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Everything posted by MightyDargon

  1. Meh, I forgot about it in a month and only remembered after Shazam 2 came out and people went HURR DURR ROCK MAKE BILLIE GROSSER on here in their usual kneejerk reactions. Not that Black Adam is worth commemorating in any way at this point.
  2. People on here don't get it. There have been political "troll campaigns" to get people to spend money on substandard product forever by bulk buying through entities which are sympathetic politically in the US. Remember all those shitty political books and bios of political figures that inexplicably end up on the NY Times bestseller list? A lot of those were bought by various churches or "foundations" or whatever. Essentially the tickets for this movie are likely to work similarly but end up bought through churches or whatever and then given away to people. Meaning individual human beings (the lifeblood of sales in a capitalistic enterprise) aren't likely driving the overall figures for this as they would for a conventional movie. If Hollywood DID start doing this for a conventional movie it would mean their ticket sales are DEAD. If they simply released other political/religious spam this way it means that conventional movies are DEAD. So unless you like nothing but religious/political spam this situation is very thin gruel.
  3. They are "free" to the people actually taking them. Block booking is a sign that actual humans willing to pay money for your shit are far less than they appear and means your spinning to try to pretend your product is more popular than it is. Meaning "going to the movies" is actually dying as something real people are willing to pay money to do and the enterprise will fall apart soon enough.
  4. If the studios resort to "block booking" and free tickets to pad film grosses their days as profitable enterprises that make product people actually want to pay for are DONE.
  5. Meh, this thread was a lot more fun when people thought it would be a good idea to LEEEROOYY JENKINS GOTG3 vs. Mario.
  6. Please stop posting political crap from the Nazi bird app, its just embarassing and deranged at this point.
  7. No, you don't need to kill Scott. Scott isn't even a major character in Kang's mythos. Killing Scott is (figuratively) stepping on an ant. If you want to make a BIG impact you have Kang kill off someone like Thor. Most people are not deeply enough invested in AntMan to care if he dies and if you kill him it turns the AntMan movies from fun comedies into "comedian dies horrible depressing death".
  8. Basically what happened was MI7 performed within expectations but towards the high end of expectations and its not a "dead" movie. Of course Deadline screwed things up as usual by saying last night the previews were included in the 7 mil before saying they were not and the 7 mil was just last night today. Deadline can always be counted on to cock things up even when their estimates are technically "accurate".
  9. A large part of this thread is you and I going off on your idea to reschedule GOTG3, a movie that was actually succesful, and somehow push Mario (which outgrossed all the MCU and DCU movies this year) off its release date.
  10. Would prefer 275 with its production budget, but yeah, it should be profitable theatrically, which clearly puts it in a different league from stuff like Fast X and Beasts, let alone Indy/Flash. The only reason I threw out "500" was the fight with Zatt over GOTG3/Mario's release date. It wasn't meant as an insult to MI.
  11. MI is seriously in good shape compared to Indy. Is it "500 mil grosser in US", most likely not, but this launch isn't comparable to Indy's. I say this as a person who grew up loving Harrison Ford's Indy and hating most Tom Cruise roles, so please don't complain about my bias or whatever.
  12. It did have a good hook. It was the launch for the Kang story! It was a terrific marketing hook, the film just sucked and couldn't deliver and quickly got clowned on. It's like saying GINO 98 had "bad marketing" when that thing was clearly set up to blitz the summer it was released in. If the movie sucks, the marketing often won't save it.
  13. Hilarious. Even Deadline said there was extra 2.5 mil from the other days and people here still acted like Chixulub crashed into their house. Never change, BOT.
  14. AntMan 3 actually had a high launch and presales and got a lot of hype off the Kang thing. It tanked because it was poorly received, not because Feb. was an inherently bad slot for it.
  15. So the actual previews were 9.5 mil? Don't you think you panicked a bit there?
  16. IT MADE OVER 350 mil. The "Guardians 3 didn't perform well" gaslighting in this thread is staggering.
  17. I fail to see how GOTG3 didn't succeed in the slot it had with the hype it had. The movie was already profitable and succesful and worked in its current slot. Why reschedule and play a game of chicken with Mario in hopes that you could somehow make more in April? Also Mario was NOT the only March release and GOTG3 would have had competition then as well.
  18. We don't actually have a way to extrapolate the 2nd week drop though. Maybe it will actually hold well under a "rising tide" thing?
  19. I never knew you before this board. The only things I know are your hilarious rants on here like the "AntMan is more relevant than Avatar" one because I lurked here for a while.
  20. Zatt thinks it somehow would have performed better in the Mario slot (because that had "less competition") and that Mario would have automatically moved despite the massive hype/presales. I've been trying to point out to him this is a bad idea in the hope the actual MCU schedulers aren't on here lurking and don't try anything stupid.
  21. What "stunt"? Moving it away from the Avatar slot to maximize its revenue? I'd say that worked pretty well for it! And the days of people moving away from MCU releases is likely to end if Marvels performs similar to AntMan3. MCU isn't in DCU territory but its films aren't going to automatically inspire fear.
  22. How is AM3 not a "true" Feb. film? It was promoted as the major Feb. release like how Deadpool and Panther were in their respective years.
  23. No, he's literally saying Universal would've punted Mario in terror to some other slot if Disney had somehow rescheduled GOTG3 to Mario's window. That was his actual response!
  24. GOTG3 had a fine release slot and got over 350 mil. Putting it against Mario and hoping Mario would blink given the massive presales is "Napoleon invades Russia during winter" level strategy.
  25. Yes. Fucking MARIO, one of the biggest gaming franchises beloved for GENERATIONS would run from GOTG3. I really wish I had what you were smoking right now.
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