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Sophia Jane

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Everything posted by Sophia Jane

  1. In swiss,NWH overtake AEG become the highest grossing MCU film
  2. NWH drop near 0% from last weekend in Czech Republic,amazing run,attracted over 606,000 admissions,passing local Blockbuster become the Highest Grossing film of the year,the first superhero film take the year champion in Czech In term of Box office,NWH cross CZK 100m benchmark,11th highest grossing film of all time Highest grossing film in Cezch 1 Bohemian Rhapsody 266m 2 Zeny V behu 213m 3 Avatar 211m 4 AEG 157m 5 Andel Pane 2 146m 6 Frozen 2 129m 7 Vratne lahve 124m 8 Zeny v pokusahi 124m 9 Minions 109m 10 The Hobbit 3 102m 11 Spiderman:NWH 100m
  3. In Nepal ,NWH is already the Highest Grossing film of the year,first Hollywood film take the year champion(Nepal banned Hollywood from 1994 to 2017)
  4. In New Zealand NWH gross over NZ$ 11.62m,overtake The Hobbit 1 ,become top 10 highest grossing film of all time in New Zealand,another new market crowd in Top 10! 1 Avatar 17.37m 2 SW7 14.63m 3 TLOR1 14.61m 4 AEG 14.48m 5 Titanic 14.01m 6 TLOR3 13.62m 7 TLK 13.02m 8 Local* 12.2m 9 TLOR2 12.14m 10 Spiderman:NWH 11.62m
  5. In Hungary,NWH already attracted 586,000 people,Second Highest Marvel film here,overtake 'Avengers Infinity War',third Highest Superhero film ,behind 'Avengers Endgame' and 'Batman 1989' In term of Box office,NWH passed Rogue One:the Star Wars story(1030m) become 6th Highest film ever in Hungary,gross 1041m fori,The current top 5 Highest grossing film in Hungary :SW7(1828m),Avatar(1750m),SW8(1380m),AEG(1330m),SW9(1165m)
  6. Yeah Korea have many amazing movie ,I couldn't call it the best in the world,but I can be sure is one of the best in the world.
  7. NWH Performance in Japan is not very good actually. Maybe the popularity of Spiderman flopped these years in Japan
  8. Wait,Is this Parasite that Korea movie? How could this movie become such a great hit in Mexico?
  9. in term of box office,NWH is already 5th Highest Grossing film of all time in Turkey,Highest Grossing Hollywood movie.
  10. It will pass 7m admissions,New benchmark for Superhero movie
  11. If Avatar 2 trailer released and confirm that Avatar2 will released this year,Aquaman 2 will leave.
  12. Yes,I can be sure that Spiderman is the most popular Superhero in this world,Box office can prove that,Many of my classmates really love him,so do I.Peter Parker is one of the most beloved character in this world. Superman is the most well-known Character,because Superman's popularity is already last 80 years in the entire world,today if some people doing something amazing,people will say"Wow,you are such a Superman"He is already a word which can describe great person,he is the symbol of America,if people think of America,they will think about Superman,Statue of Liberty,Coca-cola...etc
  13. both old generation and young generation,from America 's thrive street to Africa poor village,everybody know who Superman is(Spiderman can do that too,but Superman is slightly more famous ),we are talking about fame,not popularity. 80 years history made Superman's name wide spread worldwide For sure that Spider-man is the most popular Character in this world,but Superman is the most famous Character,That's different
  14. I think best known character must be Superman I don't think there are any people who walk on Earth don't know Superman.He is too famous,and the culture symbol of the United States,like coca-cola. I am a Marvel fan but we all have to admit that Superman is the most famous person on Earth ,he is more famous than America president.
  15. The yearly ranking is weird Seems cut the movie admissions which released at the end of the year
  16. In Belgium,NWH have a super impressive run,one of the best performence in EU market NWH only drop 14% from last weekend,overall it's gross €10.44m,5th highest grossing film of all time in Belgium TOP 10 highest grossing film in Belgium 1.Titanic 18.9m 2.Avatar 15.1m 3.TLK 14m 4.TLOR3 10.9m 5.Spiderman:NWH 10.44m 6.NTTD 10.36m 7.Skyfall 10.3m 8.SW7 9.9m 9.Harry Potter 8 9.9m 10.Pirates of the Caribbean 2 9.6m
  17. In Belgium,NWH have a super impressive run,one of the best performence in EU market NWH only drop 14% from last weekend,overall it's gross €10.44m,5th highest grossing film of all time in Belgium TOP 10 highest grossing film in Belgium 1.Titanic 18.9m 2.Avatar 15.1m 3.TLK 14m 4.TLOR3 10.9m 5.Spiderman:NWH 10.44m 6.NTTD 10.36m 7.Skyfall 10.3m 8.SW7 9.9m 9.Harry Potter 8 9.9m 10.Pirates of the Caribbean 2 9.6m
  18. I think is a good example for all theater in the world.,customer not stupid. Everybody want to make money,I Totally understand,but that not means you can use this situation to rip off consumers. This kind of wanton price increase at the cinema is no different from fraud.
  19. JW not a same level as JP,this is not competition Jurassic Park is the benchmark and Milestone for the Hollywood movie,like Avatar,"the first industrial revolution" of the movie,That's why Jurassic Park break the Worldwide box office record,but Jurassic World has nothing special,is just a normal Hollywood movie. It's just like comparing George Washington to Barack Obama. You like to compare different level movie ,like compare The Hobbit to TLOR ,JW and JP,they are sequels,but not means their popularity is same level.
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