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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. I just hope they don't have long term plans for every one of their films so far to get a sequel. In that case we still have Monsters Inc 2, Ratatouille 2, Wall-E 2, Up 2, Brave 2, and Inside Out 2 to get through. *Yes I purposefully left A Bug's Life 2 out, it's the only sequel of theirs we're totally safe from ever happening.
  2. Yeah, I can see it really being huge now given it will kind of own the summer for big animated films. Can't say that very often these days with all the big animated movies scheduled. DM2 may not be the franchise peak after all...
  3. Well to be totally fair, there is a potential in Dory, TS4, and especially I2 to be great. I don't see that potential in the dreaded Cars 3, but stranger things have happened I suppose.
  4. So I'm guessing then that means there are no originals besides Coco planned between Dory and I2, or else why announce two untitled films in 2020? *SIGH* I think that kind of sequel overkill is going to be terrible for their brand. You could argue doing 4 franchise films in a 5 movie span is what started DWA's downward spiral (the Shrek 4, Megamind, KFP2, Puss in Boots, Madagascar 3 stretch).
  5. Well we can't speak for this one yet, but I refuse to believe Cars 2 was made for anything but that. There's no way Lasseter or anyone else actually thought that plot was a story that really needed to be told.
  6. Actually TS3 was likely hurt by 3D. There was a big backlash against it around that summer, after the horrible post-conversion 3D of the likes of Alice and Clash of the Titans killed off a large chunk of the public's interest in the format just as soon as it had started. The problem was that the films that were rolled out in 3D that summer were done so in a way that they were hardly playing on 2D screens, because it was assumed 3D was going to be the new standard for films after Avatar's success. So as a result of lack of 2D options for films released in 3D, we had a bit of a box office slump that summer. TS3 was probably hit harder than most, because families especially turned away from the format given how expensive it is to take 4-6 people to a 3D movie. I honestly believe TS3 could've beaten Shrek 2 and done around 450 with the 2D options that are available these days.
  7. I had assumed the same, however I don't see the sense in announcing a release date less than 2 years away if they haven't made some real dents in the filmmaking process already. Not like animated films just get whipped together in the last year. At any rate, with the new release the gap between TS3 and TS4 will not be all that much shorter than the 11 year one between TS2 and TS3. Kinda seems weird to think about. I remember it felt like ages ago to me since TS2 came out when TS3 did, yet TS3 still feels so recent in a lot of ways to me.
  8. They better have an original in the works to add to both '18 and '19, or else after TGD 4 of the next 5 are sequels. Thank goodness we got a minor miracle of 2 originals from them this year. Who knows when/if that will happen again.
  9. UGH. Was seriously hoping beyond all reason that this would somehow get cancelled and replaced with an original after IO did so well. But it looks like it must actually be well into development if they've got it set only 2 years from now. Meanwhile, Incredibles 2 seems like they are pushing it as far back as they can almost as if to say "hey, this movie is still tentative and might not actually happen." Joy.
  10. I'm counting MU too. So yes, only two "franchise continuations" beyond TS sequels, but they also happen to be 2 of the only Pixar films that aren't great. So they leave cause for concern for future non-originals.
  11. True. But he was just sitting there so inconspicuously during the whole convo. I wanted him to say something!
  12. It was...good. Not really sure about all the hype? I mean it was cool we got a sci-fi film with a heavy emphasis on the science aspect for once. Plot was traditional and predictable to a fault. Matt Damon was Matt Damon. Visually pleasing, but not particularly memorable in production values. Nice, but overall I'll take Prometheus quite frankly. Obviously not as consistent of a film, but the more interesting one and the highs are much higher. And of course it doesn't hold a candle to Gravity for me. I also have to say, after three "survive in space" movies three years in a row, I think the concept is a bit tired now. Best let it rest for awhile. Let's get some more unique ideas for these Fall sci-fi blockbusters.
  13. Wow, he sounds kinda like a douche in that article. I say see you Craig, next. He was great in Casino Royale and had a ton of potential, but all that potential fizzled in both QoS and Skyfall. He seemed like he was just there for the money in both, and will probably just go through the motions in this one too. On to someone who is actually passionate about the role.
  14. I actually always wanted a sequle to Monsters Inc given the ending, and then they go and make a prequel instead! I'm still open to a sequel for it though. Ratatouille, Wall-E, and Up sequels would all seem extremely unnecessary. So basically give me Incredibles sequels galore and an MI2 sometime. Otherwise I want originals.
  15. I do wish we were on like the 4th Incredibles by now. That is the one I always wanted a multi-movie franchise for. TS4 and Cars 3 can just go die.
  16. Nothing about it looks "dark" in the trailers, mainly just fun and lighthearted. So I can already see how that is going to make for some jarring tonal shifts.
  17. I have a hard time believing they couldn't come up with anything better for a title. Head Games? Foul Play? Trauma Sport? Football for Dummies?
  18. Using the movie responsible for a whole new MPAA rating is probably not a good example...
  19. Those cynics mainly exist with the sequels, and rightfully so considering the TS sequels are the only worthy ones we've gotten from them.
  20. Well it did like 1/5th of Everest's IMAX opening, and Everest only had a 13m wide expansion. So things certainly aren't looking good for The Walk. Unless it's the opposite of Everest and has a poor IMAX release but a strong wide one.
  21. It's been decent. Better than most of theirs, but I haven't been blown away. Mainly just some really amazing visuals and landscapes in the trailers. The poster in your avatar is the best thing of the campaign so far.
  22. Oy. This could be a real bloodbath for the openers, but I'll go optimistic in spite of my better judgments: Pan: 28.5m The Walk: 9m 99 Homes: 1.8m
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