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Everything posted by Kalo

  1. Inception is among my top favorite films of all time, watch it RIGHT NOW!
  2. My watched list is too long, think that's my problem I spend more time trying to decide what to watch as opposed to actually watching them. so there are alot movies I'd probably love that I haven't seen yet. I have been working pretty hard to catch up, but the problem is new movies keep coming out Here is a list of highly acclaimed films or films I really want to see and haven't yet. Brick Little Miss Sunshine The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford Adaption Solaris (both Versions) Phonebooth Schindler's List The Green Mile Apollo 13 The Departed My Own Private Idaho Memento The Thin Red Line The Tree of Life Vertigo Psycho Scarface Black Hawk Down Pan's Labyrinth Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Cool Hand Luke 12 Angry Men Ghostbusters Pretty Woman C.R.A.Z.Y. Anchorman Garden State The Squid and the Whale Zodiac End of Watch Moon Take Shelter Gone Baby Gone Dazed and Confuzed (500) Days of Summer Shotgun Stories Before Midnight Beautiful Thing Tropic Thunder Wild The Kings of the Summer The Motorcycle Diaries The Ten Commandments Amores perros American History X Cinema Paradiso Life Is Beautiful City Lights What movies on this list should I stop what I'm doing and watch immediately?
  3. Okay, I actually couldn't Finish Magic mike, maybe I need to give it another try definitely watching XXL now... Joe Mangino in that scene.
  4. How did that happen? I'm a pretty big marvel fan and even I'll admit it was pretty mediocre. I loved Ant-Man and I don't even think that should be this high lol nevermind.
  5. really that low? it almost made my top 10. btw I completely forget that this countdown was happening last weekend. but not too bad so far. back to reading.
  6. Yeah socialist may not be the right word. but I wouldn't call Gattaca egalitarian because it's traits the non genetically created humans as below them, it's only the "perfect" humans that are treated equally. either way they are both great sci-fi films with similar tones.
  7. lol I just finished my review for Cinderella in my countdown.
  8. #17 Cinderella Cinderella, is a story very close to my heart, when I was a wee lad, I would watch the animated 1950s film over and over again with my sisters, it was a believe probably in my top 5 favorite films, It didn't hold up quite as well as some disney classics did as I grew up, but it's still a wonderful film, with an enchanting story. This new Cinderella is pretty much a perfect adaptation in almost everyway. with some of the best art direction and costumes I've ever seen in a film, a brilliant score from composer Patrick Doyle, and positively charming performances from Lily James and Richard Madden as the leads, and Blanchette is as remarkably nasty as Lady Tremaine, but the strongest feat about this film is in it's direction. Kenneth Branagh, who is pretty much fantastic weather he is in front of or behind the camera. the way he directs period films in such a romantic timeless matter, he makes it look almost effortless. the story is very close to the original but there are just a few touches that make it even better, a slightly more development romance and a very touching scene that give it just the right touch, I say the biggest risk Branagh took was not reinvented the tale but simply making a old story new again. Cinderella is by far the best animation to live action film Disney has done this far. lets hope this trend continues with The Jungle Book and Beauty and the Beast (my favorite animated film ever). My Grade: A- Favorite Scene: A Secret Garden Favorite Character: Cinderella Favorite Performance: Cate Blanchett Award Winner Best Costume Design! according to Kalo
  9. It drives me crazy how lazy people were about collecting data back then, but to be honest, the adjusted for inflation ticket pricing is not that accurate to begin with, as movies cost different depend on where and what time you see them. it really would save a lot of time and effort if they just recorded tickets sold.
  10. What happend to Portman? she just won and Oscar and just kind of disappeared. sure she pops up in Thor every now and then but that's about it.
  11. Raiders of the Lost Ark vs. Shrek 2 Star Wars IV: A New Hope vs. Batman (1989) The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers vs. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest Jaws vs. Spider-Man Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back vs. Titanic The Lion King vs. The Ten Commandments Jurassic Park vs. Pinocchio Back to the Future vs. Ghostbusters Forrest Gump vs. Beverly Hills Cop The Godfather vs. The Avengers The Jungle Book vs. 101 Dalmatians The Dark Knight vs. American Graffiti Mary Poppins vs. Avatar The Sting vs. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid vs. Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi Doctor Zhivago vs. Gone with the Wind
  12. #18 Jurassic World "That thing out there... That is no dinosaur." I did not grow up a fan of Jurassic Park, I saw it once when I was very small and it terrified me and I never watched it again until adulthood, which upon rewatch I found it a very enjoyable and groundbreaking visual film with just the right amount of thrills and scares. So I was intrigued by the thought of a Jurassic World movie and once I heard Chris Pratt was cast as the lead I was excited. then the movie came out to middling reviews and I saw it. and I thought this movie was just really fun. I found it exciting and found a sense of awe in this Jurassic World and the park and everything in that aspect felt like a place that really existed. with really awesome set pieces as well as some pretty sweet action sequences, and a nice rendition of the original score. now that does not mean this is a movie without flaws, but somehow a certain flaws almost made this movie more enjoyable, like the cheese ball dialogue kind of added to the fun. One of the best parts about this movie has got to be because of Chris Pratt, he added a suave charm to Owen, who could have easily came off as a major dick. I actually really love Bryce Dallas Howard (she is fantastic in the Village) and she did her best but unfortunately didn't have much to work with, but she can outrun a Indominus Rex in heels so that's gotta count for something doesn't it? Unfortunately her and Pratt did not have the best chemistry in the world either. but ah well, better luck next time right? It's been awhile since I've seen this movie (theaters, but I saw it twice), so my opinion my change some with a re-watch. but at the end of the day Jurassic world is a fun, exciting adventure film that had an ice old-school feel to it. and I look forward to the sequel. Chris Pratt is like super hot in it too. and might be part of the reason why I enjoy it as much as I do. My Grade: A- Favorite Scene: Final showdown Favorite Character: Owen Favorite Performance: Chris Pratt
