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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Tempting, but I am out at the moment. Spectre is sure to drop 55%+, but animated films that open at the beginning of November aren't likely to have amazing 2nd weekend holds regardless of WOM. BH6 had great WOM and still dropped around 40%. So that same drop gives Peanuts a weekend around 27m, and I don't think Spectre can go quite that low. Can see Peanuts potentially coming within 2m though. Will say 29 for Bond to 27 for Peanuts.
  2. It's funny how Die Another Day is always considered such a franchise stopper, yet it is Brosnan's most successful and #6 out of all 25 films in admissions. If the film had been any good, I wouldn't be surprised if it had pulled Skyfall level admissions and Brosnan would have done another 1-2 more. As it is, Brosnan's 4 Bond films ended up all being ridiculously consistent in admission levels.
  3. 200 is getting pretty overzealous for Peanuts. I'm sure WOM will be very good, but how exactly is it supposed to get like a 4.3x multi with TGD opening in a couple weeks? That's a better multi than even IO. Spectre nudges closer and closer to being Quantum of Solace 2.0 by the minute.
  4. Same goes for BoS' continued incredible holds in the face of Spectre, and HT2 and Goosebumps' impressive ones with Halloween being over and Peanuts opening.
  5. Figured Spectre would go down. Now it's really game on between it and MI5 DOM. Would be crazy if Peanuts ends up beating it DOM too.
  6. Well, Depp's Hatter still comes off like a trying-too-hard nuisance. But fortunately i really liked everything else about the trailer. Definitely don't get the sense they're just going for more of the same (aside from Depp).
  7. Some of these aren't at all surprising, but I must admit I had decent box office hopes for about half of these. What a disastrous month. I wonder what would've happened w/o The Martian? Would some of these have been hits or would it just have been a wasteland for everything?
  8. Yeah, I in no way expect it to get close to SF's OW with the same OD. That's why I said 80 is probably a safe bet. But could go more QoS and just do high 70's.
  9. Off a 30m OD Spectre would get around 76m with QoS' weekend holds, and about the same OW as Skyfall with that movie's holds (88m). So 80 sounds like a safe bet. Not bad after the tracking, but I still hold the movie should have easily been trumping Skyfall's OW. Fantastic for Peanuts if it holds. That would be a similar OD to BH6 which opened the same weekend last year and did 56m.
  10. Yes but $417m for QoS to $800m for Skyfall was an insane jump, even with the difference in market in those 4 years. An increase to $600m would've been the more normal jump with the market expansion. On an aside, I just realized for the first time that QoS decreased from CR OS. Maybe Spectre actually will end up decreasing OS from SF after all.
  11. This is in a really good position with Damon coming off of one of his biggest lead roles ever. There's been just enough time between the two for a real demand for the franchise's (proper) resurrection too. Could be huge.
  12. 1) Peanuts Opening 5 days (until Tuesday) vs Spectre's best 2 days of its OW 2) Peanuts Opening Tuesday percentage change vs Spectre Opening Tuesday Percentage Change 3) Peanuts' Final Gross - Epic Final Gross (107.5M) vs Spectre's final gross - Quantum of Solace Final Gross (168.4M) 4) Peanuts' 2nd Weekend % drop vs Spectre's 4th Weekend % drop 5) Days it takes Peanuts to overtake Goosebumps vs Days it takes Spectre to Overtake Hotel Transylvania 2 (Fastest is winner) 6) Peanuts Total from Day 15 of release vs Spectre total from day 15 of release
  13. It will be fine even if it did cost them $350m+, but they're lucky Skyfall turned the franchise into an OS juggernaut. If not for that they might have lost money on this with that kind of budget.
  14. The animation looks GORGEOUS. This and TGD may represent the new pinnacles in CGI animation. Aside from that it left a lot to be desired. But I thought that about the trailers for the first as well and ended up loving it. Only mildly chuckled at the chicken bit at the end, otherwise all the humor fell very flat I thought. That said, they are very smart to go back to that kind of marketing for this. They kinda ditched that for a more serious tone with the KFP2 marketing and it backfired. DWA seems like they have to market their movies with the cheap jokes or they don't sell.
  15. Anyone know if there was a MI5 vs Spectre DOM club made awhile back? Want to start a MI5 over Spectre DOM club if not...
  16. With the reviews and the crowded November, I think it needs at least 75m OW to make 200. Remember, QoS only got a 2.5x multi. This is a frontloaded franchise when they're not well liked.
  17. Lol. First blockbuster Christian franchise! Picking up right where Mel dropped the ball.
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