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Manu Delpech

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Everything posted by Manu Delpech

  1. It's doing good but it makes no sense to me why this seems to have no draw(all relative) overseas. I mean, this one has more action it seems, Star Trek has never been very popular O.S but you'd think a big sci-fi actioner would do bigger than this.
  2. You mean great. I expected GI Joe to do like 10 million opening, this is a big number for a "lesser" blockbuster.
  3. The movie is great fun, has sweet action, The Rock, 3D, it's well directed, dont see how some of you are shocked here.
  4. Nice try, Kitsch has 3 movies coming soon, but hey I thought his career was supposed to be over right?
  5. Unless this is some kind of medical-related stuff (and even then), doing this has got to be one of the lowest things ever, I hope her career is destroyed, she can go to hell.
  6. Simple answer, 2h40 movie, entirely sung, and most of all, there is no french version (thank god), they didn"t dub it, so it's basically the movie as it is + french subtitles. Knowing that, I just had a feeling it was going to do bad. The critical response was terrible too, from the critics, it's like most of them expected an adaptation of the novel, and not the musical.
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