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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. He kinda looks like a Mighty Morphin Power Ranger missing his mask.
  2. Should do well in Japan too if it’s good since they love Disney and musicals. Could really be a ww juggernaut, not just dom.
  3. The creature is a river god with abilities that can only be called magical (healing powers, creating, etc). It is 100% fantasy, hence why the director himself called out the fantasy genre during the acceptance of it for Best Picture.
  4. I really wish we could have seen GDT's Hobbit movies. I know his two part vision was the right way to go, PJ fucked that one up.
  5. That teaser felt like it went on and on and on and on... Build up is good and all, but I think they definitely got a bit carried away with that one. It was 90 seconds that should have been 30 seconds. Blunt looks good though for the part.
  6. Never seen Billy Elliot admittedly, but The Hours is just The Reader part 1: some good performances carrying an extremely mediocre film.
  7. How The Reader made it over The Dark Knight is even worse. If Daldry ever makes a legitimately good movie, expect it to be nominated for 16+ oscars and win them all (something Wicked this way comes?).
  8. Nolan is probably our only hope for a BP winner that's actually a big grosser anytime soon.
  9. I wonder if/when we are ever going to see a true blockbuster win again? Been 15 years now since RotK. Prior to that year, 4 out of the previous 6 winners were blockbuster level grossers and the other 2 near 200m as well adjusted.
  10. SoW would probably have done 100+ by now but I think #fishsex was just a bit too much still for some. We haven't even legalized inter-species marriage yet. Baby steps.
  11. SoW's win also feels a bit like justice for when Pan's was so egregiously relegated to Foreign Film when it should have been in all the major categories that year.
  12. Dear god, there's a sci-fi vs fantasy debate for SoW? It's clearly fantasy. Just like Gravity is clearly sci-fi. How can people get so confused between the two, it's not that hard...
  13. I wanted the Hawkins win even more than Del Toro or BP. A huge shame she was so snubbed this awards season. She was better than McDormand and McDormand already had her Oscar and plenty of accolades in the industry.
  14. Frances' laugh sounds like it belongs in an asylum. The woman scares me.
  15. You literally picked the most vanilla BP winner of all time to use as your example.
  16. Wow. I'm in mild shock my favorite film out of all the nominees actually won BP. Only happened twice before in the 15+ years I've watched (ROTK and Slumdog).
  17. Everything besides Aquaman would probably scramble to move to a new date though if Disney were to move this to the 21. The studios aren’t stupid, they know this is the big dog to go up against this Xmas. I’m inclined to agree the 21 would be better. I do think there’s a whole lot of money to be made for this in those extra 4 days that might not be able to be made up releasing on the 25th
  18. I think Artemis Fowl has a lot of potential to be good. Certainly shouldn’t be anywhere near as challenging as a book to adapt as WiT
  19. You’d probably be seeing it with Pac Rim 2 in a few weeks if not for China. Wouldnt surprise me if it does 75ish minus China.
  20. I'd still argue this is one of their fantasy outings, not one of their sci-fi ones though. Sure, there are sci-fi elements, but you can say that for a lot of fantasy films. It's also still very premature to say this won't pay off in terms of being profitable. The budget is pretty modest. Still don't see it missing 100+ DOM. Though I suppose OS is a big question mark and it could do bad there. At any rate, Artemis Fowl looks to be their next big gamble in 2019.
  21. I've never understood where this "third act is a mess" argument for WW came from? Is it because the Greek mythology aspect turned out to be real and people were hoping for something more "realistic"? Because it should have been obvious from the beginning of the movie the Greek mythology aspect was real and a part of the film.
  22. I don't think TGS has enough gas left to get to 176 (the 20x mark). Probably stops at 172-174. Should still at least for sure pass Chicago for #3 musical DOM.
  23. Probably would have been around 50% like DH2 and Orient Express that weekend. A 50% drop that weekend instead of -62% could have easily added a solid 20m+ DOM with its subsequent holds.
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