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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. I am really seeing TFA ending with 975-980 right now, which flat out sucks if they can't/don't want to find a way to get it to 1b from there.
  2. So then I guess James really is gonna be a baby about it and not issue any form of congratulations to TFA whatsoever? Its been 5 days now.
  3. I'd say it makes about 165m more DOM (w/o a re-release) and 200 OS. So that leaves another 100m up to China.
  4. I would have to wonder if such a strong independent heroine was a bit much for Chinese audiences. They don't like the THG movies either.
  5. Say what now? It's only 400 away with like 150m more or so coming from China and probably that much coming yet from DOM. So it's basically going to stop making money everywhere else then?
  6. Should be getting close to passing TPM's admissions. Also moves up past Jedi into third place for the franchise adjusted for inflation.
  7. I honestly thought that too not that long ago, but it has been getting an awful lot of important pre-cursor snubs lately. And have you seen TBS yet Baumer? Again, once you see it it becomes pretty obvious it is exactly what the Academy would go for these days. I can't see it losing.
  8. I'm sure Paramount had a lot of hesitation about trying to push TBS as a big awards contender given its director's previous filmography. Not exactly an easy Oscar sell as "from the guy who brought you Anchorman and Step Brothers." But once you see the film, it is clear as day it is right up the Academy's alley. They will totally love it.
  9. TBS for sure. The Martian and Spotlight are not going to inspire the passion needed among voters to win anything. Fury Road has a better chance at that, but won't since it's a genre film so we come back to TBS.
  10. Yeah, that's a really great OW for it. It basically followed Krampus' pattern. Interesting that we've had two horror films in a row increasing on their first Saturday (The Visit also did it too in September). Wonder if this is a new pattern for the genre, less frontloaded?
  11. Not sold on Scott winning director when the movie likely won't even win in the Comedy category. Again, I think Miller winning and MM in drama could be big upsets tonight.
  12. Pulling for a Mad Max upset in drama so we can finally put this "Spotlight is the frontrunner" BS to rest.
  13. It would be a limited engagement mainly centered on the 4th (SW day). It could play through the weekend too, but the IMAX screens in particular would only be that day or before CW took over.
  14. Of course, but with the right angle and push it's not impossible in this case. If Avatar could gross another 11m after it looked like its interest had been completely exhausted, I would have to think a heavily marketed special 2 day event centered around Star Wars day and seeing the film one last time in theaters/IMAX could bring in huge sellouts and who knows how much. If IMAXs started selling out, it wouldn't take long for the gross on the 4th to start hitting the teens or higher. Of course, an even better way for it to get there would just be a crazy good hold next weekend over the Holiday. Let's see.
  15. We need a fantastic MLK weekend hold and likely at least a nice re-expansion or re-release and 1b isn't dead. I hope Disney cares enough to try to get it there if it gets anywhere in the 970 area on its own. Still think my May 4th limited engagement (including IMAX) idea would do gangbusters.
  16. It will be disappointing if it comes within 30m or less and misses, which is looking like a real possibility right now unfortunately. Disappointing because it got so close, not because there's anything wrong with the gross obviously.
  17. Yes!! That puts 43 or so on the table for the weekend, and 1b back on life support! Knew it was too soon to call the time of death.
  18. My HP obsession knew no bounds between age 9-11. The Goblet of Fire book released the year before was the most excited I'd ever been for anything (read that sucker in two sittings at age 10), and then my hype for SS was off the charts. Movie came out when I was 11, so right at the height of my fanboyism for it. Stood in line with my two best friends at the time to see it and immediately afterwards we begged our parents to let us go again, and we got right back in line for the next showing. I thought it was the greatest movie ever made, no joke. Then a month later I saw FOTR and realized how wrong I was. In fact, come to think of it, FOTR is probably responsible for what curbed my HP enthusiasm in the first place. My obsession with HP was never the same shortly after FOTR's release.
  19. How is this possibly a theatrical release? Those production values are pushing it even for made for TV.
  20. Even doping them up on a ton of Nyquil or something before taking them is better parenting than just letting them outright watch The Revenant. I mean damn.
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