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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. so far my favs LEO for the revenant matt damon for the martian depp for black mass adam driver for star wars tfa john cusack for love and mercy granted i haven't seen redmayne , or fassbender , or will smith or cranston movies ....
  2. isn't it nice how this film is fueling endless discussions since 1977 lol , people will still be bitching about every frame next century lol
  3. So yeah had my 4th viewing of this on NYE, nothing to do why not go see it one last time for 2015... haven't been yet for the new year but that's due to personal real life issues... I'm still not bored by the movie so i'll probably see it a couple times more before it leaves the cinema but i do feel need to take a break from it , i'm like crazy obsessed with adam driver /kylo ren ,i'm going through his filmography alternating between movies and tv show girls I remember when it came out i watched halfway through season 1 , liked his character but thought they were all a lot very difficult to swallow so drop it momentarily and somewhere through season 2 airing i realized i still hadn't caught up so i dropped it for good ! NOW here i am breezing through it for his eyes only , dude did crazy job conveying kylo inner turmoil yet not enough to stop him from committing to heinous patricide . He's a beautiful mess ! oh nooo exclamaaation point that only serve to convey the dept of my fan passion for him PS: to each their own but i seriously don't get why people hate on the prequels as if it was a mob mentality , its like that jar jar binks character i didn't care for him but he didnt leave an impression on me either nowhere near enough to crystalize hate on him as if his existence was an insult to my viewer's one ! i find hating real people exhausting so hating on a fictional one nahhh
  4. no you haven't offended me what you have done now at this point is left me terribly confused so lets just leave this here and chalked it up to stuff getting lost in translation . ps: i nearly put an exclamation point there , i thought it meant highlighting a point didnt think it meant you're yelling or being defensive , online from my experience even here people are said to be so when they use caps letters . what do i know anyhoo moving on i was wondering who was the old man kylo killed in the village but saw an answer on youtube where i was watching theories on his behaviour and things he did in the movie , some made me pretty sad saying he's unredeemable and that killing his father was his no turning back from the dark side his defining act turning him into a sith (aww now i'm scared to use exclamation points) i guess i have a soft spot for the tragic hero and want to see it in him , must be the human in us always trying to see the best in people .
  5. ????? wait ...whaaaat? meeee yelling at you ? where ? when ? how ? dude you just threw me for a loop there and here i thought i was being articulate in answering your post ! on twitter and other social media there are a few people hating on fans of this pairing , telling them to go kill themselves for liking this pairing , i personally haven't seen much because i'm very careful who i follow and just put them on ignore so i did feel the need to be very clear where i'm coming from and that i do make distinction between what i find ok in reality and fiction , i had to be similarly clear back when fifty shades of grey came out because you have this moral uppity police on social network that have a proverbial stick up their well you know and spend their time shaming people for liking what they like or screaming rape and abuse where there isn't or where its misapplied seriously though i was not yelling at you in no shape or form and can't imagine what made you feel so , tots puzzled.
  6. first things first this is fiction , i cannot stress this major fact enough second it might be a shocker to you but first cousins marriages are allowed or tolerated in many countries like uk and france , quite a few states in america but i do believe they're quite frown upon and very sternly unencouraged! but they hardly amount to 10% in western countries but is more common in muslim countries i believe so its relatively a rare thing and that's probably because cousins grow up together so they usually have a sibling relationships but you can't decide where/when feelings of romantic nature might pop up especially when said cousins weren't brought up together in that configuration! this is the case for kylo and rey if they're cousins they haven't seen each other in a very long time , they haven't lived that way at all so its a possibility in fiction land , i doubt they'll go that route since disney is PC at its finest no kinks in the money machine is their motto if they're brother and sister yeah shit gets super icky and kinky but hello says GoT 's Lannisters and Targaryens siblings... again this is fic anything and everything is possible its not reality if you can separate and appreciate both in their respective spheres!
  7. i'm fangirling hard on my latest movie star crush , that's life for ya it will settle eventually previously i had it bad for chris pratt (GOTG/JW), the honeymoon period is the worse or best , now i'm ok with him love him tots a fan but we're cool now i'm not obsessing over him 24/7

  8. maybe i'm just weird but i don't hate , dislike the prequels and i feel people hating on them is undeserved , sure TPM is a bit underwhelming but the following 2 pîck up really well , personally i prefer them to the originals but that's probably due to fact i wasn't a fan of star wars for a pretty long time but i have come around to appreciating them for the story as a whole /world building universe after all both cover the arc of anakin skywalker rise fall and redemption . the prequels were really my first hand experience becoming a true fan of star wars before that i was more of a mind star trek world is superior ,now i love both ps: crazy question way out there(humor me) but after i realized i'm not the only one shipping rey and kylo /finn and poe , do you guys think its possible adam driver could be nominate for his role and would he be considered best actor or best supporting actor category , i know how unlikely it is during serious noms but i'm sure he'll get in for more populist GA awards edit : just found an article talking exactly about this , 7 billions people i can't be only one thinking it lol http://www.bustle.com/articles/132717-why-adam-driver-as-kylo-ren-in-force-awakens-shouldnt-be-ignored-by-the-oscars
  9. giving this an A i enjoyed it , sure its not perfect but lawrence definitely elevates this to an A on her own merit and character's journey , didn't much care for side characters although i did laugh at her mom antics with the plumber and bradley cooper brief appearances and was surprised they held back from making them fall madly in love , he could have fallen for her diamond in the rough schtick , there could easily have been a romance there a la working girl ! i loved the soap opera scenes they were funny ! her father and sister were mean , petty sort of mean at it ! i'm ok if lawrence gets nominated she def brings a lot of spunk to every role .
