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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Have heard some real world buzz already. Perhaps we're all underestimating this? It may be good for a solid 150m or so.
  2. Because it makes no sense to me why most aren't recognizing how poor its DOM performance is, especially after their own predictions. I don't buy it's just a normal drop coming off of Skyfall. It is too severe for that and too much of a lowpoint in the modern franchise. Things went wrong and they need to fix them next time out. They can start by not resting on their laurels, and that goes for Craig just as much as the script.
  3. The franchise was dying in the 80's and you will not tell me differently. For Your Eyes Only, Octopussy, and Never Say Never Again all did poorly by the franchise's standards in the early 80's. Then the subsequent releases, A View to a Kill, The Living Daylights, and License to Kill all got progressively even worse. You better believe that a movie like License to Kill's ADJUSTED $72m looked dismal for the franchise's future. Hence why it went quiet for so long while they got a reboot right, because The Living Daylights was a reboot gone wrong and the franchise wouldn't have stood for another one of those. So the point stands. The last time a Bond movie got down near the 20m admissions range after coming off several successful films, it set off an all downhill chain reaction for a long time.
  4. Lol, you're acting like I'm saying the franchise can NEVER recover from this. All I've ever said is that THIS movie is a big fat disappointment that fell below even the most modest predictions. I'm also saying that they need to get it together going forward, because this kind of drop to such low admissions has kicked off a series of franchise low points in the past. Never Say Never Again dropped to the 20m admissions range and subsequently kicked off the franchise low of the 80's films. The series finally had to be put on hold for awhile and then 6 years alter they rebooted. Obviously the reboot worked, but it was far from a guarantee it would. The franchise was in legitimate danger of dying back then. Why would we want that same situation to happen again? Oh sure we're not to that point yet of course, and they could probably revive it years down the road if it we got to that point again, but why take that risk? If the next Bond is just another Bond with Craig and not much has been done to up the ante, we will be getting another drop domestically and the franchise will be in a bad place. They need to take the steps to avoid that. Ignoring Spectre's performance and doing more of the same will be a dire mistake.
  5. Basic logic and facts tell you it's doing what no Bond film has since 1989 in terms of admissions. Hardly "EXACTLY WHAT EVERY BOND MOVIE OF THE PAST TWENTY YEARS EXCEPT ONE DID!" That's the whole damn point. It's a three decade low. Stop dressing it up and trying to act like it isn't. And your use of home media and streaming is a laughable and irrelevant point in this discussion. It has been the norm for movie to be available to watch out of the theater in 3-4 months for like a decade now. That is hardly a new thing, and it hardly stops the blockbusters from being blockbusters.
  6. Sure has. And everytime a Bond film has fallen near or below the 20m admissions range in the past, it has just gotten worse and worse with subsequent releases until they get a reboot going. But yeah, clearly there's no cause for concern and they should just keep doing what they're doing going forward.
  7. Good lord people are desperate to defend this movie's dismal DOM performance for some bizarre reason. Since when are we using unadjusted gross to measure a movie's success comparative to the rest of its franchise? And lmfao at you trying to say there's some major disadvantage between '08 and now in how the DOM box office works. If anything it is skewed way in favor of higher grosses now with premium formats and 3D the norm. If we're getting into bootlegs, the film most affected by a bootleg leak was released in 2009. Much closer to QoS than Spectre. For the record everyone called QoS a huge disappointment in '08, I remember that very clealry. This does even worse yet for some reason people want to say it's not so bad? Unless we're talking about OS, that's not true at all. Again, I have no idea why so many want to come to this movie's defense and not call a black and white disappointment what it really is. It's almost as if no one wants to own up to being dead wrong in their predictions for this film, like almost all of us were.
  8. I guarantee you that the GA are bored with Craig. His "going through the motions" came across in all of the marketing, and it's a big reason for the massive drop off. And for the record, a normal drop off from Skyfall would've looked something like 230-250m. And I love how everyone wants to ret-con a huge drop off from Skyfall as "only to be expected" when a month ago literally 90% of this board was saying 300+, not to mention the analysts too. This was NEVER an expected drop, and that's what is most annoying how people want to pretend now that it was.
  9. We'll be near License to Kill numbers shortly if they play their cards for the next one the same way they did for this one. That's the point. People don't want to consider how this THREE DECADE low affects the franchise going forward. And that's perfectly fine I guess if they just want to stick all their eggs in the OS basket now and let Bond become Terminator. I for one though think it will be kind of sad if it loses its relevance DOM. As for Craig, he's old, tired, and downright entitled when it comes to the role at this point. He thinks he's the shit at this point, and as such doesn't think he even has to try anymore. And because he doesn't think he has to try, we get performances that, surprise surprise, have no effort behind them. He needs to go ASAP. A new Bond will always get people talking and re-new interest. Not only that, but because they have to prove themselves more when they do a re-cast, that first film with a new Bond is usually the best of that actor's Bond filmography. It is definitely time.
