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About bapi

  • Birthday 09/14/1990

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    Czech Republic

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Box Office Gold

Box Office Gold (6/10)



  1. But then he also confirmed spring start date so it means pretty much nothing. WB have this date and that's it.
  2. Well, he wrote and directed Live By Night so it was his job to make TC work. Also releasing LBN two years after they started filming would make it obvious it's crap.
  3. Ultimately, “Live By Night” doesn’t suggest Affleck’s lost his groove so much as that his groove has its limits. Saddled with derivative material, he can’t seem to find a fresh approach. It’s telling that the next project that finds him on both sides of the camera is “The Batman,” a studio-produced blockbuster hardly expected to take big risks. Affleck may not be a total sellout, but he’s the kind of steady-handed entertainer equally capable of making smart movies and forgettable ones depending on the task at hand. It remains to be seen if “Live By Night” is the anomaly or a regrettable new chapter in an otherwise satisfying career of intelligent escapism.
  4. Too long, unsympathetic characters+boring actors but last 30-40 mins are very good. I think with different cast, 15-20 mins shorter runtime and more Vader it could have been great. 6/10
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