  10. felt a bit let down , i keep hearing this or spotlight might be winning best picture so i guess i was expecting more ...movie was ok but just there i wasn't blown away by the performances , bale was ok but carrell was a bit over the top , pitt was there ! could be i have such a low opinions of banks and their minions that i can't find it in me to sympathise with them on any level ,at the end of the day they just screwed the screwers (who somehow as we know didn't get screwed as much as they deserved to ) and i'm not sure they're any better than those they were trashtalking ... gotta say though its scary to know its a merry go around scenario , i'm not convinced they've learned anything except for getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar but sure enough there they are stealing cookie or figuring out a new way to do so find dead angle so the camera doesn't catch them B PS: frankly i also saw spotlight trailer and both these films feel like deja vu or a decade late topic , not relevant ! i feel like both these topic happened a while back but perhaps there was a need for the things to settle before visiting them in movie format ! maybe i'm just not in mood for realism /based on fact movies , i need escapism!
  11. went to see it again 3rd time now , pretty good and man does adam driver slay me with his portrayal of kylo ren , really feeling harrison ford acting in this too, cooling down on rey though i think she shines most as opposite to kylo ren ! ps : i was doubtful about finn and poe but man its crazy obvious this trip around their chemistry is off the chart and easily read in a romantic angle lol i've been wondering is that suppose to be coruscant they blow up? but that's where grandpa and grandma vader/skywalker met ...
  12. you know you guys sound crazy right ? i'm an avatar fanatic and i'm none to sure its going to make anything close to these numbers but then again count me as a doubting thomas up until OW ? right now i'm only hoping we're all still alive for the next trip to pandora serendipity !
  13. give this an A- , i enjoyed it ok the first time , liked it better on my 2nd viewing ! but i don't deny the many flaws , the movie was fast and furious , a good tentpole broad enough to please the biggest crowd possible so in that sense it does deliver i'll go see it again sometime this weekend i suppose why not truth be told i've developed a fetish liking to the idea of rey and kylo ren falling madly in love (fanfiction is the best they're already a big thing as a couple, also nice to know you're not the only one who left the movie thinking hmm these two have crazy potential for an angsty drama filled relationship) yeah yeah i know the movie presents finn and rey as the cutesy pair with cutesy potential for romance but meh who wants cute , we want passion lolllll ok back to the movie man oh man kylo killing his dad that left a bad taste in my mind i was like dude that's cold , poor solo what an end , hopefully his last thought was if that what's needed for you to be save and go back to your mother then i forgive you , he didnt seem mad at him still showed his kid love! seriously kylo ren is the most interesting character in this , how do you go from being the love child of han solo & princess leia to vader wannabee, i feel like crying whyyy whyyyy oh the curse of being a skywalker i dunno but i will always feel that dude in TPM should have left anakin alone he was such a happy kid and he plucked him out of obscurity and into epic tragedy . The force is too strong in them i don't know if they're able to balance it within themselves it seems to manifest in extreme too much yeah i think what i found most interesting about this movie was what was not on screen , rey's past , han solo/leia romance guess happily ever after didn't last as long they might have hoped but kinda realistic they were such an unlikely pair to begin with free spirit space cowboy and the uptight princess , luke training kylo wtf went wrong there , luke leia and solo relationship after that even though snoke seduced him to dark side you gotta wonder wtf was luke doing that snoke got away with that , lot of guilt and blaming must have ensued , was he a good jedi master to his young padawan ? i have to say leia and solo aged well , ford is still very handsome , i've read he didnt want to do the movie and only on condition he died he accepted is any of that true ? gotta give jj abrams kudos for giving this a new vibe to liking of new generation of fans , he has a good feel for starting something but i'm not convinced he knows how to handle the and now what bit that follows as evidence by his many shows he seems to abandon mid stride .... i'm sure others have noted many things noteworthy of nitpicking , like rey magical instant use of the force ( fast and furious method lol) i would say also i didn't notice gwendolyn christie presence of lupita at first , 2nd viewing i at least notice that stormtrooper in grey might be her due to voice , and read on imdb who lupita was when someone asked how she had luke lightsaber in her possession as for finn ehh he's ok i like him , i like him even better with poe the pilot , he seems out of his dept the character not the actor but that's probably intentional he was after all programmed to be a drone like stormtrooper character growth possibility hmmm , Poe was the most fun character of the movie that i find reminded you of old movie spirit my pet peeve kylo sounding british at time when neither parents do , how could they let that pass , did no one notice this while filming or is this a hint he was raised by someone british after being abducted to dark side i mean at what age did he leave his parents ? ps i liked general flex wait ...its Hux i think well he was flexing his power muscles every scene with kylo ren lol is snoke related to that general anakin killed in attack of the clones ? who is this dude and why did he do that to baby ben sniff boo hoo hoo basically i liked the movie well enough , not enough to nitpick incessantly over it or get upset over this or that opinion of it , not enough to remember much about it apart from fact it was entertaining in the moment and at the end of the day what more can you ask for in a movie than mindless entertainment at a minimum , the only thing i'm relatively passionate about is kylo/rey but since that's unlikely to happen in the movie i'm ok ! it certainly was a pretty good movie to see in IMAX 3D for a first ..... ps2: i saw captain america civil war trailer man oh man that movie will be my 2nd IMAX viewing unless i'm forgetting some epic movie in between coming out !
