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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. The Hobbit movies are no more kid's films than the LOTR ones. Period, the end.
  2. Ah shit, I forgot about Annie. Museum probably will have to share with that. Either way kid's movies will combine for a solid 300m over next holiday, once again proving my point that Frozen got to have almost the whole pie instead of just a piece this year. Frozen never had to learn how to share.
  3. That's my issue here though. People are downplaying Tangled's WOM and overplaying Frozen's. Tangled did have fantastic WOM. To say Frozen had Tangled's WOM means I'm saying Frozen's WOM was fantastic too. But as I pointed out in the Frozen thread, kid's movies besides Tangled grossed over half a billion domestically that Holiday season. Kid's movies besides Frozen have grossed over $20m this Holiday season. How could that possibly not be having an impact?
  4. Only if Into the Woods is really appealing to kids, and the premise sounds more adult oriented despite being a Disney flick.
  5. Except it isn't. No kid's competition during Xmas is a marvelous thing. We'll see it again with Museum next year, quote me on it.
  6. Thank you for proving my point! Frozen's holds were only mildly better until Dec 20th (the 3rd weekend). Exactly what I've been saying this whole time.
  7. That's the problem when the whole forum loves something. They can't see objectively.
  8. What's wrong with saying it is half of this board loves Frozen and is wearing their rose colored glasses, so they can't stand the fact that there's something other than WOM in play with their precious box office run.
  9. Huh? The first time Frozen held significantly better than Tangled was the weekend of Dec 20th, the weekend leading up to Xmas. Before that it was holding only mildly better, often the same.
  10. Then why were the holds identical for their first month's of release? If WOM was that much better the holds would have been that much better. But they weren't until Xmas came and there was no kid's competition for it. Kid's had no choice but to return to Frozen if they wanted to go to the movies.
  11. I'm really getting sick of being called a hater when I'm giving you guys facts and statistics to back up my claims and you're just ignoring them.
  12. If you'd look objectively you would know that it was following Tangled's holds almost identically until the week of Xmas. Why is that then if it had so much better WOM? Could it be because Frozen only got Dinosaurs to compete with for Christmas and Tangled got Tron, Yogi Bear, and Gulliver? No couldn't possibly play into why Frozen's holds all of a sudden got so much better than Tangled's right?
  13. BTW, Night at the Museum 3 is going to benefit greatly next Xmas from once again a poor kid's lineup. But because most people here aren't going to love that like they love Frozen I can guarantee you this board will be quick to say it's only from lack of competition.
  14. I wish so bad the Guardians could have come out this year instead of last. Then I wouldn't have to have this argument because Frozen wouldn't be having Titanic holds right now.
  15. I downplay the performance because it's accomplishing records like 3rd biggest 5th weekend ever based on the right time of year without competition. It's not doing it squarely off the shoulders of otherworldly WOM like Avatar or Titanic. People here are overplaying the WOM. The WOM itself is on par with Tangled's from all indications. Nothing exponentially better than that.
  16. I can see I'm gonna get nowhere here until the post Holiday numbers start coming in. Then maybe you guys will realize what I'm saying.
  17. Because kids don't go to the movies much in January and February. The Holiday is the big time of year for kids movies. That's why it's holds will stop being so phenomenal after New Year's. Doesn't mean they won't still be good like Tangled's for example, but it will go back to acting like merely a well like movie, not the next Titanic.
  18. From BOM's weekend report: Disney Animation's Frozen continues to exceed even the most optimistic expectations. The animated sensation increased 47 percent to $28.8 million; among fifth weekends, that figure ranks third all-time behind Avatar ($42.8 million) and Titanic ($30 million). The movie is benefiting not only from great word-of-mouth, but also from a void of legitimate family entertainment—Saving Mr. Banks turned out to be too mature, while Walking with Dinosaurs never really clicked with audiences. This is all I'm saying you guys, so stop pretending like I'm discrediting WOM and start admitting there's more to Frozen's performance than that.
  19. Dear sweet baby Jesus, I didn't say it was a bad hold!!! I said it wasn't insanely amazing like what's happening to it now. It was perfectly in line with Tangled's hold and in line with a good solid run, not in line with having the 3rd best 5th weekend ever. There is no explanation for that besides lack of competition, why can't you guys just admit it?
  20. What you and apparently everyone else fail to realize is I ADMITTED FROZEN IS WELL LIKED about a month ago already. So stop accusing me of something totally false. You're failing to look at my point from any objective angle. And that point is the superhuman holds it just starting having a week or so ago are due to no competition in the heat of the Xmas-New Year's season. Jesus Christ people, read and analyze what I'm saying before you jump all over me!
  21. Still waiting for an explanation besides lack of competition during the Holiday season on why it started having so much better holds than Tangled when it was following Tangled's patterns almost identically up until the week of Xmas? Couldn't possibly be because Tangled had 3 new kid's releases to compete with starting in mid December and Frozen just got Dinosaurs right?
  22. Tangled dropped identically to Frozen that same weekend, so it looked like it would mirror Tangled's holds. And before the Dec 20th weekend it was. So again, tell me why starting that weekend it all of a sudden started holding phenomenally? If it was just WOM it would have been doing that the whole time, not a month later when the Xmas season kicked in. Honestly some of you guys act like I'm making stuff up, when I;m basing this on box office stats and facts.
  23. This is purely anecdotal but I saw tons of kids at my Life of Pi screenings the 3 times I went. Kids love animals and bright colors, so I can't imagine how Pi wouldn't have attracted them through the marketing. It looked far more kid appealing than Mitty's marketing. I will agree that once they got to the screening some kids may have been bored, but that wouldn't have stopped them from going in the first place due to appealing marketing.
  24. That's just the thing though, it wasn't having extraordinary holds after Thansgiving and before Xmas really kicked in. It dropped over 50% in its second weekend! That's why I'm saying it's obvious it's the Holiday boosting it up like this. Otherwise why did it only start having these phenomenal holds a month into its release? If it was mainly WOM it would have kicked in a lot sooner than that. But before the Dec 20th weekend it was holding just merely well. Nothing out of the ordinary.
  25. If you just look at the Thansgiving to New Year's grosses of Pi, Ralph, Guardians, and Monsters 3D they combine for around $260m. Frozen and WWD are going to combine for about $280m through New Year's. So yes Frozen has had great WOM, but it also hasn't had to share really at all. It would be like if Guardians had only gone up against Monsters Inc 3D last year. Probably would have doubled its gross in that case.
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