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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. Some nice visuals but given the director we knew we'd be getting those. Other than that I thought it was a pretty clunky trailer. I'm sure the movie will be fine (maybe even great!) but I was a lot more excited for Blade Runner. Been meaning to read the books for a long time so I may give the first one a go prior to this bombing being released.
  2. If Dunkirk opened to 50m I think we can assume a Nolan action film opening in the middle of summer would have cleared that quite easily. How its legs would have fared is another matter.
  3. lol, and there was me thinking this would be an exciting, new-post-every-minute weekend thread.
  4. Has it been confirmed how many screens Tenet is opening on? Come to think of it I can't even remember what a normal amount was for a big film...
  5. In the UK there's no legal obligation or social expectation to wear a mask outside. The country isn't in the same place as the US is with all this, and there's god knows how many ways a lead actor could come into contact with the virus on a huge production. Victim-blaming is shitty.
  6. Off topic but I assume when that article says the movie cost "£100m" (ie. $132m) they plucked that number out of thin air?
  7. To be fair Tenet must have been one of the hardest movies ever to create a coherent trailer for. I'm a lot more sympathetic to its marketing department now I've seen it - there weren't even that many money shots to work with. But I agree, there's a lot of 'throw everything at the wall and see what sticks' with some recent offerings. WW's promos are so half-assed.
  8. Could be that they're holding more footage of her back - eg. scenes of her and Craig kissing would be incongruous and spoilery given his supposed relationship status with the spectre woman.
  9. Better. They seem to have finally realised no-one wants Spectre part 2. Ana De Armas looks like the MVP, unsurprisingly.
  10. I could take or leave the movie but I can easily imagine someone being sincere in their love for it if that's what they claim. For all its flaws it's... unique. It makes Inception feel tame (and I say that as someone who prefers Inception).
  11. Ha, well maybe I'm just not one for predicting twists. At any rate it feels like it was meant to be one but when it's played out with Pattinson murmuring it as he walks off to die and within seconds we're onto the next scene neither the character nor the viewer is given any time to take in. Just a very odd storytelling decision from a director who, whatever his faults, is usually really good at final 5 minutes.
  12. Yeah, the actual denouement of him being the guy who set up Tenet in the first place was so underplayed I almost didn't take it in at first. Not like Nolan to waste a killer twist like that.
  13. I should add that masks were not mandatory for my screening. The ticket guy said 'you didn't have to wear them in there, just don't sit within 2 seats of anyone else'. Not sure the government agreed to that...
  14. There's quite a large corner of the internet that still fucking loves Joker, particularly on youtube. Tenet will probably never be like that but I can imagine it having a pseudo cult following down the line by people who insist it's Nolan's best film, actually.
  15. Yeah, I was hoping this would be a more fun last hurrah for Craig but instead they've seemingly doubled-down on the portentous Spectre serialisation. Not my thing at all. But it's Bond, so it's got at least one ticket out of me depending on covid allowances. Fingers crossed I guess.
  16. I hope the next trailer they've got lined up is a hell of lot more exciting than the previous one, which wasn't any better on the big screen in front of Tenet. (Doesn't matter for me as I'll watch any Bond movie in cinemas, but marketing has been decidedly off for this.)
  17. I wouldn't call this 'a mess' as I've read elsewhere. There's never the sense it's slipping out of Nolan's control. For better or worse he's doing everything as he planned to and he doesn't give a shit if you can keep up or not. I... didn't mind it. There's something undeniably exhilarating about a Primer-esque script being given a 200m dollar budget and I've no doubt even the studio execs didn't really understand the plot when they greenlighted it. The hook of the time inversion is surprisingly low key when it gets to the foreground but I think keeping it vague was probably for the best. The fight scenes were strikingly good and I wish the batman movies had them. All the cast are fine and I look forward to Washington having a long career as a leading man. I'm in no rush to see it again but I'm sure when I do there'll be a lot of 'oh, so that's why this was happening' moments. I'm afraid I'm going to have to add to chorus of complaints about the sound mixing though. I was in a small theater that by design or by accident had everything - the ads, trailers and movie - ridiculously loud, and a lot of lines got lost in the music. Wouldn't matter for a lot of films but in this every bit of dialogue can be the difference between you having a clue what's going on in the next scene or not. The soundtrack is completely relentless and I'd honestly have been happy with subtitles (not to mention earplugs). I don't know what you think the average person's hearing is like, Odeon, but turn your movies down FFS.
  18. Finally booked a ticket so I guess I'll find out for myself this evening. As a David Lynch fan 'confusing' is fine, but I think my expectations are pretty damn low otherwise.
  19. ^ Well in that case I've been vindicated: there was no pent-up demand in the interim and cinema is even more screwed than we all thought.
  20. That's not bad for the UK. I'd previously said I hadn't noticed much pent-up demand for cinema-going but clearly some was there. Or, at least, the virus didn't put too many off.
  21. There's just nothing to compare that Tenet number against. For all I know it's really good, all things considered, but I expect studios releasing movies in November and December are still jittery.
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