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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. Definitely turning into a run that pleases no-one. Even if it has an awful second weekend there won't be any meltdowns because everyone will know why.
  2. Sporadically searching youtube for possible imax trailer uploads but it's still just lots of reaction videos. Imagine going to the effort of making one of those and thinking anyone gives a single shit.
  3. It would have been nice if the Kubrick-WB relationship they were clearly going for carried on, but look at what a clusterfuck WB has been for the past few years. Can't blame a director not wanting to go down with the ship.
  4. The third movie will be released with Smell-O-Vision, so that entry will be fine, but I do wonder where you can go after that.
  5. I think the thread's been pretty even-handed. The trouble is the more, ah, passionate Cameron loonies bugger off when numbers aren't great so there's no schadenfreude to be had.
  6. It would have been a good film if it had bothered to write its main character. it's like she went through a dozen rewrites and ended up as a nothing-burger. R1's more interesting as a proof of concept for all the tv shows, which seemed to follow its look and tone much more than the other films.
  7. Like many I'm hoping for meltdowns but it's not going to happen, is it? "But legs" is very powerful argument with a Cameron movie now, and can be used for at least the first month. That and, y'know, it might just have a great drop anyway.
  8. I was never a SW fan and was actually quite bored watching the OT re-releases as a ten year old, but the prequels made them seem much better to me after the fact for obvious reasons that have been discussed to death. I didn't have the critical faculties to know why Episode 1 felt 'off' at the time, but when the other two came out it was easy enough to guage why they didn't work.
  9. I think you're underestimating the impressionability of 12 year olds, but it probably didn't help that teenagers would have also just seen The Matrix.
  10. I have no idea what 'tactically' and 'strategically' mean in this context.
  11. Wasn't Avatar the biggest grossing film ever in the UK until Skyfall? Can't be bothered to check.
  12. Nah, though I do find the prequels' semi-rehabilitation through memes + nostalgia fascinating. If mostly undeserved.
  13. I can take or leave Cavill but that 'toxicity' stuff sounds more like a star who knows his passion project is going down the toilet and is trying to salvage whatever scene he can. The writing on the show was appalling and blaming the guy who just left is mighty convenient. EDIT - wrote that before reading the mod post above.
  14. I suspect a lot of the US population got annoyed by fanboys on this forum and wanted to make a point by staying away.
  15. Can’t believe it’s 2022 and we’re still having cgi arguments, as though 99% of the audience doesn’t take visual effects proficiency as read. Even gamers have moved beyond graphics.
  16. I don’t know whether it’s a good or bad opening but I do know if you’d told me a week ago it’d be on par with The Batman I’d have been very surprised. I wasn’t exactly impressed with the latter’s weekend haul.
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