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Everything posted by jb007

  1. This will not go the way you think. This is a fantastic un-Star Wars like Star Wars movie. The Acting, the score and the direction of the movie is awesome. This just throws out everything from a completely different angle than everyone imagined. Mark Hamill is superb.I love the aggressive Rey. Have to give props to the script which shows Kylo to be the real manipulator essentially proving Snoke's insults completely wrong. The Throne room fight is fabulous. As far as some hardcore fans not liking it, I feel it hard for some who are invested in some characters for 40 years to have to lose them unexpectedly. I feel this will grow into a classic over time. A
  2. +1 While growing up in India, the only SH comic I had read personally was that of Superman. I had heard of Batman, SM and WW (due to Linda Carter show). Moved to the US in the late 80s. I found out about Captain America due to a Will Smith line in Men in Black. I did not know about Iron Man till early 2008. So Superman, Batman and WW have been popular for decades. Marvel has elevated unknown superheroes to A-lister levels. Iron Man may the most popular SH now and Captain America seems have taken the Superman spot as the good guy Superhero. People have supported Marvel because of the quality of their movies. Let's not forget, Batman was the top SH and at his peak after Nolan's successful trilogy that ended in 2012. Now his ensemble movie will gross only about 10% more than the adjusted gross of the universally reviled Batman and Robin. That is repudiation of DCEU due to quality of BvS, SS and JL. Critics and audiences enthusiastically accepting WW highlights the fact that DCEU problems are due to quality rather than bias. Personally, as a moviebuff I would love to see good movies from DC. At this point in time, I like Marvel, since their movies are miles ahead of DC in quality. It is that simple.
  3. Very well made and the way it was meant to be. Kenneth Branagh is excellent as Poirot. The supporting cast is very good. Nice locales and cinematography. Bring on the Death on the Nile. B+
  4. Top 4 had an average 52% increase (Mon to Wed) in 2016 Top 4 in 2017 have an average of 43% increase. JL staying flat is part of the reason. The drops on Thursday could be lower this year.
  5. @Christmas baumer: Wonder, OE and DaddyH2 all had small increases over Tuesday and JL stayed flat. Thor may be had a 15% increase. But again, the increases on Tuesday were higher this year compared to 2016. That may account for the lower increase on Wednesday.
  6. Only to a certain extent. Batman was second only to Spiderman in popularity in india. That may not be the case anymore after BvS and JL. In fact JL won't even beat Superman Returns footfalls from 2006.
  7. The Gross should be around 30% more i.e Rs. 27 Crore = $4.2 Mil. Batman's aura is gone in India after BvS and JL.
  8. Generally the Sunday to Monday drop for most movies fall is in the low 60% during Thanksgiving week. So a 69 to 73% would be bigger than normal drop for JL. But again, it is early. Interesting to see what happens. On the other hand, Wonder seems to be doing Wonderful.
  9. Disaster. The script is pathetic. The big 3 superheroes have been reduced to a parody of themselves. The color/look of the movie is godawful. The Villain is terrible and so are the heroes. If the only hook for this was it is better than BVS and SS, it is sad. This is slightly better than BvS in its tone due to some forced humor. Batman was a non-entity. Gone are the heady days of Nolan's Batman. This Batman is just pathetic and wasn't even needed in the movie given that he does very little other than putting the team together. One cannot serve garbage on a consistent basis for the most part and expect it to be accepted all the time. MOS, BVS and SS pretty much killed JL. D-
  10. 2ND UPDATE, Friday night: Justice League‘s Friday, coming off a solid $13 million Thursday, is coming in at the high end from where we saw it around midday Friday with $38.5M, however, there’s still concern that Warner Bros. DC supehero ensemble may not even crack $100M with industry estimates sitting at $97M over three-days, well below the $110M-$120M on tracking. http://deadline.com/2017/11/justice-league-opening-weekend-box-office-lower-thor-ragnarok-wonder-the-star-1202211094/
  11. Usually, the final week especially from Monday thru Thursday before release sees a huge uptick in pre-sales. It seems like that did not happen for JL.
  12. One word, brilliant. It is one thing to develop characters a certain way from the beginning, it is entirely something to redefine characters in the 3rd movie to an absolute del8ght. The interaction between Hulk, Banner and thor is nothing short of phenomenal. Loved it way more than I thought I would. On par with The Avengers and Iron Man. Taika Waititi is an awesome director. Hemsworth, Hiddleston, Blanchet and Goldblum are superb. Rating: A
  13. OM has been re-released more times than any other movie in history. For eg. In Mysore, Sangam - 16 times Saraswathi - 9 times Ranjith, Laxmi - 8 times It has been re-released on every single theater of Mysore and multiple times all over Karnataka. It is a unique movie in terms of playing for 21 years. Every year it was generating about Rs. 2 crores revenue to the producers. So it was a regular cash cow like no other. After a statewide re-release on 2015, Om satellite rights were sold in 2016 for a whopping price of Rs. 10.5 crores, the most ever for a Kannada movie. It is even more amazing the satellite rights were sold 21 years after its initial release in 1995. Now it is available on Home video.
  14. It is very good. Plenty of scares and good performances from the young actors. The constant swearing by the teens was a negative and took away from the enjoyment of the movie. The pacing could have been crisper. Was a big fan of the TV mini series. Enjoyed the movie quite a bit. B+
  15. A seemingly unknown superhero (at least to non comic book fans) in early 2008 has moved to the top of superhero universe boxofficewise. Amazing.
  16. My wife had a similar reaction. The lack of characterisation overrides the great technical aspects. I consider Dunkirk the Tora Tora Tora of 2017. Great meaningless action that I just could not relate to or for that matter care.
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