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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. And none of them are particularly successful. So the popularity of sitcoms died at least. Excluding the adult animated sitcom.
  2. I would argue Hugo was a tougher sell than this. It was an adult film masquerading as a kids film and thereby looking entirely unappealing to both of those audiences. Yet it somehow still pulled 70m, and that "somehow" is almost certainly because it was a Scorsese film. This can do 80m+ if WOM is on the level critics seem to be.
  3. Oh man, my top 3 so far are all animated this year. Now if only I could figure out the order to put them...
  4. I think the last 3 are all pretty bad iirc, but yeah that last one was epic levels of nuclear.
  5. Seinfeld was definitely a big achievement at the time, and still holds up moderately well. The first 6 or so seasons of Roseanne are still mildly worthwhile and often surprisingly timely. Otherwise I don't care to watch/rewatch any.
  6. It should have moved up to March so Moana could have its release. Sing could stay where it is, Trolls will be dead when it opens.
  7. Or maybe animation fatigue really has set in? One of these two really should have moved to the wasteland that is next year.
  8. These 2017 films should change their names: The Beauty of the Beast The Fortune of Logan The Covenant of the Alien The Homecoming of the Spiderman The Groot of the Galaxy The Destiny of the Mummy The Providence of the Apes The Serendipity of the War of the Stars
  9. Ridley needs to keep the tradition of just that one big gory scene in these films (chestburster, c-section), which makes a lot more impact than a bunch of gore throughout.
  10. Bleh, who wants that from a Ridley Alien film? The first certainly didn't get to be a classic by way of blood and gore. If that's true then I will easily prefer Prometheus over this. All I ever wanted from this was Prometheus 2 with better written characters.
  11. Damn, really wanted at least 4.5 for Moana. It keeps holding unusually well on Sunday, so hopefully that happens and it gets to at least 19 for the weekend. Arrival is for sure getting to 100 with a BP nom, maybe without too.
  12. Which only worked for Teller because he's meant to be somewhat of a smug asshole in that.
  13. Another trailer coming soon? What the hell happened, did all the studios get together and decide on a 7 day period to dump every single trailer release for their first half 2017 films?
  14. Teller is one of the rare actors I would actively root for to fail. The sad part is he has talent, but I don't think there has ever been a more apparent douche in the public spotlight ever. I can usually separate the person from the actor, but he is entirely intolerable for me and yeah he would have wrecked this movie.
  15. So...anyone see the Spirited Away 15th anniversary this past week? One word: gorgeous. I had never seen it in the theater and I was blown away by how it looked.
  16. I must say, I feel like J Law's time as a big draw is kind of coming to an end. It just feels like a massive amount of buzz and interest towards her has deflated among the general public. Not that I think she won't have a career going forward, but I feel like her time as the Hollywood it girl has officially run its course.
  17. Oh my god, Vin Diesel's ego is becoming an omnipotent being permeating everything it touches. We all need to prepare for the end of everything.
  18. More specifically, he's worth watching once and then remember that performance anytime you're curious as to what his performance in something you haven't seen will be like.
  19. Well it certainly doesn't offend me personally, I just think it's dumb genre bias is still such a thing with the Academy. They should be past it by this point.
  20. I dunno, something about a full blown war movie just doesn't sound appealing to me for this franchise. The strength of the first two was all about the character development. That trailer already felt too samey by the time it was over for me. Hopefully this isn't another Hobbit 3.
  21. Out of every year in Oscar history, I really can't think of a more appropriate one than this for an animated film to crack the BP field. Animated films were by far the biggest commercial and critical hits of anything this year. It truly was the "year of animation." They have at least three entirely worthy candidates to choose from this year for a BP nom. Beyond that, after the 5 locks or so, the rest of the BP field is looking incredibly weak. I suppose they could just add Arrival and leave it at 6 noms, but if they're going to go any deeper than that then it makes no sense at all to exclude something like Zootopia, Kubo, or Moana. No one needs to see the 5,007,045th "inspirational true story" generica drama nominated for BP (yes looking at all of you Lion, Sully, Loving, Hidden Figures, and Jackie). If they're being honest with themselves, not having animation present in the highest award this year is purely out of bias and nothing else.
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