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  1. What is her involvement? She seems not to be listed for it at IMDb or I missed it? Not meaning her being the GF of the director if I did not mix up names again, I mean the official part
  2. You are not alone, never seen her in anything, or, if she was in a scene of something I’ve seen, not seen in a way I’d actually would remember her. Never watched completely the Spider-Man movies (I zipped through a couple of those), the only other project she is in I might have watched was the one with Hugh Jackman, but I didn’t like what I read about the person HJ’s character is based on, so again a ‘missed opportunity’.
  3. I do not know about The Flash comics details like that, but they do not need to look for filmed Flash-based material, Wanda involved comics offer lots of input for e.g. alternate living / in a way dimension, see e.g. House of M, living with Vision, experiencing such loss it drives her in a way ‘mad’. And as there is talk about Young Avengers, her twins .... again a reason to get ‘mad’. Who kills whom for what reasons got changed then out of then movie rights reasons, but she did suffer too much for her kind of power in both versions, MCU and comics. Not believing into the Tom Cruise detail, but in case he gets cast even for ‘only’ a 5 seconds cameo, I wont watch the movie, he is one of the very few who I can recognize per his appearance making me literally feeling ill beside me being face-blind. Not a good sign....
  4. 1. I never commented on how to interpret the view counts 2. my post is about the wording ~ no other / nothing beside.... I can see the trailer at non WB channels, e.g. this one ( 3 million views, 38k thumbs up, 2k thumbs down, moenytized) Movie coverage, KinoCheck, IGN, Nerdist, One Media, Filmselect, (all of those at least 500k) also show the trailer still, for more checking my interest into viewing counts is (for the moment, as still at work), not big enough I do not understand why people try to compare Batman‘s and Dune‘s viewing counts as I think the aimed at viewer differ e.g. age-wise at least in part, and at least the people I know who are also older tend to do way less repeat views than at least a part of the younger ones (only based on observations in general / over the decades in my surrounding). In addition the Batman franchise reached per animated, TV-series, comics, and count of filmed movie versions a way broader and bigger amount of potential viewers, hence why e.g I‘d never even contemplate a comparison.
  5. I do not know why you do not see them, but there are lots of YT channels showing it. Big-ish (3 million) and ~ small (Dune trailer views over 100k) channels. In addition there are quite some reaction and breakdown clips with over 100k views too, those might even have a bigger impact than the sole trailers (in general), at least for a part of the potential viewers..
  6. 'We' have a choice. Actually 'we' have a lot of choices. To look at the public behaviour history of the person in question's behaviour is one of those. To not assume based on stereotypes in general is another choice 'we' can make. Beside that, this 'new norm of Hollywood' is definitivley nothing new, only how those that want to use the 'loud' publicity get themselves into the awareness of the public has changed. In the past e.g. drunken parties with damages was far more widespread than nowadays, For some stars 'a must' behaviour then. And that is only one example out of many, the yellow press (UK term, I forgot the US version's nick name) is way older than social media.
  7. In a normal situation that might be possible - to the degree it also means more big budgets within the same month, as other studios wont have to reduce their output. In the actual situation incl the near future (3 years and later), it might be only possible, if accepting a considerable income decline, as all studios have lots of movies on the waiting line. Juggler needed in the release dates planning offices And the merchandise organizing offices And the ...-
  8. I am old enough to have encountered similar situations even in pre social media times that where absolute accidental, not everyone does that on purpose. No matter the size. The ones I doubted it being accidental are usually more prone to want being seen (in the other meaning) than he seems to be. He seems to be missing the extra ‚need‘ some of the other people in the public awareness or the wish for that show.
  9. Fast check at that link... amd I am rather very confused: what did he actually do?
  10. @Heretic Happy birthday! Enjoy your day (as its a Sunday I hope you do not work)!
  11. That the definition on what a YA novel even is, varies. Including as per time, generation.... it varied to a degree too. Some look for certain themes (like a check mark, no matter other details), others look for who it is aimed at / written for, and others look for what the perception is. All of them are correct as the term is far more general as some seem to use it, interpret it. Everyone who sees it as such is correct in the same way as people who disagree, as the novel has marks for and against being a YA novel. It depends in a big way how someone is used to evaluate a material for that detail.
