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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. 19% Sunday hold is insane. Another rollercoaster weekend for IW. Is every weekend gonna be like this for it? I mean hey, if it keeps coming out looking so good by Monday, then fine by me. Very confident in 700+ again.
  2. Upon close scrutiny, I have determined Thor is lifting approximately 50,050,277 pounds in that picture. $50,050,277 Sunday confirmed.
  3. I'd be a lot more optimistic for AQM's OW if he wasn't in JL. His association with that movie + late December opening means there really is no floor here.
  4. I'd rather go forward to December 21st for the lulz of Aqua Bro's 45m OW, Transformers: A Bumblebee Story's 15m OW, and Alita: IronJimbo Angel's 5m OW.
  5. Only if audience reception is great. Otherwise it's going below TLJ on both fronts.
  6. How the hell did Bad Samaritan manage to get such a wide opening in the first place? Can't think of a more perplexing choice for 2k+ since Oogieloves (never forget).
  7. I finally figured out that he's doing a parody of his Tommy performance from Warrior in this movie judging by the trailer.
  8. I honestly hope for Jimbo's sake that A2 does beat the first WW. Imagine spending 11 years talking nonstop about how it's gonna do it and then it misses. That would be too sad to even be funny.
  9. Hell to the no. I'm not even convinced IX will open to Civil War numbers at the moment. Marketing campaign is gonna have to be about 5x better than TLJ's was to sustain a 200+ OW. No resting on their brand name this time.
  10. I'm saying the execution of it is really all that matters for successful blockbusters, that's all. And no, good execution isn't easy, especially sustained good execution for a franchise.
  11. And don't forget the beloved classics these came from: And we'll just go ahead and say this is from SM3
  12. Man, Isle of Dogs kinda fell apart. 40M+ was looking so good for awhile. Stop motion just can't catch a break anymore.
  13. To be fair, the GA like simple and basic. It's the execution that matters, not the complexity or originality.
  14. Ah yes of course, Detective Pikachu, how could I forget? 200m second weekend for that one for sure.
  15. One thing's for sure: TFA's second weekend record is gonna be a mother for anything to take down anytime within the next decade.
  16. Some movies would kill for that opening in the third weekend of November.
  17. The average might climb to 900m per film before AMATW comes out. Insane. I'm rooting for AMATW to hit 300 DOM even though I still don't believe it will. If it does though, MCU will have at least a 10 consecutive film 300m streak DOM: 1. GotG2 2. Homecoming 3. Ragnarok 4. BP 5. IW 6. AMATW 7. Captain Marvel 8. TA4 9. Homecoming 2 10. GotG3
  18. Interestingly enough, BP has only closed the gap from 55m to 47m in this first week. That's really not that much, especially when BP had a holiday first Monday.
  19. I'm only worried about the DP weekend. MD hold should be pretty soft.
  20. I didn't say it is. It may however be on the TDKR level or a little better. Remains to be seen.
  21. BP showed summer/holiday weekdays don't really matter if the WOM is there. The movie will make up for it on the weekends. SM1 is still one of the best CBM multis ever releasing in early May. Actually, 3 of the top 4 21st century CBM multis did so without summer weekdays for a large part of their run (SM1, GotG, and BP).
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