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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. Guardians is such a weird franchise. I didn’t follow tracking at all, so a week ago if you’d told me it’d get 175m ow I’d have had no reason not to believe you. They seemed popular enough before now.
  2. I’m looking forward to the film but Nolan’s brand is definitely warping expectations for this. It really feels like it’s being marketed and hyped up as something it very likely isn’t.
  3. TA1 was the last MCU film I saw at the cinema. I remember thinking the first half hour was really bad, like, how the hell is anyone calling this a good movie bad. But by the mid-point when hulk appears it really clicked, and by the last third I was practically laughing out loud at how fun it all was. I think there have been a handful of superior entries since but none have captured the unmitigated, large-scale joy of that first finale (yes, even Endgame).
  4. The banter gods decree that this stays stuck at 80% until the very last review, at which point it drops to 79% and stays there forever.
  5. Don’t care about the story but I’ll probably see this in the cinema for the sensory experience alone. I definitely wish I’d seen the first one that way.
  6. No marvel fan has a leg to stand on when it comes to complaining about critics (and to be fair not many are, on this thread at least). The series has had, to my mind, kind reviews for over a decade. The good but hardly rapturous reception we’re seeing now just makes me think ‘what took them so long’.
  7. Only saw the first recently. They’re lucky it made just enough to get a sequel or that would’ve been the biggest blue balls ending ever. Looking forward to the next one though not overly so.
  8. A more muted/polite response than I was expecting. I’ve only seen the first and thought it was over-praised, so nice to see a bit of delayed course-correction I suppose.
  9. Batman ‘89 is of my favourite movies of all time. I have an almost primal nostalgia for it. So I should be a really easy target for this marketing campaign. But it’s not worked on me, because every time I see images of Keaton it’s not ‘89 Batman that comes to mind… it’s Birdman. There’s no going back after that movie. It was the final word on his relationship to the character.
  10. Definitely expecting good reviews if nothing else. I can take it leave the property but Gunn’s a reliable hand.
  11. Always funny when they show off the uncanny valley animal characters for the first time. I didn’t realise Bardem was playing the dad though. That’s a good choice.
  12. I’ve seen so many memes joking about this movie’s rivalry with barbie. On the one hand, it’s never going to win so its OW is doomed to disappoint. On the other… that’s a lot of free advertising.
  13. I’ve been to the the cinema twice a year in the last three years. Maybe I’m projecting (pun intended) but I really do think the medium’s long term prospects are dire. A business model in which a handful of movies make a shitload of money while the rest fight for crumbs isn’t sustainable. It’s not like when tv was invented and cinema still offered superior drama and spectacle: tv can now easily compete.
  14. As long as they continue to anchor everything around Jonathon Majors they’ll be fine.
  15. Rewatched the original recently and realised Under The Sea is its only genuinely good song.
  16. Can’t be bothered to click but I assume that’s just regurgitating the tweet discussed directly above.
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