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Everything posted by MightyDargon

  1. It's not my fault Hollywood apparently only knows one way to write Latino families and chooses to blatantly pander in trailer stuff.
  2. This has sooo many vultures circling already it isn't even funny. WB should take a hint from Flash tanking and realize the XMas slot won't save it and its just a waste of an XMas slot. Punt to MLK Day and let fishhead rot there,
  3. Just watched the trailer to this during TMNT and HOLY HELL does it look assy. It looks like one of those superhero movies from the early 00s when everyone self consciously tried to do MCU clones. Can't see any trace of "Snyder" or anything else distinctive in it. "My superpower is my family"? Go fuck off back to Encanto.
  4. Black Adam basically ensured Shazam 2 was dead before release no matter how well Shazam 1 was received.
  5. Mutant Mayhem did well IMO. This week will likely be it's sharpest decline for a while and even that was less than 50 percent. (although I remember people on here bitching about Spiderverse legs as well, so I think people here just think ANY animation has to have 20 perceent drops or something)
  6. I'm bored as hell with runtime whining. Talk about something else.
  7. Movies have had long runtimes since the early 00s or so. Whining about it now is whining 20 years too late.
  8. Meh, Star Wars is at least a somewhat interesting topic again now that we basically know Solo outgrossed Dial of Destiny and can argue Disney's reaction to it may have been a knee jerk one.
  9. Rogue One is excellent and I've actually started to appreciate Solo for what it is. The Sequel Trilogy is still a derivative, hacky waste though.
  10. Logical inference of its shitty reviews vs. the fact I actually want to see a TMNT film?
  11. This looks like a great weekend to see a new movie... Mutant Mayhem it is! since Demeter is clearly garbage.
  12. I can't really speak to whether little kids disliked the Lion King remake or not but I know today's kids had close to zero Indy demand. And plenty of franchises from "my day" pretty much survived okay (TMNT, Transformers, Mario). There was just none for Indy. Kids from the 90s that watched the original trilogy on VHS were the last to "grow up" with Indy. Acting like there was a vast youth audience waiting on pins and needles for Dial of Destiny is REALLY distorting the market.
  13. Indy 5 did NOT have more demand than Mufasa. Gen Z didn't care about Indy at all. Yeah you can say "commercial disappointment" or "drop off" for Mufasa but saying there's less raw demand for another Lion King than Indy 5 betrays an ignorance of how generations work.
  14. Any discussion of overrated Oscar winner that doesn't include The King's Speech or Crash or Around the World in 80 Days at the top of the list is BS. And if you want to get into NOMINATED films, Doctor Dolittle is an easy win for "WTF why did this get picked"
  15. Then who cares what wins? EEAO got its big push long before the Oscars! If they're that irrelevant just discontinue the awards and let critics do the pics.
  16. So what exactly is the "preferred movie" if Oppenheimer DOESN'T get it? Is the plan for the Academy to become completely irrelevant?!
  17. China is only 25 percent to the studio so it doesn't count like a "normal" country. Meaning China itself probably isn't enough to make Meg actually impressive. Dial/Flash DID underperform badly internationally so he is right on that.
  18. No, I am not fucking searching on Youtube on all day because unlike you I WAS THERE IN 1997 and nobody knew or cared about the Agent K character BEFORE Will Smith played him. If a character that obscure was adapted now NOBODY WOULD STILL CARE.
  19. Oh come the fuck on. I was alive in the 90s. Almost nobody read MiB Malibu and knew the original Agent K was White. Please fucking ban the culture war posts mods. PLEASE.
  20. I kinda wish the "woke" discussion was banned in BO analysis. It's as grating as SOF stuff at this point and when you're talking about Terminator or Avatar or whatever getting "destroyed" it actually feels gaslighty. If you want to post about culture stuff I'd recommend them setting up a different thread for it, I don't want to see Meg 2 or TMNT analysis derailed by a bunch of culture theory.
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