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Everything posted by 75Live

  1. I belive either Empire or someone else called the $3 for All Eyez yesterday so I guess this was expected but still pretty good for it. Should be around $30 for the OW, unless it isn't as frontloaded as it seems Cars 3 number is pretty good as well. Not surprised about Rough Night as it did look rough
  2. kind of my take too. Just going by the trailers, this looks really bad. Now the reviews probably won't get me to see it in the theater, but good to know this may be a decent flick for when I see on blu ray or cable.
  3. I just saw the Accountant the other day and while not terrible, it wasn't good either. Glad I missed in the theaters
  4. yeah it's a freaky idea and I am pretty sure it was in the tv show as well. But they made a change for the movie and it looks like it works from the trailer. Plus it probably was easier to do effects wise as well
  5. yeah this keeps getting worse and worse as the news comes out well except maybe the 1980s part
  6. Just finished the Smoke Hole and I liked the revelation that It has always been around since basically the beginning of time. I just read part of Eddie's Broken Arm. I got cut off reading but it was during one of the breaks in the chapter anyway.
  7. yeah i'm just hoping for a decent movie since I am a big shark guy
  8. kind of meh on the trailer. Not that it was bad just not sure how i feel about it since nothing looked all that great either
  9. close out games tend to do even more viewers so it can have an effect, we just never know how much exactly
  10. yeah I would say that is too high. Unless some breakout happens, it will be closer to $15 mil in its entire run than on OW
  11. the sharks are chasing him to the theater as we speak
  12. read another chapter and got to the part they obviously changed for the movie where they are all going through the photo album and It comes out of the picture. Obviously, they are changing to the slide projector for the movie which I think was a nice touch actually
  13. I just hope that either Prime or Bumblebee die, or both, after seeing all these trailers
  14. yeah that's exactly how I felt after reading it. I know they literally say that in the book too about them finally being together, but it was a great feeling reading it. Made me think about when I was a kid and having that group most of us had. Pretty awesome stuff
  15. @baumer I just got done the Apocalyptic Rockfight which is chapter 13. I remember the tv show much more than the book and this literally feels like I am reading this book for the first time. I realize I read it like 30 years ago but still I figured you would appreciate my avatar with the "float down here"
  16. Yeah It Follows was completely ruined for me when I saw it in the theaters due to some kids sneaked in and were laughing or giggling for 98% of the movie. Hard to get into a movie that depends on atmosphere and such with that going on, so I get it.
  17. yeah I actually don't even mind the movie or think it's bad, but this is still pretty accurate
  18. yeah I don't get that either. Don't get me wrong most people just say a movie looks like a flop which doesn't mean they are rooting for it to fail, but yes there is a small percentage that does actually root for movies to do poorly. It's not like if a bad movie does poorly it means that they will make less bad movies
  19. ouch!! Ok maybe I'll skip the movie now and wait until HBO or whatever cable channel it will come on later
  20. yell at them now to set the expectations before the movie starts I had someone do that at a showing before. There were these kids that literally were yelling, talking on the cell phones as the trailers were going on, and the guy a couple seats away from me said "hey, I can deal with this now, but you better be quiet when the movie starts" and it seemed to work
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