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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. In ideal world JLaw wins BA for THG, Cooper BA for SLP, Hathaway BSA for TDKR and Leo BSA for DU. And TA wins BP.
  2. I certianly hope there`s nothing wrong with the number but I`m not holding my breath. When are actuals expected?
  3. of course. The whole Floppit,etc thing was kidding anyway. Someone had to say Flop first. Flop is for BOF what First is for AICN.
  4. It doesn`t matter. No TH actor will have career like Bale, JGL and Anne Hathaway. Armitage, Turner and Lilly will flop after TH. Plus, it`s funny how TDKR is now a movie to beat for TH when loonies had minimum DH2 in sights and maximum Titanic.
  5. I feel bad for non-US/Can posters who haven`t got DU yet. Terrific movie, deserves to be a blockbuster.
  6. DU is a beast. Hopefully the number doesn`t go down.
  7. Leo`s a good sport. Doesn`t strike me as a type who goes around saying "I`m better than ______(actors from competing movies)" let alone "I`m better than ______(actors from my own movie)." There`s gotta be a reason why top directors and actors want to work with him.
  8. Leo won`t win as long as he campaigns half-heartedly. People who win say they want to win. Or get influencial Hollywood stars say that for them. Or both. Cotillard is an example of an aggressive campaigner which locked her win when everyone thought Julie Christie had it in the purse. Melissa Leo, lol, yeah. Winslet had the Best Actress Time cover for The Reader. Celebs are rallying behind Impossible and naomi Watts. Brody won not only because he campaigned like his life depands on it but he got his direct competitors Nicholson and DDL pull for him. Waltz was aslo campaigning like crazy.So, yeah. There are rules and if you don`t play by them then your fans shouldn`t be too upset if you are snubbed for you obviously don`t want the statue badly enough to cross some lines of good taste.
  9. So basically Biggie was prematurely awarded for the wrong movie,no? THL was nothing special and ZDT sounds like it`s a better movie.
  10. QT movies will be more remembered than Biggie`s for sure. At least more than THL and ZDT which seem to be something that is appealing in the particular point in time and never again. At least THL was like that. And altough Internet fanboys are crazy about After Dark is that something that GA is overly familiar with?
  11. This. Some fanboys throw perosnal insults at anyone who bashes their favorite movies or any celebrity or even nobody`s like Shitto. Why am I personally insulted for Shitto-bashing? I`m a poster. Shitto isn`t. Nobody has the right to insult me because of it for I don`t insult other posters. There.
  12. if that happened, not only Internet but the world would explode and implode at the same time.
  13. Surprise, surprise, Hobbit lovers Ric and Tele are fanboys of Schmlatz Horse too. Figures.
  14. We should make a practice of derailing every Monday thread from now on.
  15. Avatar over spots 2-5. Even when 3D isn`t caluclated (and Avatar 3D was cheaper because they raised prices from AIW onwards) , Avatar blows the rest except Titanic, of course.I also expect that Star Wars had insane run for its time not counting re-releases.
  16. Yeah, his head`s getting bloated like a PJ movie while face size is the same. Weirdest shit.
  17. Funny thing is, he looks younger now than when he was a skinny creepy kid. he didn`t look like a child but a menopausal dwarf.
  18. Those child actors make me appreciate Leo`s success even more. What a career for a child actor from a sitcom.
  19. real or Photoshopped? Wood looked weird in TH. Too tall and just creepy as hell. Terrible cameo. Unnecessary, pointless, badly acted. He should retire and do his comic book shit.
  20. HJO disappeared after AI,no? That movie proved he couldn`t do anything but creepy kid schtick.
  21. Yeha, I`ll never understand love for this movie. It nosedived without redemption from halfway all the way to the end. Also, I don`t care if overly sentimental bullshit ending was Kubrick or Spielberg. It sucked. Worse so if it wasn`t Spielberg because he had a chance to flush the toilet and he didn`t.
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