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Everything posted by 75Live

  1. Just got home from RO and it was really good as for the trailers, we had Fast 8, Spider-man, GOTG 2, Pirates 5, Transformers 5, Kong, Logan, Sing and I think that's it. So at least those 8, there may have been one more, but I can't remember
  2. Thanks. yeah I hope to enjoy it. One friend that saw it said the same thing. He also said it's the best SW since 1983 but I don't think he was a fan of the PT or TFA so not sure how to take that
  3. I got busy with other friends so this will be my first viewing tonight. It's why I have been scarce in almost all the Rogue One threads because if I'm not, i know I'll read something I didn't want to before i see it
  4. yeah I'm almost afraid to see how many trailers I have to go through tonight. I am guessing at least 7-9. Maybe I'll take a nap at that time to be more refreshed for the movie
  5. and with Passengers crashing like it did review wise, maybe that's why they decided to keep the embargo
  6. wow, I guess this view was inevitable but showed up faster than I thought it might
  7. wow, this thread turned into sadly what I thought it would when the reviews went south. Geez, I had to put someone on ignore before because I couldn't take the constant "promo" stuff about nothing. It's nothing against the person but I couldn't even read the thread when that was happening. Now the "fans" are making it even worse. The reviews and stuff are out there. It's real, get over it. Watch the movie if you want, I'll probably still see it regardless of all the stuff. But you can't have it both ways. Why don't people get if you are extreme on one side (which is bad) , you are going to get the extreme on the other side to counter it (which is also bad). It's just how it goes. So now can we all play nice?
  8. still think this film should be ok enough and the gross should be ok enough too. But I love the circle of it's going to be great and get great reviews due to the cast, etc, etc, so can't wait for RT, then some hints it may be just ok, so it goes "well it will still have decent reviews so don't worry", then the bad reviews come out, "oh RT never mattered anyway" it's not a shot at anyone in here, because it happens in almost all threads, just funny how RT is the end all be all until the reviews don't go in the fan's favor for the people that want to see it, go see it. Relax and let the people pointing out the bad reviews point them out. No need to defend or deflect or feel bad, sometimes reviews come out bad for movies people want to see.
  9. Couldn't have said it better myself. This is an insult to direct to DVD movies
  10. she's already in the trailer...she's actually playing Vin in the whole movie and she will reveal herself as the big twist in the movie when she tears off her Dom mask near the end
  11. I'm sure you aren't, but out of the early ones only the first one to me is decent. I could easily skip 2-4 as they range from mediocre to just hammered crap
  12. lol so silly which means yes I'll watch it as it fits the series
  13. Wow a few are already showing up that I thought would show up later. But good list so far. Nice to see some of the older ones show up too
  14. Nope, for two reasons. one ,never heard of it, and two more importantly , I don't have Netflix lol
  15. ok, I kind of liked the trailer Yeah it's not the best but it at least made me grin and laugh a bit, not at all the "jokes" but enough worked for me. Not sure I'll actually see it, but I usually see whatever movie the Rock is in regardless
  16. i just had to watch for the "can't look away from the trainwreck" reasons and yeah it's bad, but it was to be expected. Unless some girl wants me to go with her (like with the first one and that was a scary scene in the screening), there is zero chance I see this in the theater.
  17. yeah I was going to say some don't really fit, but regardless. I don't think there is really anything untapped. I think because there aren't as many is what is helping them to a point. But yes, obviously when one looks good, people do tend to go out and watch them. So I think the anticipation of finally getting one helps with some of the bigger grosses whereas yes, there is the possibility that money could be spread out over more adult movies instead of just a few.
  18. Finally saw the trailer and it was pretty good but that's pretty normal for these, the problem is usually the film itself but nice to see Unicron finally show up so that will probably get me in the theater on its own
  19. I can deal with Anakin being a kid but I agree that at some point during the movie, even if it's just a few scenes near the end to establish him as a likeable character as a teen so it means more as the movies go on. It seems to some people that he was basically an annoying somewhat selfish child, then basically was the same as a teen, so it didn't have the effect when he turned that I think Lucas wanted.
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