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Everything posted by MightyDargon

  1. The amount of gaslighting you'd need to have to come up with the idea that people actually enjoyed the Mutt character....is....hoo boy.
  2. Raunchy comedies died because there's only so far you can push the envelope until it actually grosses out the audience.
  3. I wouldn't mind a reboot IF it focused on Indy when he was still like a twentysomething and stayed in that specific time period. Like before he aged to the point when he was in Raiders so it doesn't overlap with Ford's movies. I'd hate to see those actually get remade/replaced.
  4. That wouldn't have stopped them from doing even worse if they thought they could possibly shuffle him on. "Bruce checking out" was a very poorly kept secret during his DTV years. I also think Fox, and possibly Disney would have absolutely been desperate enough to do the hybrid McClane script involving cutting between present Bruce and McClane played by a younger actor, which would have pissed people off even more.
  5. I'm sad Bruce has Alzheimer's but it was good his family finally came clean about it. Had that disclosure not happened I'm sure the godawful Die Hard/McClane concept would have been made to further strip mine his legacy.
  6. I haven't heard that much criticism of Phoebe. Mostly what I hear is "DAMN Ford looks old". Also Mario was popular because it was Mario, not lack of competition.
  7. I maintain that although franchises are very valuable, most people did not have another Indy movie on their request list after Crystal Skull. Also 55-65 (what Jat claims) is roughly within the range of what I predicted.
  8. I'm just gonna be blunt with you, Zatt... You're making yourself waaaayyyy too easy to troll in regards to this movie. Like "wounded gazelle in a field full of hyenas" level easy. What's it to you if some people felt The Batman (or really any movie) connected more than this specific one? It's not like Harrison Ford is going to personally thank you over this...
  9. You're awfully uppity for someone with no financial stake in any of this. I can like and dislike what I please.
  10. I don't hate Disney, but I don't like them enough to watch what's a completely unneccesary sequel in theaters. It's possible to make a movie for profit but also not make it look like a pure nostalgia grab.
  11. Cavill was never Bond as far as I could tell. This thread has gotten...strange.
  12. Wasn't Indy supposed to have had a daughter before he had a son though? I remember in the original bumpers of The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles they alluded to a daughter, not a son. Yet another reason to hate the character of Mutt.
  13. He was a terrible casting choice. He might have helped solely OW but that got cancelled out by how hated Mutt became.
  14. It's also kinda obvious that (Maverick aside) there's been turnover in what the demo that goes to the movies is and its become increasingly difficult to get the people invested in 80s/90s hits to go back into the theatre.
  15. The vitriol is because this series was kept going loooooong after its logical expiration date. People have very fond memories of the original trilogy and don't like seeing crappy looking products pushed out using the Indy name.
  16. The big problem with Indy (and this had started during Crystal Skull) is its blatantly clear Ford isn't here for the action scenes. Part of what made the first 3 films good was the physicality of the action scenes. Without that you're basically resorting to loads of CGI tricks.
  17. Indy=Maverick was well outside of even the most generous predictions of anyone but the most magical thinkers here. There was absolutely no advance buzz that said it was on par on with Maverick. This wasn't a "FLASH IS THE BEST SUPERHERO MOVIE SINCE DARK KNIGHT" hype thingy.
  18. Flash is barely ahead of NHF now. Will most likely fall behind at some point this week. Note that it has 1,000 more theaters than NHF.
  19. I like Gunn's GOTG movies and don't care about his Scorcese fights. I still think DC is beyond his power to save at this time.
  20. With Logan it felt like a natural end for the character rather than just an attempt to continue the story forever. (It also didn't hurt that you could basically take Logan as a sort of Elseworlds story if you wanted). A lot of people wanted a send off for Luke Skywalker, but seeing him basically offed in the way he was felt very depressing for the character's arc as a whole.
  21. How about none. Every single one of these are less than the sum of their parts. Batman/TMNT would be pretty cool though.
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