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Everything posted by interiorgatordecorator

  1. even when avatar 2 was regularly accumulating 800 million predictions (not saying that wont happen, but y'know) people were saying 200 million dom for puss was possible, so if avatar 2 only makes a very very meh 550 million, where does that hypothetical 250 million worth of audiences go? always dumb to talk audiences that might not exist, but shouldnt avatar "underperforming" (for now) mean that Puss's ceiling has substantially increased?
  2. IM TALKING ABOUT ORANGE PANTHER 2 MAKING 300 DOM (in the event that avatar 2 only has decent-to-good legs for a december movie)
  3. so Puss in Boots; the whitney doc seems DOA (extreme beach volleyball edition), so its puss in boots or nothing for anyone who thinks avatar wont have amazing legs anyone ready to flirt with 300 dom for puss? all my eggs are still in the avatar basket, but if its december 27 and Iron Jimbo hasnt returned then i'd be very interested in seeing how PB2 might perform
  4. my thought process that it might have an affect today rather than tomorrow, as some might want to sleep early in order to make sure to not miss the match
  5. wrong, its not a good thing now that gintama is over, anime is a dead medium not worth paying attention to
  6. True lies should have ended with the nuke kiss, everything after that really dragged
  7. what was the chinese box office site that showed the atp of each movie, and estimate of how many tickets sold and what its market share was?
  8. now that SheldonCR has kicked out PlainOldTete out of the top 4 users with the most posts in this thread, I want to ask, what role did he play in this thread?
  9. r/boxoffice already starting with the flop talk, is that their way of trying to summon/manifest an insane multiplier?
  10. The teaser is spectacular, everything after the minute mark is just perfection When Ken does that fighting stance, I really felt it love how much energy it all seems to have really happy to see that this got uploaded in the kids-only mattel channel, soft-confirmation that this probably wont be a 2 hour long metaphor for sexual politics
  11. lol no im watching it on the 23rd But ive received a couple of reactions from people I know
  12. Funny that you mentioned LOTR, cause Cameron did the same thing, over and over again talking about LOTR in relation to the avatar sequels, he also mentioned star wars, but that was more about the type of "cultural impact" he wanted them to get reading some of his interviews (which I did a lot of), it really did seem like he was aiming for his avatar sequels to be all-timers, Cameron hyped up the sequels a lot, he spoke about the scripts themselves "blowing peoples minds" ; my seemingly insane expectations came from somewhere, and that somewhere was cameron's own words mixed with his track record The strategic mistake in this case is that, assumming he wasnt lying all along, he really should not have allowed 2 to be weakest of the sequels
  13. adding to that whats "worse", is that there were pre-release hints that maybe that perfection had been achieved, its what lead to me sticking my kneck out and predict an insane 91 on mc, its what fueled my 3 billion + predictions from the start, it why I began dooming when the first 8/10-tier reaction dropped, I instantly knew that the "perfection" you spoke about had not even been achieved maybe Jim Cameron was talking about avatar 3 or 4 all along, but I cant see how that isnt a massive strategical mistake
  14. Latam is pretty much the only place where the 1st one did not no do incredible, and its now pretty much the only place that is having pretty great ow's what changed?
  15. not familiar with the SK market or its terminology, those are good signs right?
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