  14. Yep I tapped that IMAX 3D screen !!! weeeeee i lost my imax virginity and it was worth it ! lol my spoilery review in a few words WARNING !!!! do not read unless you truly don't mind being spoiled ...or you've seen the movie ok
  15. i will live and die by my sword of choice aka BOOKS lmao my drug of choice !

  16. i saw this last night and it left me wanting like i was expecting something more epic befitting the moby dick story , the back and forth between the writer hearing the story and the actual story was annoying , we get it you're telling a story we don't need to cut back to you every now and then kinda killed the buzz on the sea side of the movie ! also i was pretty disappointed the ship gets sunk real early after that i'm like huh jaws did this part of the story way better , they showed a whale that looked battered so yeah that was a let down i was expecting a crazy fight between the two where the ship would have put up more of a fight hurt the whale a bit ehh nada de nada pff , then the castaway/alive bit was also meh , when i hear the writer say he was the only survivor at beginning i thought ooh this might be a doozy where shit goes down its brutal violent man vs beast and they throw crazy punches at each other then they both die and that kid is the only survivor picked up weeks later by a passing ship , the lone witness of this tragedy ! guess not ! B- for not living up to its potential
  17. i don't get mad max i thought it was terrible and meh at the very least !
  18. oliver will regret lying to felicity ! you don't keep things like that from your overlord !
  19. that was an awesome 2 hrs crossover they realy hit those out of the park each time , they just work on every levels no space for each shows tidbits annoyances !
  20. this mid season finale was stressful as fuck , i can't believe morgan hurt carol to defend that low life murderous scum wtf , if carol dies because of his sorry ass kumbaya moral he picked in some hood i'll be beyond piss ! i'm disappointed i was rooting for him to meet up with the gang ,thinking he'd be a badass addition to the gang but he's just being a pain in the ass much like the priest but worse if you can imagine that ! can't wait to see what his sorry ass has to say for himself when he wakes up and realize douchebag took the doctor and she's probably going to be his zombie bait to get out and come back to kill their asses argghhhh these people are going to get our core group kill and i know someone might die but let it be morgan pff maggie is in fuck up situation got feeling she'll lose her baby , the others ugh zombies attacking but that kid thinks its a good time to try and kill carl really , frankly i'm impress with the patience carl has shown him so far hope it doesnt bite him in the eye kkkk that blond lady kids are screwed up , really why the fuck is he talking as they're trying to leave the house do you see any other zombie talking , i'm certain if carol was there he wouldn't peep a squeak ! last season i could for the life of me figure out how those people were still alive and playing pleasantville all this time , they're lucky rick group came back with them when they did seeing how that zombie damn would have given way eventually , at least in mayberry they knew what the gig was ! i had a good laugh tough previous episode with the red head soldier and sasha flirting ! dunno how anyone can watch this week to week , it would drive me crazyyyy not knowing one way or the other
  21. that mid season finale was stressful like fuck , omg how dare that moron raise his hand on carol for that waste of space and oxygen of a low life murderer
  22. fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk meeee they killed Glen OMFG WTFFFFF THESE FUCKING SPINELESS PEOPLE FROM ALEXANDRIA ARE GOING TO GET OUR TEAM KILLED it looked like maybe that guy would take to the real zombie world but push came to shove he looses it and gets my babe glen killed too fuck youuuuuuuu ps: lol i'm just milking my reaction as to what it would have been if genuine , i was spoiled a couple of weeks ago on twitter someone said glen is still alive but since i hadn't been watching i didnt know why they were saying that and just guess maybe he got lost or cornered i wasn't expecting it to be him getting his guts eaten in an alley because of some moron he was trying to save ! so yeah i was still stunned and shocked when i saw that ! twd writers must be mad , you don't touch the core crew dude! no kill list : glen maggie , daryl carol , michonne rick , everybody else is fair game !
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