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Everything posted by 75Live

  1. I could see that, as well. Lots of ways they can go. I am not caught up to the point in the comics and the show are in the same place, which I do on purpose so I can be less spoiled going into the show. Although I did finish compendium volume 2 and about to start volume 3 so depending on how fast I read, I will get to whenever Negan shows up and stop reading
  2. well you got your answer before the episode ended I thought this was a really good follow up to the premiere. We all needed a little levity and some jokes to recover from the first episode. It was good to see Carol and Morgan again. Plus since neither of them know yet what happened to their group by Negan, I have a funny feeling at least one of the two, most likely Carol, are going to do something pretty big to make up for it all.
  3. ok to meh trailer, but I'm usually a sucker for sci fi "horror" like this so I'll probably give it a shot although I am wondering if they gave away something big in the trailer. But I guess I will find out when I see it
  4. looks horrible already, it's destroying my childhood, someone think of the leopards...now that we got all that out of the way but seriously, this should be a pretty good flick even with some of the sketchy casting choices. I am looking forward to it
  5. yeah I have the 3 compendiums and I purposely stop reading once they catch up to where I am watching the show. Now I can finish the second one and probably part of the 3rd one without spoiling anything Too bad my one friend, no matter how many times I tell him not to, tends to spoil part of the comic for me though
  6. yeah this series is definitely up there for me as well. I'd have to really think about what would be over it, but regardless I doubt it would be lower than third place just off the top of my head. I wasn't sure if they were going to go through with the Carl arm thing either, but with the way the episode was going, I wouldn't have been surprised if they did
  7. I can believe that, although I am glad that character is gone
  8. yeah I think unlike some shows they say they have some big plan, I think they really do for this show. Now not saying that some things still can't come out of left field of course
  9. Unless you don't want to believe the showrunner, but it that's not how it happened. showrunner Scott M. Gimple said the decision to have Negan kill both Glenn and Abraham was made about two years ago and that the deaths had to be important enough to “break Rick” and make the audience believe that “Rick would be under the thumb of Negan.”
  10. Yeah I called one of the deaths in Glen but it still hit me hard. When they took out Abraham, that was bad, but it was still more anticipation since we waited so long. But when he hit Glenn and it was kind of out of nowhere with no set up, I literally jumped out of my seat and started to walk away, but still watch of course. Not that I didn't care about Abraham but I was kind of prepared where the other one, even though I figured it was going to happen, was more of the OMG moment since Neegan was talking and then like the Deep Blue Sea SLJ moment, it just happened. But yeah to see Rick get so broken into submission and the entire group basically demoralized was tough to watch. They are really teasing the Rick hand thing which I still think will happen this season. No rumor on that or spoilers, just getting a feeling it could happen. If it doesn't, that's fine since there are CGI and money issues along with it, but geez, they were trolling us the whole time about it
  11. well in the comics, he lost it a while back already so if it happens, I wouldn't be surprised yeah I am sure I will be tense for the season premiere. People already said that viewers may want to kick the screen so I am expecting the worst
  12. Finally watched Green Inferno and The Visit. Both were decent but nothing special
  13. I thought it was a good reboot. I like the parallel of the government evolving just like Godzilla did. His final look was pretty awesome to me and it's always good to see some old fashione Godzilla destruction. Obvious set up for a sequel, but that was fine as I can do with another film. I do like they tried to keep the essence of the original film and themes in this one as well. I did go a bit crazy inside when they started to play the original Godzilla song/theme. Overall, I place it in the A-/B+ area. It was a good start to getting Godzilla back to his roots.
  14. that sucks. maybe they might expand it another week and add a close by theater
  15. i agree with your whole post. I won't say much to avoid spoilers as well but
  16. I'd rather just go straight to December, but that's me As for this movie, the very first trailer that was a bit more mysterious had been slightly interested. Then the other ones came out where it's more of an action flick and he's more of like a spy or action hero, basically made me not want to see this so I am probably sticking with skipping this one now.
  17. really? My showing had no trailers which is a huge plus I hope more people see this so I can talk about it even more
  18. 1. Star Wars: Ep. VII; The Force Awakens - A 2. The Revenant - B+ 3. Deadpool - A- 4. The Witch - B+ 5. Batman v Superman - B 6. Captain America : Civil War - A 7. X-Men Apocalypse - B- 8. Now you See Me 2 - B- 9. The Shallows - A-/B+ 10. Independence Day - A- 11. Independence Day Resurgance - C 12. The Purge: Election Year - B 13. Central Intelligence - B+ 14. Batman: The Killing Joke - B+ 15. Suicide Squad - A-/B+ 16. Don't Breathe - B+ 17. Blair Witch - B 18. Magnificent 7 - A- 19. Shin Godzilla- A-/B+
  19. I think you will like it I was tempted to wait but talked myself into just going yeah I enjoyed the movie and it was done pretty well and stuck with the original movie's themes. I was a bit surprised to see how filled my theater was, so hopefully it's a good sign of numbers
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