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Everything posted by 75Live

  1. One of, if not the best, time travel movies. I love the entire series. Great lines, great story, and is just a classic. A+
  2. I am usually pretty lenient on my grades, but yeah there just wasn't anything here. Lots of cringeworthy moments ruined it of from being just a dumb fun movie C-/D+
  3. As it gets further away from the first viewing, I may not dislike it as much as i originally did but it still isn't all that great. They wasted Karen Allen and I preferred the monkeys over Shia who just shouldn't have been involved. C+
  4. Pretty bland and forgettable. It's not terrible, but there wasn't much there for me. C
  5. I think this is kind of an underrated film. I believe it is one of Stallone's better acting jobs and he didn't even speak that much. His speech at the end was really good to me. A
  6. This is what a fun, entertaining movies is supposed to be. Great performances by a few people in the film, namely Geoffrey Rush and of course, an iconic one from Johnny Depp. Great soundtrack as well which probably doesn't get the love it deserves. Easily gets an A+
  7. I really enjoyed this movie. I thought everyone was good to very good in it. Didn't think I would enjoy as much as I did when i went to see it in the theater. I liked how they used actual historical figures in it as well to kind of tie it to the "real world" A-
  8. I like these types of movies moreso than the over the top gore fests that aren't scary. Don't get me wrong I love those kinds of horror flicks too due to the comedic value. This movie had a chance to be really frightening to me and was going there, but there were a few moments that just took me out of the movie and I was never able to get back into after that. So it lost a lot from there on out to me. I give it a B-/C+. Again, I like the idea and prefer psychological over visual, but it just ended up being flat with no payoff.
  9. I hope he washes it first though ;)But I love the poster. I am definitely going to pick one up.
  10. While I liked it, it was too much of a comedy. Yes there has to be comedic parts to it due to it being Scream, but there was zero scares or tension. The best part was Emma Roberts beating the crap out of herself. With that I still give it a B/B-
  11. Looks pretty bad to me. Definitely something I can wait until cable to see.
  12. Pretty much how I feel about the movie. I didn't care for any of the characters in the film so that brought down the grade for me.
  13. Unlike. Ok, I won't say anything about the movie then.
  14. Of course. Who doesn't? :PThere are so many to enjoy. Eventually I will have to buy the Muppet Shows on dvd/blu ray.
  15. Same here. I loved the tv show even though I was pretty young when it was out.I think people got teary eyed when they played Rainbow Connection
  16. Yeah I would love to see $100 mil and a sequel. Can't have enough Muppets.
  17. Agreed. I am happy with the movie no matter what amount it makes, but it would be good to see it have a decent run.
  18. Yeah, not happy about the Muppets number. Hopefully, the weekend will treat it better.
  19. Grinch (animated)It's a Wonderful LifeNational Lampoon's Christmas VacationA Christmas StoryElfRudolph (yes I know it is a tv special lol)
  20. Classic in every sense of the word. It's a Christmas tradition. "Frageelie, it must be Italian" A
  21. Well Jaws was number one for the year I was born so I will go with that.
  22. Yeah it was a great episode. Too bad we have to wait until February for the show to return.
  23. I saw this and Hugo back to back last night. What a night of movies. Easily the best 2 of the year so far for me. Extremely funny. The cameos were great, the musical numbers as well. So much to love about this movie. The 80's robot was hilarious too. 2nd best movie of the year just behind Hugo. A
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