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Everything posted by Chicago

  1. The strong points of BW for me was the sister and father. The weak point for me was (and I can't believe I'm saying this) Ray Wintsone.
  2. It's ancedotal but I hear this all the time. Comic book movies are fun but there's a serious lack of original blockbusters these days which puts many off movies as a whole. We used to get a raunchy comedy breakout ever year but even they have died off lately and the closest thing we get is Deadpool, a superhero movie. We had Ted, The Hangover, were the millers, Bad Neighbours, wedding Crashers and the jump streets yet this past 5 years has been dire for the genre. Even Todd Phillips moved from comedy to CBM's. It's becoming a bit depressing Every year I used to wonder what would be the hit comedy to see but lately it's as if studios have lost their sense of humour.
  3. In their defense, these early screen reactions have a track record of overrating films simply because they were the first to see them. I always remember when MOS was labelled a masterpiece by early reactions lol. His opinion may end up being more in line with where expectations should be, who knows.
  4. Can someone fill me in on the hate surrounding her? She seems so innocent but is always blasted, I must be missing something
  5. It's simply not a Marvel movie if you don't blow everything up at the end. First they feed us the vegatables, then we get the juicy steak
  6. Ohhhh I know the movie. I saw it advertised watching TSS and thought it was going to be some old school Orange ad we had before movies. I laughed at the "can you translate that" line though I won't lie
  7. I don't even know what "People just do nothing" is but I think it will manage it
  8. I think this could have made 100m OW pre pandemic but now I'm guessing half that. Still a good number given the times. DC posted their worst OW during this pandemic, I think Marvel will do the same with this personally
  9. People watched Endgame at midnight because they didn't want the movie ruined for them. This doesn't have the same sort of secrecy. No-one I watched Endgame at midnight with has mentioned seeing this. I know it's ancedotal but so are all of our opinions
  10. That's just comic book movies in general though. A DCEU movie averagely opens to 88m even with BOP and TSS keeping the averages dow. Even The Green Lantern opened to 50m, and that was 10 years ago. It's not just Marvel, it's all superhero movies
  11. Can't agree there. I watched Endgame at midnight, alot of us did. Haven't seen a marvel movie in cinemas since. The best of the MCU have retired their roles so they will lose some audience because of that.
  12. Favourite hero lol. These reactions are always the same. I'll never trust them after they all laballed Man Of steel a masterpiece.
  13. With an Asian cast, it's doubtful this becomes as successful as the more well known heros
  14. I've not been able to view average ratings for quite some time on that site which is annoying
  15. Utter madness how we are 24 movies in and there hasn't been a poorly reviewed marvel movie
  16. I think all these films are losing 50% domestically. Yes I think BW could have managed 140m, TSS at 52m, Free guy at 60 and TJC at 68m if there was no pandemic. Obviously we will never know the true extent though. I'm shocked at how high AQP2 opened now, wondering if that could have opened much higher or maybe it benefited through not having Delta so established
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