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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Hmm, I don't see IS getting to 50 now with that new range. Maybe, if it does the high end of the Friday range. I'm gonna go ahead and call it that IS will be very comparable to Prometheus at the box office. Albeit with maybe a slightly smaller OW and slightly better legs. And I adored Prometheus, so that's not meant as a slam by me. Rather that the WOM between the two will be very comparable as highly polarizing sci-fi flicks.
  2. I've had Noctis on ignore for a year or so, but props to him for fucking with the Nolanites.
  3. I wish that average rating would hit 7.5 at least. 7.3 is so low for a 90%-er.
  4. IS will definitely sell more IMAX tickets than BH6 will 3d. 3D is all but dead to the family audience. It's just not feasible to take a family of four or more to a 3d movie for most people. IMAX however is a major selling point for any Nolan movie.
  5. Another bad thing about this movie: it kills absolutely any chance Dragon 3 had at being a hit. That movie better high tail it outta June and far away from TS4 and DM3.
  6. WiR increased 57% on Sat and dropped 33% on Sun, so that's probably the best thing to gauge BH6's OW holds given the same opening dates.
  7. Especially when we've got an animated movie in play. Their opening Sat bumps can range from like 5% to 100%.
  8. Yeah, I meant to say original. Though I guess you could rule BH6 out in that case too...
  9. Yeah, with 70.4m. Though technically there's a very off chance BH6 could still best that with a 17m OD since if it followed the Lorax's opening that would put it right around 70m for OW. That movie missed the record by like 200k with a 17m OD. But it had a Saturday jump that was crazy huge.
  10. I'm not ruling out a Saturday decrease for IS. Not cause I'm trying to hate on it, just cause I really do expect very polarizing WOM which tends to affect movies pretty quick these days. Anyways, it will hit 50m for sure, which is a great OW for it. Good for BH6 too if that's what turns out, though I was honestly expecting it to get closer to 70 for OW. Would have been cool to finally see the non-sequel Animation OW record go down that's stood for a decade now.
  11. Yeah 3.3 for just Thursday would be good. 2m for just Thursday is kinda meh.
  12. That RT consensus is all kinds of broken right now given it has about the exact same reception as the past few WDA movie's "transcendent creative heights" that it supposedly "fails to reach."
  13. Lasseter directing makes me more nervous, not less given he's the main one to blame for Pixar getting so sequel/money hungry. After the Cars 2 debacle I seriously doubt his ability as a director these days.
  14. Don't forget 2018 and 2019 also have both of the third Avengers movies and Episode IX. And I wouldn't be surprised if Frozen 2 is 2018 or 2019.
  15. Everyone knew it. It still sucks though. Unless they have one helluva idea for a whole new trilogy. Also the Pixar sequels are officially out of control. Now we have this in addition to Dory, Merchandise Whoring 3 Cars 3, and Incredibles 2 all within a couple years from them. Not to mention I would bet almost everything that Up 2 is on the brink of announcement, with an off chance of Ratatouille 2 as well. They're just a sequel factory now. Even DWA has never been this sequel crazed.
  16. Well I knew damn well I was gonna go see Attack of the Clones too. Didn't make it or TPM any less awful.
  17. I mean we all knew it was coming, but there goes TS's status as a perfect movie franchise. I've never trusted a 4th one would be remotely warranted, and with the current state of Pixar, I really don't trust this to deliver. But I guess I'll have to remain optimistic. TS3 was a shot in the dark too if it would actually work.
  18. 200 is as close to a lock for this as any WDA movie yet. I think you meant for that comment to go in the Interstellar thread.
  19. I've always called The Usual Suspects an utterly forgettable movie people only remember for the ending, and I stick by that. It's equivalent to Superman Returns in Singer's filmography, except it has that memorable ending.
  20. I seriously forgot about that. Hopefully families will too...
  21. I have full faith in this movie to kill it over Thanksgiving regardless of OW (which I also think will be great). It's perfect Holiday family counter-programming to MJ/IS.
  22. Well this is funny timing. I just got back from my ENG Comp II class today where we watched an ethnography documentary on "Bronies" for help with our ethnography paper. Wow, I had no idea, lol.
  23. I too liked the house scene the best. As I said in the thread for the movie, it needed to be a true story to give it some real meaning. A fictional story like that just feels kind of pointless.
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