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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. All questions worth 1000 UOS Due normal time All questions pertain to the top 12 UOS All questions pertain to regular three day weekend UOS. 1) Will any Wednesday opener drop less than 20% on Thursday? YES 2) Will any Wednesday opener increase more than 20% on Friday? NO 3) Will Transformers decrease by less than 62.5%? NO 4) Will Transformers (only Sunday estimates will count) have a total of more than 217.522 mill in China? 5000 YES 5) Will Tammy make more than 30 mill for the three day? 3000 NO 6) Will Earth to Echo make more than 12 million? NO 7) Will Transformers increase by more than 50% on Saturday? NO 8) Will any film increase by less than 10% on Friday? YES 9) Will Deliver us From Evil make more than 22JS and X-men combined? NO 10) Will Transformers open to more than 12 million in UK (only Sunday estimates count) YES 11) Will Transformers WW total be at more than 500 mill by Sunday (only estimates will count) YES 12) What film finishes in first? TF4 13) Will there be any more fudging this weekend from Paramount? NO 11/13 3000 12/13 5000 13/13 7000 What finishes in spots 3 Deliver Us From Evil 5 Earth to Echo 7 Maleficent 10 Edge of Tomorrow 11 The Fault in our Stars 2000 each, 5000 bonus if all 5 correct. Bonus 1: What will Tammy's 5 day total be? 5000 37.005 Bonus 2: What will Transformers Thursday gross be? 5000 8.782 Bonus 3: What will the be the best % increase on Friday (so if you think 22JS will increase 67% on Friday, and that is the highest increase in top 12, then your answer would be 67%) 7000 46.960 Good luck!
  2. Well those people are obviously hypocrites then. I know I'll eventually complain if any actor does the same thing in every movie of theirs and especially if they have success with it. Because doing the same thing over and over isn't real talent and doesn't deserve to be rewarded. However, I do sympathize with McCarthy because I'm sure her roles available to her are limited and now she's really been typecast into this particular role.
  3. She's pretty much batting 50/50 in the quality department. Bridesmaids and The Heat were good, Identity Thief and I'm gonna just go ahead and assume Tammy are not. So it could be worse I guess. She could be like Sandler and get hits even though none of her movies are good.
  4. Just stop and weigh out where that could possibly have been going for a second.
  5. Of course, I was already taking that into consideration. But even still, the Thursday jumps in '08 weren't that great. Most were around 25-30% with Friday jumps between 5-15%.
  6. I doubt it's that low though. Probably 7.5m at the worst. Which is still bad and puts it in position for a nasty drop this weekend.
  7. If TF4 really is as low as 7m today though it's looking at a second weekend only about as high as 35m and possibly as low as 30m using the average '08 Thursday-Sunday holds (last time 4th fell on Friday).
  8. She just did her same shtick in all her big roles, and it's a shtick I found annoying. And again, dat smile....truly does haunt me.
  9. Hard to believe how relatively "unpopular" the show was at one time. It's so damn massive at this point it's almost inescapable.
  10. 1 too many. And Roberts was at her most annoying in her "hey day." It's only in her more recent work I've been able to tolerate her in some things. She actually was decent in August for example.
  11. I can't stand Roberts, so I couldn't be happier she and her nightmare smile didn't ruin either role for me. Bullock is easier to watch and more likable even when she's doing shit roles than Roberts in her BS oscar winning roles.
  12. Crawl Space is one of the best episodes of the series, no doubt. Face-Off is awesome too. But again, season 4 on the whole is rather forgettable, imo.
  13. I feel The Blind Side is overly picked on cause of its massive success and awards attention. Sure it maybe didn't "deserve" all that, but it's far from a bad movie. Had it made like 100m and not gotten all those Oscar noms I think most of the hate it gets wouldn't be there.
  14. Wow really? Easily the worst one for me and the only point where I felt the show took a step backwards in quality. The final few eps are great, but that whole first half is mind numbingly slow and uneventful. Unlike every other season which I found to be great throughout.
  15. Good number for Tammy. I do wonder how much longer McCarthy can ride her wave though. She's doing the same shtick over and over.
  16. It can have a 40% 4th weekend drop. If it only made 14m its 3rd weekend though that's not gonna matter much though. Multi will not be above 2.4x, guarantee it.
  17. Doubtful since it faces Apes in its third weekend, so another 60%+ drop could be in store. And after that it will be too low for legs to matter much.
  18. The last time the 4th was on Friday in 08 4 of the top 5 had between 5-15% Friday increases and between 40-55% sat increases. So in other words, TF4 would likely have to have a Thursday of at least 10m (more like 11m really) to drop less than 60% this weekend. The hold will not be good, sorry Baybays but the second weekend crash is coming.
  19. Do a little math man. Say it's at 9m for Thursday (since this Thursday will be inflated). So Friday its going to either decrease or barely increase due to the 4th. Meaning even if it has a massive Sat jump and a small Sun fall it will still do only 35-38m this weekend. That's a 62- 65% drop. In what world is that a good hold? And most June movies DO increase their first Tuesday historically. The one's that don't tend to have bad legs. Like MOS last June which had pretty much the same first Tuesday hold as this.
  20. It's not doing anything out of the ordinary. Hence why I'm not sure why anyone would be excited about that number. It's certainly not a good hold. Average at best. And 22JS increased its first Tuesday so...
  21. Not sure what you're excited about, it should have increased on Tuesday if it was having any kind of decent legs not decreased. Remember this is summer weekdays now, a Tuesday decrease is never good in June/July/August.
  22. Meh. Not a "good" hold for TF4 but I was hoping for about a mil or so less.
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