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Liiviig 1998

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Everything posted by Liiviig 1998

  1. MI7 is an OS heavy franchise. It's domestic footprint is not that strong . TLM was able to breakeven with 550m on 250m budget due to a higher percentage of it's box-office from state side. Where studios get 55% cut of the boxoffice. OS minus china 40% China 25% TLM will do 295M+ Dom MI7 won't go much past 170m. There is no way it's breakeven on 600m. So if this doesn't come to like 650m atleast it's aflop.
  2. Looks fun. as long as it's not another TLT should be fine. Visually it's looks ehh just like the first movie.
  3. It's a Nolan flick .His name alone brings audience. Nolan films just always get legs. Tenet flew past 300m OS dead middle in the pandemic. It's his worst recieved movie audience wise.
  4. Just think there was a mix up with early shows. He originally posted 19.5 with early shows but it seems that number wasn't including early shows.
  5. Post titanic cameron is ehh. Still liked avatar 2 but God sections had me rolling my eyes , the plot with the children is just so painfully generic and in my head I was like "cameron you can definitely do better than this" Stephen Lang plotline ,like seriously are u kidding me. Third act was the best part of the film. Think titanic got to his head Abit. Just hate his long waits btn movies now .I know he wants to perfect the VFX but the scripts are just not worth the wait . T2 and Titanic are his major achievements imo. Aliens is good but prefer the original. Nolan is my favorite director and he is not perfect ,he has his flaws too but he is definitely miles way better than what Cameron is now. Avatar should have been just one film and some will disagree . Yes Pandora is massive world but clearly Cameron doesn't really know what to do with other than his VFX obsession. First movie kind of worked but the second film he clearly ran out of ideas.
  6. Verified at 92% A-/B+ which is really good for a comedy. 7.7/10 IMDb is solid don't really know how much review bombing is involved but this clearly was never going get as much backlash I guess. Even all audience score is 81% and usually heavily review bombed movies it would have dipped like below 50% It's going to make a tonne of money , the "go woke ,go broke crowd" will just slowly dissolve away so don't expect barbie to generate alot of negative clickbaity videos and chatter like Indy ,TLM etc.. Yeah it's not Disney movie.
  7. NOt really surprised. Viewership has been low . Only Ms marvel was worse. Loki will be big though. Budgets for this shows have been ridiculous at points 212m for this is just ridiculous. Barely any CGI or action sequences and the final result is so bland visually. Episode are just over 30m long without credits. Where did that money go. 225m for she hulk was a little too much too. HOD cost 125-200m and oh boy the visuals and the CGI on the dragons and sets look incredible.
  8. I do agree don't think there is any problem with her transitioning to populist director, Spielberg and Nolan among many others have done it and been successful so the discourse around this a tad bit hyperbolic. Buts let's face it too populist blockbuster film making has vastly changed today from 2012 and beyond we have gotten CGI fests,factory filmaking , rehashes,remakes,nostalgia,rabid fanbases,studio meddling and cooperatism etc.... and if one is not stable ,they can lose their distinctive touch . Spielberg was populist but one of the best of the best, he created and spawned distinct franchises and not many directors can do that in todays climate. We live in Hollywood which is worshipping you and the next second throwing you under the bus especially female directors. Look at what happened to Jenkins. Greta should choose what she wants to direct but also choose should wisely what best suits her directing sensibilities and strengths too. Just look at Zhao used to doing low key character study movies and oh boy she was given eternals with 10 characters to juggle and we'll the rest is history...
  9. Thinking this is gonna blow up is just set yourself up for dissapointment. This should do fine .675-800m
  10. TDK Inception Dunkirk BB Prestige Interstellar Memento TDKR Tenet Haven't watched insomnia and the following.
  11. Barbiehiemer ain't going to be strong in Asia . The nature of these movies is just not going to translate that well.
  12. https://youtu.be/W-1OT1jxuQo Season 2 trailer. Definitely step up atlest visually from season 1
  13. Olivia Colman>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Rest of the show. Gravec is an absolute piece of shit. Slowly devolved into simply one of the worst MCU villians. He was just servicable in the first 2 episodes after that he has been on freefall Mechanics of the harvest plotline are straight up laughably dumb. Emilia Clarke was in this for the paycheck. She doesn't give a fuck. Last 3 episodes have been close to sitcom length and overall it feels like fiege ,team and writers gave up on the show and just wanted to rid themselves of it. With exception of Colman, everyone else looks bored.
  14. Breakeven is calculated of production budget. Assumption is ancillaries beyond is enough to cover the marketing budget In the long run. How do you think TLM on a 250m production budget has broken even with just 550m box-office!!! Shazam made 70m+ profit on a box office of 363m against a 100m budget minus marketing.
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