  10. It's alarming because it means if the next one also doesn't deliver, we're looking at possible record lows for the franchise DOM. The next one can't drop from Spectre and pull anything half-ways respectable. Sure it could become just an OS series, but that would be kinda sad. Spectre puts a lot of pressure for them to deliver on the next film for Bond's domestic brand name. Though I do feel all they really have to do is re-cast Bond and pick a good choice and audiences will be interested again.
  11. I remember we were all going on and on about that jump for BH6 last year. This one is a full 50% higher. That's pretty insane. If TGD wasn't likely to do massive numbers in just a few weeks, I would say Peanuts was on track for well over a 4x multi. TGD will probably stop that though.
  12. It is not hitting 200m. the 60% drop this weekend will show that. It's doing 175-180m, which is 160-170m of attendance when you take out IMAX. Yes, that's an alarming drop from the previous least attended modern Bond film. Again, especially since Skyfall was supposedly beloved, unlike the likes of a Moonraker.
  13. It is not the big drop from Skyfall that is surprising. It is the fact that it's going to have a sizable drop from all the other modern post 80's films too and go to such low attendance levels. Depending on legs, it could come as much as 5m short in admission from even QoS. The Thunderball to YOLT comparison isn't a good one because Thunderball was one of those 500+ mega blockbusters (adjusted). Of course there was nowhere to go but down. YOLT still was nearly as big of a hit as Skyfall, so it's not like attendance got low or anything. The best comparison is the Moonraker to FYEO one, however Moonraker wasn't nearly as big as Skyfall (and the general consensus on that film was always mixed unlike Skyfall), so even that drop wasn't as alarming.
  14. That Peanuts number! I know it was VD, but that's pretty crazy. Might be bigger than its Friday. .
  15. It was scheduled way back for a March 13 release originally. I was already seeing marketing for it this time last year. The only reason I ever heard for the push back was to give it a better chance at the Oscars. Which I doubt happens anyways. So yeah, I think this release switch will end up a lose-lose situation all around.
  16. Oh yeah, wasn't factoring those scores in. I think those might not get counted till the end though...
  17. Blomkamp's movies have always been like trying to ingest coal anyways. So glad his hype train never went anywhere after the wildly overrated District 9. Prometheus > District 9 any day of the week.
  18. Should've kept the original date, should've kept the original date. Could've been an easy 100m hit. Now this has 7 days to make its money.
  19. Part 1: 1. Will Spectre drop more than 54%? 2000 YES 2. Will Peanuts gross more than the top two new releases combined gross? YES 3. Will By The Sea have a PTA above $8000? NO 4. Which of the top 3 new entries will have the best PTA? Prem Ratan Dhan Payo 5. Will Goosebumps stay above Bridge of Spies? YES 6. Will The Intern stay in the top 10? NO 7. Will Hotel Transylvania increase more than 115% on Saturday? YES 8. Will The Martian make more than $1.6M on Sunday? 3000 NO 9. Will Woodlawn stay ahead of Sicario? YES 10. Will Everest cross $43M total Domestic? YES 11. Will at least 2 films increase 150% on Friday? 2000 YES 12. Will My All American debut in the top debut in the top 8? NO 13. Will any film outside the top 15 this past weekend, jump into the top 15 this coming weekend? NO 14. Name any film that drops more than 60% (whilst remaining in the top 12[or choose none])? NONE 15. Will Spectre be pulled from theatres by the end of weekend in tribute to the wonder that was Jem? CLEARLY IT IS TOO BIG OF A BOMB TO BE TAKING UP ANY OF LOVE THE COOPERS' SCREENS (ANSWER IS NO IF WE'RE BEING SERIOUS) 11/15 2000 bonus 12/15 3000 bonus 13/15 5000 bonus 14/15 7000 bonus 15/15 10000 bonus Part 2. (5000 each) 1. What will be the combined 3 day gross of Spectre and Peanuts? 55.250 2. How many films in the top 25 will drop more than 47.5% this weekend (This is an experimental question that understands that multiple players could win this bonus)? 9 3. What will The Last Witch Hunter gross on Friday? 0.359.875 Part 3. 3. The Martian 5. Love the Coopers 8. Prem Ratan Dhan Payo 12. The Intern 14. Woodlawn 2000 each correct answer 2000 bonus for 3 correct 4000 bonus for 4 correct 10000 bonus for all 5.
  20. Those are some monster Tuesday increases. If this is all related to VD then Thursday is gonna be really rough.
  21. Geez, not even a trailer yet and this already sounds like it will be another home run hit for Illumination by that synopsis. They may not meet Pixar's quality standards, but they sure as hell have become quite the success machine.
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