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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. It will actually be closer to 125m if it follows TFA exactly from here, except no way I see it getting that amazing Sunday hold TFA did. So it will at least need to have a much better Friday proper and/or Saturday increase or it could go even lower.
  2. Kids won't follow this at all. It's all over the place in the first act and has no connection whatsoever to the Star Wars they're familiar with, so that doesn't help in their case either.
  3. Following TFA from previews gets it: Fri: 60m Sat: 34m (this is the same 9% increase TFA had from Friday proper) Sun: 30m 124m TFA's sunday hold was insane though due to WOM already blowing up, so I wouldn't expect any kind of Sunday like that. May still hit around that number though because it might have a better Sat hold from Friday proper than TFA.
  4. I mean what's really there for them? I'm sure tweens will be fine, but I wouldn't expect anyone 9 and under to sit through this. And SW has always attracted a lot of little kids, so that's bound to affect the performance.
  5. I'm sure this is going to come off as me "trolling" again to some, but I'm wondering if they didn't mean 52% and made a typo, because 30m is exactly 52% of TFA's previews.
  6. It's been up for awhile. I'm not really sure what they mean by it though, since the estimate they give is neither 50% or 62% of TFA's previews.
  7. DAJK's theater is rarely a good example for the overall DOM box office though, no offense DAJK. Like TFA didn't do 280m on OW for example.
  8. SW is the most preview/midnight frontloaded franchise out there. Previews are always huge for them, it basically invented the whole midnight thing which became the previews we now know. If it's doing roughly 50% of TFA's previews, it should hold that it would do around 50% of TFA's OW. But that's not set in stone. It could be more or less frontloaded than TFA for example.
  9. I really do wish this was a Fantastic Beasts situation for me. I called that entire marketing campaign a snooze and could barely muster the enthusiasm for it to get out to the theater, but then I loved the film. I like it so much better when that happens than what happened with Rogue One.
  10. I've never thought of ESB as "dark" just more mature in tone. Even this film wasn't particularly dark to me. ROTS is the "dark" one if we're using that adjective for Star Wars, yet incidentally not as mature of a film as ESB.
  11. Which is 120-130m, exactly the number some of us in Baumer's club have been saying for weeks only to get told how in denial we were.
  12. That Power Rangers trailer is just all kinds of random. It always seems like no one has the slightest clue what the movie is all the way up to the title reveal.
  13. Maybe you weren't very active here this past week to knwo, but Empire was being a total ass about how the pre-sales proved there was no way this could open sub 150m and it was highly likely to eclipse BvS and Civil War's OWs. Some of us disagreed and he told us we were ignorant. Now he wants to come in and try to shit all over my opinion of the film because of his own insecurity for being smug over a weekend number that very well might not happen.
  14. Please tell me how when previews are estimated to be around 30m? You realize that is 50-55% of TFA's? A 150M OW would give it a 60% share of TFA's OW. Certainly still a possibility, but far far from a lock.
  15. Hey Empire, should I go find your quotes of when you were outright calling me and some others morons for not thinking this would open to 150m+, or 180m+, or whatever ridiculous number you were pushing as being confirmed?
  16. Not once did I tell someone they weren't entitled to their opinion on the film. That is exactly what happened to me when I posted my opinion. Some of you guys really need to look up hypocrite.
  17. Wow you speak to people the way you do and you're a parent? That's extremely irresponsible of someone so emotionally immature to take on such an important job as parenting.
  18. And yet you're the one name calling, aka the defining trait of an internet troll. You're the one who was literally being condescending about the fact that "the stats" proved that there was no way this wasn't headed for a 150m OW bare minimum. Maybe don't be so smug next time in something you can't prove and then you won't have to go into fits of rage over it.
  19. You are literally blinded by your fanboy if you think this is even kid appealing in the slightest. Or you've never been around kids. Your hypocrisy in chastising me for anecdotes and then turning around and adopting the same technique to prop up your side of the coin is also quite telling.
  20. I see the depression of this only doing 55% of TFA's OW business at best is starting to sink in with you.
  21. Except I never said it was the worst movie ever even once, let alone 4 times. Guess what, this forum isn't an echo chamber. If you don't like someone hating on a film they hate because you want everyone to love it, then maybe you best leave.
  22. And regardless of what adults think, I can tell you for sure that kids will hate this. There is not one thing about it that's for them. So there goes 50% of what makes SW a phenomenon.
  23. I have to give Edwards credit though, he really made me appreciate Lucas' work on the PT way more than I ever imagined I would. Sure the PT may have terrible script and character development issues, but it never completely lacked a sense of fun and never stopped being Star Wars films altogether. Rogue One is not a Star Wars film. It is every bit of a spiritual successor to Godzilla '14.
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