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  1. I tried it and bought season 1 again (there is no whole series offer at the moment, might have been as I bought it the first time, as I tend to look out for those) Me too had the whole series since a time already, but in opposition to @DeeCee my tries per episode before the rebuy, to episode per episode delete it from my ipad (I have the whole series downloaded on it) and re-download it, did work, but it was then again the old version, with around half a GB per episode, tried to play those, worked. Then the season 1 buy, still at downloading it as speed and connection here is iffy, per episode as far as done its 1.12 to 1.15GB now. I took a look at Youtube, someone uploaded a clip explicit comparing the old DVD version and the new-ish remastered version at itunes There are still shots within the new episodes with a few artifacts eg during the intro where a spaceship as a not clean edge, but its small in comparison, and as its only the intro... Acted scenes seem rather be improved in lightning and so on Another comparison, not itunes specific, it says with updated JMS comment, but there is no comment for me In some scenes actors were earlier rather dark lit, now definitely more to see, but also more color intense.
  2. now 74 staff and actors died out of the Babylon 5 and Crusade,... world. Some were old, oK, that’s live, way too many died in their ‘50 and ‘60. Richard Biggs died as a 44y old, way too early, bad surprise Mira Furlan death with only 65y hit hard, she was a rather good actress anyway, but her RL experiences in the war in her home country, the time working on both sides of the war front still, with constant death threats,... I feel there is a possibility that might have enhanced the depth she showed in her presentation as the Ambassador of the Minbari and a member of the religious cast. Andreas Katsulas death (59y) hit then hard too, IMHO his character had probably the most growth of any character on TV, no matter the TV series.
  3. Ahhh, thank you for the warning! I have not seen the remastered version yet, but think about to try out if I can re-download the previously bought series at itunes as it has now the remastered cover even within my apple tv app in the ~ folder for the bought media. The previous version had some episodes not working, they might have exchanged it. If not... I’ll see (edit: nope, not the remastered series, might to have to buy it again. Will wait till a good bonus card thingie is available again, it looks like in 2 weeks or there might be one. Price at itunes is 19.99€ per season for the remastered version without the use of a bonus card. Have to really think about that. I guess I’ll rewatch it - again - soon, all that remastered talk made me ‘hungry’ for the complex story in story arcs again
  4. Maybe changing the title to show its at HBO Max and in 4k,now?
  5. tried it, Yahoo forces me (as usual) to visit another website to clean out who can access my privacy data. That external website works (as usual) not, means the only possibility to read yahoo based articles, blogs,... would mean to allow a LOT of companies access. So, what is the joke or detail about? (I am guessing joke based on reaction given to your post)
  6. in my POV he is not the major antagonist, as not acting under his own control in the movies. A tool that has to adjust to a lot, see CA had to adjust time area wise, but also what was done to him, what he did, and what it caused. Nearly nothing of what he thinks about it, his POV,... was shown in the movies Established with lots of room to develop, as the screen time in the movies was focused on him being a tool, and otherwise also didn’t really showed/told what I’d call depths, development,... of the character. It was about the rift between the Avengers, their POV about him / his guilt, BP’s too, but not really his side. Even in this series he is a part of a titled duo ‘only’, looks like a few others already introduced will appear too, so it remains to be seen what they’ll do with the character. Maybe they see the potential of stories to be told, maybe less obsession and more potential story material they’ll need to fill up Disney+ offers for teens/YA, and childless adults too?
  7. I feel like we might see quiet a few of the big names not killed on screen and being on the good side again, if in movies or in MCU shows. Still waiting for at least two out of GotG 1 again
  8. Around 10y back, according to someone then being involved: Then they excluded eg people rating 1 or 10 with new accounts, not often ratings giving, and I think it was also the sole 1 and 10 star givers. But then the people being active with ratings regularly, also ... did count, even if they gave biased for fanatism, as those fell through the raster again yes and no, if its still similar to then it impacts surprisingly heavy, but see my remark about the majority of those did not arrive yet... those did not arrive yet. And as long as WandaVision does not get praised for what might start triggers, they might not arrive. Do not discount the 2-star and 3-star raters (and if a movie is critically acclaimed, like top 100 movie of the decade, then also the 4-star, and 5-star rater to a degree) of that group (generally speaking) in the sum they do have an impact. As the 1000 top are giving an average of 7.0 its still less than the general average, but as its only 1.0, .... My explanation was also in answer to the general question about IMDb, not solely about WandaVision, hence the little words like not yet, and the other example, not IMB specific
  9. It reminds me about how Steve had to suffer through Tony’s not-planning in Avengers 1, but also about ‘The Odd Couple’ Then the therapists of the Lethal Weapons movie series And then even more so about characters out of book series, where the not 100% behaving (btw there in part way worse) brothers in arms end also with ‘retraining’ or before the bosses for stern talking to’s from time to time, similar intensity/not-mature reasons, but probably less extreme shown on a screen?
  10. hence why I added the IMDb line. It‘s not completely done that way, an example is, a small group, but very heavily counting is their top 1000 rater group, that is too full of fanatics (IMHO not even 1 should be there, IMDb knows it, it shouldn‘t be that difficult to find an algorithm to exclude fanatics of that kind), incl anti-MCU, anti ‚woke‘, anti female, and rather pro racism, pro one sided Christian narrow minded religious,... They love to give 1 to 3 stars then, a few tend to give every genre... movie less, as those ‘can not be good’. Was in the past even worse, see at times the IMDb message boards were still open, more constant logged in users active in.... but those did not arrive in big numbers at WandaVision yet, and might not, as it might not provoke the most of them beside a few religious fanatics who downrate all what is eg magic, pro... whatever edit: but to counter with fans is even more difficult if the fan-free rating would be 8.5, if too many 10 are kicked out, and all the eg 2-5 of haters in the know of that rule are still there
  11. yes and no lets say the fan-free rating is 8.5 fans rate 10, haters rate 1 way more fans have to rate to counter the haters (edit: generally counting, not specific for IMDb)
  12. I feel like all 3 characters match as brothers-in-arms Its not like in RL people can choose and pick who is their teammate eg as SWAT or soldiers or... give them time and enough life threatening situations and the fast majority will bond, no matter what.
  13. ahm, not sure if old Steve would be still available to do so eg energy-wise, Clint has to come down from Ronin and help his wife and children to adjust and so on.
  14. If I‘d not have read accidental already that, you‘d have spoiled me with this edit: thank you!
  15. leaks even more important to spoiler-tag, as no one had a chance to have seen the episode not aired yet, and they are too often include some true aspects/details But also actual episodes... not everywhere its either already Friday when people start to react here, or are still asleep, have to work, no chance to see it in peace till eg a few days later on...
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