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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. The highs are really high, which makes the lows all the more frustrating. I hope for the next film Reeves doesn’t feel the need to throw everything at the wall.
  2. I've watched it three times now. It's solid - sometimes even great - in the first half but collapses under the weight of the plot in the second. The should have gotten rid of Selina and her out-of-nowhere revenge stuff altogether, but then you wouldn't have a single prominent woman. The Thomas Wayne plot was also undercooked and wasn't even resolved anyway. I'm cautiously optimistic for the next film, my only concern is they decide to include that god-awful iternation of the joker we saw at the end. I guess Reeves' quality control took the day off when they filmed that.
  3. Good episode, better than the just-ok premiere. It gets the basic suspense stuff right and the sets look terrific. They’ve made Ellie a bit more of an MCU snark-fest than she was in the game which might start grating, but we’ll see.
  4. Incidentally nice to Andrea Riseborough get a nod. She's one of those actors that should have been big a long time ago but never really was.
  5. Can they just give Dark Knight a lifetime achievement award or something and do away with this whole more than 5 Best Picture nominees? It's so silly.
  6. I like the second game more than most, but the moment I thought was the ending turning out to be the halfway point did not elicit the enthused reaction I suspect the makers were going for. It is one long-ass game.
  7. With the game I think most people accepted the premise was done to death but it was really good at utilising gameplay to create an emotional connection between the two leads, essentially doing something film never could. Without that interactivity then yeah… it’s a pretty bog-standard zombie story, albeit with a memorable ending. Early days of course, but for all the good reviews this might, more than any video game adaptation, actually show what an uphill battle the whole endeavour is. Like, this is as good as it gets and it’s still not as good.
  8. Solid rather than spectacular - I didn’t think the prologue was anything special but it got better in Boston. I’m probably in this for the season, so job done.
  9. If this existed before What We Do In The Shadows it might have felt moderately novel. EDIT - note to self: always read on to see if someone else has made the exact same point before posting.
  10. Is there a thread on Secret Wars? I could have sworn there used to be a dedicated Marvel section but no longer it seems.
  11. The first hour was fun and it got really boring when it decided to turn into a normal Matrix movie. I wish it all looked better - if you told me this was a 50m Netflix movie I'd have believed you. Knowing that Wachowski had no interest in making this and only did it so Warners wouldn't do their own thing you can't even say it didn't accomplish its goal - Warners ain't touching this property for a long time now. Wachowski probably thinks 'job done'.
  12. I think we can all agree the film's still waiting for its "holy shit!" day/weekend. Nothing's been spectacular or disastrous so far. Incidentally, it's a huge shame they don't release admission numbers as standard. It's a fascinating data point.
  13. Amazing Spider-Man 2. iJack was having a full-on meltdown (and this was back before he was making death threats to fellow members).
  14. I mean I didn’t like Spears’ music and wasn’t the target audience, but I knew who she was. Everyone did. It’s enough to say they were both pop superstars.
  15. She was obviously a better singer, but more famous is pushing it. Spears was inescapable for years.
  16. I’ll miss cinema when it’s gone but it’s in the unfortunate position of being really sensitive to inflation. It just feels really fucking expensive now, even though I assume its price hasn’t risen much more than other consumer goods. Pubs are having the same identity crisis in the uk - what should be a cheap, basic leisure activity now feels like it’s burning a hole in your pocket.
  17. This thread is mental. I’m never not bemused when I come back for another peek.
  18. I watch glass onion today as it’s debuted on uk Netflix, and I almost never watch things as soon as they come out. Slightly mixed feelings about the movie, but eyeballs-wise Netflix will be getting their money’s worth on this one.
  19. Poor widdle WB. Won’t someone please think of the gigantic media corporations?
  20. Thought this was fun, though like the first about 20 minutes too long and the payoff wasn’t quite as cathartic as you want it to be. When they make the next one I hope they change it up from some rich entitled asshole being brought down by an underdog who’s the bait and switch main character. That party trick won’t work a third time.
  21. You could have some fun Cultural Impact™ debates around Shrek. Huge hits at the time but I think the earnestness of Pixar won out and remains the feature animation template to this day.
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