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Everything posted by MightyDargon

  1. No, because DC film sucks at things that aren't Batman. They whiffed what could have been a great franchise starter in Green Lantern, screwed up Wonder Woman beyond repair at movie #2 to the point Gunn won't reboot her despite being a Big 3 character, somehow managed to tank their own Justice League despite massive hype, and can't even get "bring Keaton's Batman back for nostalgia in a team up" right. The "DC brand" is an utter fucking failure on par with Sony's Godzilla at this point. If they want it to have ANY value they need to give non-Batman stuff a 10 year break. Even Universal knew when it was time to give Jurassic Park a rest and most of the DC releases in the last 5 years would've killed for Dominion's gross.
  2. Batman Beyond would have been a much better choice than Authority or Swamp Thing as far as projects that have mainstream interest. I get WHY WB is obsessed with having its MCU (debt load) but they've bungled it so badly that it's made their debt load worse and they should probably go with something less connected. Because nobody wants to buy into an MCU from a company in severe financial distress.
  3. I'm guessing nobody buys "WB" per se after its debt load but Zaslav has to keep jettisoning parts of the company to make ends meet over time.
  4. That's all very well and good but they certainly won't be getting any of this immediately after the entire Snyderverse tanked. Enough audiences have been burned now to not trust DC properties that aren't Batman for a while. Best to wait until demand increases again, because demand for DC stuff is very low now after all WB's errors.
  5. Nah, just mothball any DC stuff that isn't Batman related for 10 years. They've tankd the value too badly by this point.
  6. No, they did not make Black Adam "kinda cool". They were a bunch of jobbers who accomplished nothing and got their asses beaten raw by Black Adam to make him look "dominant" in every single fight in the movie. If they get put into Gunn's DC it should NOT be using that method.
  7. Let me guess...you don't know what kids actually like, do you? TMNT are still plenty popular.
  8. I'd argue that The Batman benefitted from not getting marketed in the same way The Flash did.
  9. Oh I don't know, perhaps not spending on the giant marketing campaign insisting this was "the greatest superhero movie since the Dark Knight" might've been a good idea.
  10. C'mon Zaslav, leave Aquaman 2 in its current slot. I dare you. And be sure to spend 200 million marketing it including having both Vin Diesel and a hologram of Paul Walker show up at its red carpet debut and proclaim it a better movie than Casablanca and Ran combined. Please do this. Don't punt it for Wonka or Dune or anything else.
  11. Again, it's basically irrelevant because Flash will lose shitloads more than Morb ever will even if the studio gives it a "good" estimate to make it look like its drop is better. Flash is basically what we THOUGHT Waterworld was in 1995.
  12. But Slowpoke has a better Defense stat and would likely hit 100 mil first. Plus he can call in Galarian Slowpoke for more type coverage.
  13. Snyder actually DID have strong auteur tendencies though. The 4 hour version of Justice League wouldn't have existed without them. It's just harder to mangle a solo Superman movie than a team up so Man of Steel looked comparatively clean.
  14. This would actually be fairly consistent with the whole "give Spidey its PLFs" thing back. Most of the June movies (incl. Beasts!) did quite poorly.
  15. I guess the only way BOT would buy it as an overseas "hit" would be if it did as much as a vintage Fast movie, but people on this site desperately want to keep the "adults don't watch animation" myth going despite all evidence to the contrary in terms of Spiderverse. Hell, when Beasts came out people thought it take most of Spiderverse's good screens permanently just because it was live action!
  16. "Audience OS doesn't care for animated Spiderman" ah I see people are STILL downplaying Spiderverse even though it completely blew the doors off every single June movie so far. Stay predictable BOT!
  17. The issue isn't so much J Law's pay, it's more "why pay her so much for what should be a low budget comedy". Seeing her get a paycheck that big for say, a succesful action movie doesn't seem that inflated. It's just that this isn't really the type of project that benefits from a star paycheck so big it eclipses the value of the low budget.
  18. It would be easier to bring cartoon franchises back than live action ones. Enough time has passed that the original casts of most popular 90s movies are either quite old or retired. (Thinking about Sam Neill's forced retirement).
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