  13. Okay next up is a movie that tons of people here hate and I don't care, because they are wrong!
  14. #19 Ant-Man Avengers Age of Ultron was one of my most anticipated films of 2015 because well, Avengers is one of the best superhero films ever I don't care what people say. but it came it while it was entertaining and certainly not the worst marvel as done so far it was a little underwhelming and they rehashed way to many themes from the first and unincorporated way too much humor into a story that was supposed to be more serious half of which isn't even funny. but then Ant-Man came out. I grew up on Honey I shrunk the kids it was a childhood classic to me, (and even honey we shrunk ourselves), and since then I have had an obsession with tiny things, I even invented and imagery children's book series about tiny people that I won't name because I may actually write them someday. mostly I just really really wished I could shrunk down small and see the world that way.. yeah I was a.. imaginative child. I also watched the Avengers Earth's mightiest heroes animated series and loved the take of Ant-Man in it (it's a fantastic series btw if you haven't seen it). and when I heard they were making an Ant-Man movie and I was super excited, I don't think I know who edgar wright was at the time (I mean it was announced like a long time ago), but a somewhere in there I watched several of his movies and it made me super excited for this movie. but then he left the project, my heart sank and I was afraid that greedy Disney ruined a masterpiece. Well I mean we'll never know for sure, and It probably would have been better if Edger did direct it. But I found myself pleasantly surprised by the final product. Ant-Man is witty Charming, with really fantastic visuals. and a big heart. everything in the movie may not work. but it's hard not to smile with someone as charming as Paul Rudd leading the movie, and I really feel Peyton Reed did I good job with the film and I have a feeling quite a few things from the Edger Script made it's way to the final cut. to me this had a 1990s heist slash family film feel to it. which gave me a fuzzy nostalgic feeling inside. it also had a very good score, something I feel marvel is kind of weak with usually. Ant-Man is a fantastic movie with a great family dynamic to it! My Grade: A- Favorite Scene: going subatomic Favorite Character: Scott Lang/Ant-Man Favorite Performance: Paul Rudd Award Winner Best Superhero film of the year! - according to Kalo
  15. #20 Shaun the Sheep: The Movie I haven't seen the Shaun the Sheep show, but I am a big fan of the 1990s Wallace and Gromit shorts and "A Close Shave" which I believe is the has the introduction of shaun is delightful. Shaun the Sheep may be my favorite Aardman animation yet. With the complete lack of dialogue aside from a few mumbles almost all the humor and story is told through imagery and it is done so brilliantly, never once did this movie feel boring, and it is actually quite fast paced. almost every scene has something witty or adorable going on, usually both. It's also probably the funniest movie I've seen all year, which I got to be honest, I'm picky about comedy and usually don't watch that many. but this was hilarious imo. it's just such a clever movie, that you really need to watch to appreciate. check out Shaun the sheep if you haven't! My Grade: A- Favorite Scene: The Sheep Dress as humans scene Favorite Character: Baby sheep Favorite Performance: the Aardman stop motion team. (seriously that was a lot of work!) Award Winner! - Best Comedy according to Kalo
  16. Yes Just today actually. haha it's divine, must see for me now haha, btw I LOVE your avy.
  17. I'm super upset. this was probably my most anticipated movie of the month, and not any of the theaters around me is playing it. I'd have to go like over an hour and a half to see it. and it would just be too expensive and time consuming to do that for me right now.
  18. 1.Suicide Squad 2.Rouge One: A Star Wars Story 3.Captain America: Civil War 4.Bourne 5 5.X-Men Apocalypse 6.Zootopia 7.Deadpool 8.Zoolander 2 9.Batman V Superman 10.Silence
  19. Do you think it will even have an opening Crawl? I kind of feel like it should, just because even though it's a spinoff it's still star wars, And I'm not sure it would feel like it otherwise.
  20. Immersive intimate movies about love: Room Her Best Vietnam War Films: The Deer Hunter Apocalypse Now Best of Tom Hardy: (films not necessary Performances) Mad Max: Fury Road Inception Best Performances by Tom Hardy Warrior Locke Great films about musicians and bands: Almost Famous Love & Mercy Best Dark dramdies of the 1990s Trainspotting Fight Club Feel Good Movies: The Station Agent The Way Way Back Feel good gay romances with a happy ending that are actually good: The Way He Looks Shelter Animation Bliss: Beauty & the Beast The Lion King Being Gay in the 1950s/60s and gorgeous camera work. Carol A Single Man How to watch a really depressing Movie: Requiem for a Dream The Muppets Epics: Ben-Hur The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Socialist sci-fi: Gattaca Children of Men Band of Brothers: Stand By Me Remember the Titans Cosmic Bliss: Guardians of the Galaxy Star Wars: A new Hope Best of JJ Abrams: Star Wars: The Force Awakens Star Trek
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