  12. I feel like a few of the new members are old members....
  13. That I am doubting, as they have too many departments being dependent on lots of daily visitors, see their parks too. A lot of the merchandise need fresh impulses to stay in the numbers they are used too. Only for the 3rd quarter the parks had a $3.5b operating income hit, as was reported ~ a month ago. A minus of 85% revenue in comparison to last year. On the plus side, they reported 100m subscribers
  14. that is ... optimistic at best. Financial pressure, political POVs,... many things can be a reason to allow things that are rather dangerous. Or not avoid things others will get damaged by later on. Money still talks. No matter if its e.g. about building an atomic power plant directly over a known earthquake location, selling weapons to people not suited for those, sell houses that are known per chosen construction/material type-location combis to have or get dangerous (like deadly dangerous) mildew, or at locations with contaminated water supply, and so on.
  15. not surprised, hence why I think since early on 2.something years as a minimum till BO can/have a chance to start to be normal. If they develop in a fast way a workable vaccine....
  16. out of the young adult fiction wiki entry Aimed at / written for YA is something else, those too are usually YA fiction. Maybe that use is more on the forefront of the awareness, see the ... less nice, or ~ over-the-top novels/movies based on those? As said, to me the story details of Dune are far too complex, wide spread to feel like its a typical, only, or fully ‘young adult’ novel, but I do see why others see it as such, especially if checking it for details like CoA, first love, and in the case of Dune (in especial part one) identity matches too, I feel the identity part was a big focus in Lynch’s filmed version as well. Why I did not sort it into the YA section of my library is: Paul does not behave ‘teenager-like’, his reactions to the outside, how others can see him, is never immature, he reacts IMHO very mature, very controlled. What is also a bit atypical for a lot of YA’s, is the frequently shifting perspectives, in especial as the perspectives include also the adult characters. That it got analyzed for its reading and interest levels means at least a lot of teachers, or educational based people consider it as YA material (interest level grade 9-12) - in a way. I guess it got mentioned by some of them to their pupils in such a way - people tend to remember the first intro impressions like that. Also it gets still used ad reading material including e.g. comprehensive understanding the material tests. I’ve seen it, as told, in libraries sorted in into both general areas, the adult parts of Sci-Fi, and in the YA area, so I see no need to ‘fight’ over if it this or that, but I see seldom a reason to ‘fight’ over culture/Zeitgeist based POVs. How something is seen is fluent and depends on the region/country/language translated to too.
  17. In a way at least the early parts are. Btw, I read in especial part 1-3 then, as part 4 was not even released then, I finally looked up why some references were so unfamiliar to me, the ones in the Internet I could not remember are all out of the later books. As part 4 got released here in Germany I was already working and other reasons to miss then the release of it. Lead character is at the beginning of part one only 15y old, and the story tells as such also how he comes of age, gets to be an adult and respected as one, first love, first heart break by atypical for a CoA story (death, war,...), critical resistance to the established ways, ..... ATOS reading level for part one equals mid to end of grade 5 (ATOS 5.5-5.9), interest level of all of the analyzed books is grade 9-12. Part / book 2 is ATOS early to mid grade 6 (ATOS 6.0-6.4), Chapterhouse‘s ATOS is ‘only’ 5.0-5.4 Dune: House Atreides ATOS 7.5-7.9, some of the later books do not have a grade level analysis, means those analysis either never were made for whatever reasons, or those books are considered to be at an adult level. In a library you’ll find the earlier books, depending how it organizes them, in either the Sci-Fi shelves or in the teen / YA area (as I run a library, I actually know a bit about reading levels, organizing books and such) Personally I think the books include enough ‘heavy’ themes to not consider it as a YA adults series per se, but am aware they do have enough YA typical details to be such too.
