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Everything posted by Borobudur

  1. If Transformer managed to pull off a late surge from $45m OW to $60m+ opener, there should not be much hesitation to consider MI couldn't pull off the same trick with glowing review.
  2. The early look got some potential to $100m OW, at least more probable than when Flash first hit presale.
  3. I guess i will stick to $534,8m because that is the number that everyone else reported.
  4. Barbie is IP but it is fresh IP on big screen. It is brand that people have high awareness but do not have high dosage yet, so that will create some novelty factor that almost come as strong as like original IP.
  5. Holiday weekend during summer always suppressed Saturday's growth. And for a movie that achieve 12.3x IM over OW, Elemental will have smaller problem dealing with "inflated by preview" OW.
  6. For a movie that attract so much negative press like Flash, is gonna to have terrible legs regardless of actual WOM. The bad press is too much for potential audience to bear or give it a try. In this digital era, buzz matters more than ever. This is why I can't emphasis more that ATOW did something remarkable by overcoming the negative headline during its OW and come back alive, after the headline of the movie breaking $!bn start circulating and turn thing around.
  7. Way too high, China is no longer as friendly to Hollywood as in 2018. ATSV is the clearest example where every part of world have the movie increase from the first one, except China and it is not like the movie badly received there.
  8. So far all the reaction have been overwhelming positive. I still can't believe this won't get TGM bump especially after TGM, Cruise' star power brand has in a way, associated to old Hollywood, and that should please some daddy from red states.
  9. Aquaman making a billion is not a bad thing for DC, it is the wrong lesson that DC took from Aquaman. The success of Aquaman is because how general and crowdpleasing it is. General public just doesn't care the DC worldbuilding and that is why they whenever they attempt to build a wider universe, the movie failed.
  10. I don't think $700m is any longer possible with that hold but at least will overtake Full river red to become WW 3rd highest grossing movie of the year.
  11. The buzz and hype for this movie is certainly building in real world, hope this don't behave like other WB films that just dying down in the final week up to the release.
  12. Hope that happens Elemental too to push it past 30m OW. Elemental is so good, I would rank the movie ahead of the Bad Guys, Sing 2 and probably just notch below PIB2.
  13. The lower end was that low? I remember most tracking even until the last week before release still had it going over at least $150m. The meltdown during OW shouldn't be that bad if 135m was "somewhat expected". But anyway, I agree Flash is the bigger miss now.
  14. I always thought ATOW was one of the bigger miss since reopening.
  15. Will it suffer the sudden slow down like Avatar 2 in the last week of presale?
  16. 3 years gap between A2 and A3 make sense. Each JW movie also had 3-4 years gap.
  17. I am not that surprised by the delay, in fact I believe more to come. Not as bad as delay for Avatar 2 but still some delays, especially given the VFX heavy works.
  18. How come we are doing a contest for Flash when they are multiple $100m OW openers didn't get this treatment?
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