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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Dammit TFA! I will of course stubbornly hold onto 1b until it doesn't happen. No abandoning the ship.
  2. Wow, really nuts for The Revenant. Disappointing if TFA is 11, decent if it's 12. Wanted 13 though.
  3. It was one of the more interesting movie monsters in quite some time. Too bad about the movie though...
  4. Theaters had to post signs for Cloverfield I believe said something like the filming style could make them sick and was akin to a roller coaster ride.
  5. Clover was a pretty sweet monster actually. Would like to see a proper movie for it without the gimmicky found footage crap.
  6. Leo could have deservingly won for like 6 movies at this point. The WOWS loss is just unforgivable though.
  7. He was snubbed for Django, which is easily the best supporting performance of the decade, probably one if the best ever.
  8. Leo should do a role with a realistic face mask disguise and an alternate name, masquerading as a new actor. Then when he wins the Oscar, peel off the face mask during the acceptance speech.
  9. Hobbit 1s OW is the goal. Anything else is great for it all things considered. Ive seriously never even heard these sequels talked about by a single person outside the Internet. I want to know where all the hype is that would lead to a huge opening in December? Again it will hinge entirely on the marketing.
  10. Let's get serious though: Do we really believe (besides Kal) that this will have way more hype among the GA than say The Hobbit 1? The only reason I think it could maybe clear 100 OW at all is because I do believe it will have a fantastic marketing campaign like the first's. But it is going to have to be even better than the first's to renew interest enough to lead to the biggest non Star Wars December OW. Resting on its laurels as simply Avatar 2 will get it nowhere fast. The first is almost a punchline among the GA today. Undeservedly so, since I think people are way too hard on it, but nevertheless that is the way many people view it now. They have their work cut out for them. Thank god Cameron's used to that.
  11. If this movie clears 125 OW in December I will eat a banshee plush (if they make them). And no we're not bringing up what TFA for OW did as any kind of valid argument, SW is the only thing that could shake the way December box office works so thoroughly to the core.
  12. Even if it performed more typically in China, it still would have done 950+ OS vs 550 for the previous. Baffling any way you slice it.
  13. ROTS, DH2, and TFA's late night/midnight and TA's OD evening are the most lively screenings I've ever been to by far. Those 4 are in their own category. TA's is particularly memorable since it wasn't a late night/midnight. Never seen any crowd reaction like that outside of that setting.
  14. Krampus had an unusually great Sat hold for the genre though, and very weak competition. But yeah, 10m is probably possible.
  15. Lol, I feel like you've gone from sly little digs at the film from when you first saw it, to a JW lite crusade against it.
  16. They should've done this on the real posters and started a big online "pick your side" viral campaign. Missed opportunity Fox.
  17. Flattered you would ask, but I don't really know. 8m should be doable with that Thursday, unless it gets really toxic WOM right off the bat. Krampus pulled about 100k more for previews.
  18. I think we will know by Sunday already what the GA is thinking of it. I expect OD to be unusually frontloaded for it if people aren't liking it much. I still would be surprised if the GA responds well to that kind of movie.
  19. Really doubt that. New releases are always more inflated than holdovers on MT. It would need to be well above TFA on MT to pull TFA numbers this wekeend.
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