  18. No idea how people not knowing the source material nor the earlier filmed version will react as I do know the books (in a way, as I think I read over 40y back an early version, I think it was not as long as the later versions or it was a strange abridged translated version or whatever, but I do own the box now too, still have not read at least some of the later parts or was then too tired whilst reading to remember, what is know to happen if I am really tired, see insomnia), the movie and the mini-series, but I feel especially the trailer could visually appeal to e.g. Star Wars fans as well, see the ~ desert planet, the monster in the sand, and the ~ tests the lead gets through might have a hint of part V in it, and still separate enough to not give a copy of... impression. Btw, I like the trailer, but am not sure about the music, fpr a trailer it might appeal to people not being me, but I do hope that kind of music wont get used in the movie, like at all. The material seems to be e.g. too timeless and too far away from e.g. pop-culture .... to invite ~ songs. E.g. the first Avenger movie, when IM uses it in the scene where he meets CA for the first time, there its ~ natural to use ‘songs’, for material like Dune it seems to me to be ~ false. Not sure what the studio is hoping for money wise, but in nowadays times (as long as the situation is so... instabile) no movie will make even 25% of what it could have reached per theatrical release even with an established in the actual generation franchise I think, so that might be a mood point for a time anyway. What could help is, the source material includes at least a bit of other, non-western world typical input, is old enough and renowned since a long time too to have reached some areas on earth other materials might not have reached, should have reached at least older people, not sure about the actual YA ones. Means I do hope for a healthy in comparison curiosity about the movie in non-English speaking countries, if thet wont bug the advertisements there (as they too often do). The book (part one) is also acc Wiki (in 2003) the most sold Sci-Fi book worldwide (to be found there in the first chapter, I did not read the complete entry). Not sure about that, but it is - worldwide - at least one of the most often sold Sci-Fi books. For that the actual situation might even help a bit, as I think the last few months at least a part of the people read more than usual (I know I did, in especial audio-books whilst working = for the manual work part, and because we do try to not work together in one room as far as possible, means a bit boring per less interaction with people = already new personal record per year, I am actually in per having read / heard way over 250 books in 2020), so if someone thinks about reading some, he/she might look up bestselling Sci-Fi books, if interested into that genre, who knows? Back to work, its nearly 10 o’clock (22:00) in the evening here...
  19. Interesting, for me its one time on, one time off now... (have to clear the cookies maybe). The strange details of a forum‘s software, different browsers combinations ... never the same Thank you for the hint I‘ll observe it now, who knows...
  20. I can see the x, but it says ~ there is a problem... = does not work, but I am on an ipad, settings desktop s(similar, not fully a desktop) I could also not change it in the notebook in the past, older browser, maybe the reason? Thx anyway
  21. those ~ special flowers they need for the transformation are theoretically destroyed, so to find a way to even give over the power to the successor in a way might get interesting. In a way it might have been good how strongly part one was also focused on Wakanda itself (as said, I see it as something similar to an own character) and some chararcters more than ‘only’ T’Challa. Some even criticized then the long times of absence of T’Challa in the movie as something like the movie is not fully focused on him being something negative (I do not agree), maybe missing the point the movie being about the country/culture too, also BP being not chained to a specific person, but to the one who takes on next the mantle / title of the protector of the country. Transient (term?), not like e.g. Superman, but see CA, who gave the shield to Falcon. When age, illness, death, being MIA, or even the needs of the family,... demands a successor, the comic book world way. That is a detail not that typical in movies till now. In addition the changed situation to the outside world now knowing about them, pressure to let people in, greedy people, organizations, governments, or.... to gain access - could deliver reasons for T’Challa’s demise or absence. Like e.g. an explosion including attack or... some reason to not show him or as less as possible, like him from behind entering a plane or... Only reason to show him for a short time might be if Shuri takes the mantle, gets her hands on the flower... if they’d meet on the ancestral plane thingie, but even then it could still be their father to meet there too. Whatever the story will be about, it has not to start in Wakanda, or even with his demise, see in part one, where at least in part things happened outside of Wakanda too. In general the virus caused delays... will get them some more time to think about possible solutions, I hope they will allow themselves to use this time to its fullest, to enhance the chances of an (probably) unexpected solution, time-wise far away from the actual raw feelings of the family, friends, colleagues, and fans, especially the children within the fans. Personally I do not count on a more or less ‘normal’ movie creating and screening situation before 2+ years in the future, I think movies planned for a release in e.g. 2022 might get a release in e.g. 2024, as after the the restart in ~ 2+ years a lot of overhang (speaking in especial about the big budget movies) will be probably need 1-2 years to get through too. It could all happen earlier, but I prefer to be more cautious in my ~ hopes than be too optimistic (and my ~ aim still could be too optimistic too)
  22. Seemingly not the first try, see the second name on the banned list, and the reason given for the perma ban. I guess the date named in his actual contact try was for the first suspension, he seemed to have missed it got extended for reasons (I think maybe more than one reason). Strange logic....
  23. is it a word-play or a typo to write it as Wakonda?
  24. Its 30 minutes after midnight here and I am literally still at work. We got today e.g. new instructions (virus) by the government, a few details based on those plus some other ones not related to those mean I wont be back at home before Thursday midday/afternoon, being back at work Friday to get tested, and so on. I wrote a message to myself to remind me about to get the zoom thing done after school is open for at least a week = in 2 weeks. Have a lot of fun!
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