 4 months and BP2 is going to be big at the box office so having a trailer before it makes a lot of sense.
  2. Lol wtf was this movie. Complete mismatch of tone from one scene to the other and the script/directing/editing is incredibly lazy. Pierce was the best part and yet they wasted him. This movie and SS 2016 are very close in quality.
  3. A lot of hate for DS2 is overblown, sure it could have been longer to explore some things more. But the movie looks stunning and very much feels like a classic Strange adventure. Raimi's touch can be seen in almost every frame. Hope he returns for DS3.
  4. Honestly, can't wait to see this. Coogler knows his stuff and from the trailers it looks to be different than any CBM released in the recent years.
  5. Rock has been around in movies for 20 years now, but his sudden rise in 2015-2016 is really interesting. Hercules was a bomb in 2014, yet summer 2015 had San Andreas and F7(although he wasn't much in it). That year was easily the turning point of his career.
  6. Lower than Shazam? Yikes. Plus Rock's draw is not what it was like say 5 years ago. All of his movies seem the same lately.
  7. I feel like her popularity as the character was lightning in a bottle. Or maybe WB just couldn't capitalize on it since 2016.
  8. I enjoyed The Suicide Squad, but I can see why it wasn't very popular with audiences. It's just such a weird movie, it starts off with a bang but then loses steam until the third act. I still don't know how Gunn and WB let Margot Harley have such less screen time.
  9. Lol I had completely forgotten about this movie! My local theater had its huge poster at one of the central locations of the venue and people used to go like "Omg look at the star cast! This movie is going to be so good!". Aside from this one, 2014 was a great year for movies.
  10. Is Foxney still contracted to follow the 2 month long theatrical window for flops like these?
  11. The reactions sound mixed even from the usual WB/DC approved bloggers, expecting RT to be in the 50-70% range.
  12. I know, right? Chapek era marketing has been mediocre at best. They need to get those clips and BTS features out like they used to do earlier. It seems like they took internet's complaints of "don't show too much in marketing!" a bit seriously lol.
  13. November is a bad but Marvel somehow loves sticking with it. This should have had that release date of Ant-Man 3.
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