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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Maybe Frozen 3 and live action Frozen will come out in the same year.
  2. I want these live action adaptations of the animated classics to stop so badly. They are just running completely rampant with them, it's beginning to make MCU's release schedule look quaint. I swear it's like their goal is to get all fifty something of the main canon animation films made by 2030.
  3. Ugh, this summer at the box office is just yuck. If not for WW I'd say it would be the worst summer to follow at the box office since I started like 15 years ago.
  4. The point of it is that there's no excuse at all for it to be dropping so much from its predecessor's OW when both of the prior two installments were extremely well received by the GA and this one has such great critical reception going into the weekend. It should have been so easy for it to nab 70m+ on OW, if only Fox cared about the film much. And they clearly did not judging by that campaign (or lack thereof).
  5. War definitely requires a repeat viewing for me before I really settle into my opinion of it. Was just so completely different from what I was expecting, it really caught me off guard on a first viewing and I need another to really digest it.
  6. I do appreciate the ambition to make a tentpole as unique as War is, but I thought it was a good albeit flawed film. Dawn on the other hand, while maybe not as daring in what it's going for, is pretty much a perfect film in the execution.
  7. You saw the first right? Because in that Caesar exposes the group to the chemical that makes them so intelligent. And it's passed down genetically, hence why the offspring are so intelligent as well. I will agree that 10 years wasn't a long enough time between though. Chimps don't even start reproducing until around 15 years old and pregnancy duration is similar to humans.
  8. It will be absolutely disgraceful on Fox's part if this doesn't even beat Rise's OW, which is possible if those early numbers hold. Don't just leave your film hanging on its own, even if it is a part of a well liked franchise.
  9. Yeah, some people need to be fired over at fox for War's "marketing." There's really no excuse whatsoever for it to not be matching Dawn's opening, let alone dropping that bad, considering the reception of the first two, the reception of this one, and relatively weak direct competition. Hopefully this is a lesson that even in this day and age marketing still matters.
  10. War could have honestly justified an R rating more than many an R I've seen. The subject matter is extremely heavy and thoroughly adult, and there's some intense scenes and some violence that pushes PG-13.
  11. Yeah, DM3 will likely win the year unless Coco can score top tier Pixar WOM. Because I don't think an opening any higher than mid 60's is possible for it.
  12. Yeah, but wouldn't that be insanely impressive to have the only CBM's ahead of it be Dark Knight and Avengers films? But yeah, wouldn't be top 5 for long. Still would be pretty cool.
  13. I know this is greedy, but 400 just isn't good enough anymore for me for WW. Its run has been so spectacular I want it to get an extra 9m so badly, so it can hit the top 5 CBM's of all time. Deserves to be there after this performance.
  14. I think SM3 unadjusted is an obtainable goal for SMH.
  15. Yeah, second weekend drops for CBMs don't tell us much for legs in general unless they're out of the typical 55-65% range.
  16. On the plus side, AM dropped 57% its second weekend and still went on to a fantastic multi. So if SMH is going to keep following AM's holds, that certainly wouldn't be a bad thing.
  17. SMH is following Ant-Man's first week dailies almost identically. If it followed it through the weekend it would do about 49m this weekend (-58%). Hopefully it can hold a bit better than that, would like -55%.
  18. Given all those factors, War really shouldn't have struggled to pull an 80-85m OW. Again, marketing let it down big time (assuming it doesn't way outdo tracking).
  19. Wow @ those early reviews. Would have never seen that coming. The Conjuring franchise looks to be shaping up to easily be one of the most critically acclaimed horror franchise ever.
  20. This couldn't have been more different from what I was expecting, especially with that title. I liked it, but never would have imagined this as the movie we got. Definitely think Dawn is still the best, this wasn't as flawless as that. Thought the first half was a bit slow and there's some things about the film overall I could definitely nitpick. May be my least favorite of the trilogy by a small margin below Rise, but still enjoyed it and a fantastic trilogy overall. Definitely can join the best trilogies in film history.
  21. All Ragnarok has going against it is early November has never produced a huge 100m+ opening. But in this day release time doesn't really matter much for OW anymore with the right movie. I think it can pull HC numbers for OW with good reviews and marketing staying as strong.
  22. A wild Snyder appeared! Go! Jenkins! Snyder used Slo-mo. It's not very effective. What will Jenkins do? Jenkins used Characterization. It's super effective! Snyder used Martha. It had no effect. Jenkins threw a lasso of truth! Gotcha! Snyder was caught!
  23. I worry that they will shoehorn a bunch of scenes with Wonder Woman into JL that are completely unnecessary, which will make what is likely already a messy movie even messier, and in turn could even go as far as dampening some of the hype for her character and WW2.
  24. Lol, it would be interesting to see studio's actually adopt this approach if they know they have a winner on their hands. Just lift embargos early and let RT do the marketing.
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