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Everything posted by zackzack

  1. I think instead of ranking Cameron's films, you should be predicting whether Avatar 2 will open with $210M. Because Jurassic World set the standard for a studio-backed hyped-up sequel.
  2. Seth cannot let his genius first idea grow. Maybe he is too attached to it.
  3. $900M OS without Japan, $650M dom, $1.55B without Japan. It will sit at the top all the way to December, without Japan. Unless the Force truly Awakens, Jurassic World will be the King of the Jungle Also of note: JP1 did $120M in Japan, LW $85M, and JPIII only managed $41M The decline is significant but if Japanese interest aligns with US', it just might do crazy numbers too. But considering there is a lack of box office interest in US movies, with the exception of Disney stuff, recently, Japan might do $50M or so.
  4. What's up with Paramount & Sony? Their line-up and annual offering are very skimpy
  5. Annie with a shotgun always opens well. Spectacular? Maybe not
  6. These Jurassic movies, why they are so popular maybe because it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. GA wants a movie about giant monsters to be a giant monster hit. I pegged it at $300M, and a conservative $250M. Now that it did $500M in its 3rd weekend, this unstoppable train is just out of this world. The movie is entertaining but not as impressive as Spielberg's classic.
  7. When so many movies hit the high end marks, like the $300M or above, usually there is a vacuum at the bottom. Utron, Furious 7, Inside Out & Jurassic World seem to be sucking the life out of potential decent hits like F7 kills Paul Blart, Ultron kills Tomorrowland, Jurassic World kills Ted 2 etc. I won't be surprised if 2015 falls short of the record of 33 $100M movies but it will break the "$300M or more" records. 2015 will break 2012 record of 5 "$300M+" movies
  8. And $600M probably needs to be created too. And dare we say: $700M category???!!!
  9. I prefer Goldblum when he is a smart-ass intellect than a breathless hero wannabe. Please Jeff, don't change, don't get on that "arc"
  10. Kinda predictable. Audience wants real fur after a so-so Ted2.
  11. Hangover1 is great. No2 is just too mean. No3 is way too dark
  12. Miller the Man deserves $200M for that action masterpiece
  13. Some of it is pretty funny but scenes like the one in fertility clinic is just gross.
  14. Ted 1 is an extended SNL sketch anyway. How many ways you can make a foul-mouthed Teddy bear funny? After a while, the novelty wears off, and Ted is going to Showtime as a 30-minute/episode TV series
  15. The Hangover III should be a massive hit. Why? The first one was loved
  16. I don't understand why Warner is not pulling this out from theater since at this point the studio is earning the least from the weekly take
  17. New benchmark is TA1 and even Avadar edit: looks like Avadar's peak would remain untouched edit: JW's 3rd weekend is key
  18. Avatar had the benefit of 3D, the novelty of it. I don't think its insane success can be replicated. That's why it takes James Cameron more than a few years to bring a new elevated experience.
  19. I am a big fan of Michael Mann, but Blackhat is just wrong on so many levels. The story is damn interesting but everything about it so uninspired. Universal could turn it into a mid range hit like Taken.
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