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Everything posted by Chicago

  1. I would have thought summer vacation would effect weekdays more than weekends. We could put it down to the warm weather we had 2 weeks ago compared to the miserable weather last weekend, that likely softened the drops. Kids on vacation are mostly under 15 also Even still, CBM's performances in general tend to closely allign with the UK. The GBP gross is usually around 10% of the domestic dollar gross. With that in mind, TSS seems to be over performing in the UK compared to the US, more than any CBM in recent memory. Being free to watch could be that reason. JC and BW aren't great to compare with because they aren't actually free, you still have to pay around £20 here to watch them on D+
  2. Wow. I guess HBO max truly is a killer. This held 30% in the UK after a similar sized opening (comparably)
  3. Why is it always 'blame the right wing'. Here's an interesting fact, the top 3 States of Covid deaths per 100,000 people are all Blue states. California with the highest amount of deaths in the Country is a Blue state. This whole anti vaccine fiasco isn't reserved for 'just the ring wing', there's plenty of people from the opposite side of the spectrum being just as selfish globally People who don't like the idea of a government forcing them to take live saving vaccines likely don't have a left or right swing but are more just part of the anti-establishment gang.
  4. “Twitter now is just an opportunity for very left-wing people to express increasingly left-wing views to other left-wing people.”. - Jeremy Clarkson, Clarksons Farm Jeremy hit the nail on the head with that quote
  5. I'll need to finish it. It's dubbed here which is annoying, I'd much rather subtitles. I think we were just vampired out, we'd just watched Fright Night
  6. The problem I have with watching films at home is I watch them in 2 sittings and sometimes forget to finish them. The benefits of having a takeaway ordered to your door whilst viewing a film from your sofa is hard to ignore though
  7. You liked this? The Mrs and I watched this the other night, we got an hour in, got bored and turned it off. Ending up watching those Fear Street movies instead in the end
  8. Movie theatres won't die. Even if streaming platforms maxed out their subscribers, they wouldnt ignore the chunk of revenue the box office generates. Worse comes to worse, they get bought out. It's crazy that's it's been just 2 years since a movie smashed the opening weekend record and became the highest grossing movie of all time yet people think the theatre business is just going to end. It's going to take more than a pandemic to do that
  9. I'm intrigued that Andy Serkis is directing this. Wonder if his directing is as good as his acting
  10. I really appreciate that you took the time to write this. I can totally see where you are coming from. I was unaware of the fanboying problem in the past and the problems you all had to deal with. Take care
  11. Probably some more good holds to come judging by the weather today. I emptied my pond in the weekend, it's already filled back up
  12. Eric do you have to ban people for having conversations? There was no flame war in the Suicide Squad thread, I didn't violate any rule, just having an innocent conversation and I certianly didnt go against Cap's instruction. The sites quiet as it is, surely we could do with more conversations
  13. He had the biggest song over here, I prefer his style as it is, I don't want him to change like Ed Sheeran did. Doesn't surprise me, after all he's Scottish lol. Did you seen him on the Graham Norton show? Guy clearly loves the sesh. Atleast he's funnier than Jim Carrey at the very least
  14. Oh btw... Joker was shit too. actually it was worse than shit, it was quite scary. The "you get what you fucking deserve" line was praised by far too many edgy teens. It was quite disturbing to see so many young people see Jokers actions as understandable.
  15. She doesn't look like she's gone off the rails, well hopefully not lol. I'm interested to see how TSS homds in the US compared to the UK. It's a flop regardless I guess
  16. Yeah I remember her winning a Grammy over Lewis Capaldi whilst everyone with decent musical taste raised their eyebrows in disbelief. It was a USA based awards show afterall and it was controvesial at the time. I remember social media being shocked by that outcome. Yeah she made 2 shit albums. Seriously I could write a top 10 hit these days. It's probably just a US thing, I think you lot like her more than the UK
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