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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. That fake Disney+ account announcing BW coming to streaming has already fooled way too many people I know on twitter.
  2. It's amazing how two people can watch the same film and have completely opposite takeaways. (The sea did look cold though, I'll give you that.)
  3. Define 'doubter'. Do you think it's going to make as much money as it would have in normal times? What's the benchmark of this summer release being worth it?
  4. "Select cities"? I did joke before that Tenet's release schedule was as good an indicator as any of how the US was dealing with Corona, but this is taking it up a peg...
  5. Perhaps I'm projecting - no pun intended - but I'm really not seeing a big demand here in the UK for cinemas to reopen (other than from cinemas themselves) . It's just not something anyone I know talks about. Any movie releasing this year is taking a massive financial bath and its basically an act of charity.
  6. Still don't think WB will go for a staggered release. I expect they'll soon admit defeat and copy Disney.
  7. Isn't Covid just going to quicken a process that was already happening? Ie. mid-budget movies utterly screwed and theaters mainly catering for just a handful of anointed blockbusters? That was already a lousy state of affairs but I agree that in the scheme of things the pandemic doesn't change much on that front.
  8. The movie should move to next year because it might actually be quite good and doesn't deserve to be forever associated with corona anxiety. I'm honestly surprised it hasn't become a meme already.
  9. Just announce it for next year, FFS. I'm getting embarrassed on their behalf. (And yes, everywhere. Lockdown is technically over in the UK but I guarantee it wouldn't make a quarter of what it would have in normal times if comes out here this summer. The appetite for cinemas has not returned yet.)
  10. The last couple of pages of this thread really took me back to mid-Noughties online Batman movie arguments. Thanks for the nostalgia hit everyone!
  11. I was kind of hoping Nolan had a new-found love for sub-2 hour movies after Dunkirk. Hope it merits that length.
  12. Not technically Tenet related, but it does make the prospect of Tenet more exciting: "How IMAX made Christopher Nolan a better filmmaker " (He also says the film should just be delayed to next year, which I agree with.)
  13. This movie has become a weirdly useful indicator for gauging how the US is handling the virus as a whole. Every delay = things are still going badly.
  14. Fingers crossed that 5 times is the charm for a decent JP sequel! 🤞
  15. The Prestige is still Nolan's best movie and Interstellar's reception was perfectly fair. It was a deeply flawed film that had admirable ambition.
  16. There are reports from European countries that after initial customer flurries from shops reopening, retail footfall is about 50% of what it was the same time last year. The fear is still real, even in countries doing far better than the US. I've long held that WB were mad to even entertain the idea of not getting Tenet the hell out of summer and nothing has yet to change my mind on that. If their (unlikely) goal is to take a hit for the industry to get people into cinema-going again then fine, I guess, but I think they'll still be disappointed.
  17. You think it's bad in the movie, try reading the original book. I forget the exact wording but when she meets her (now free) ex-slave after returning home she instantly begins ordering him about and "his eyes shone at the relief of finally being told what to do again."
  18. I went from thinking 'this was a bad idea' to basically surrendering a minute later and chuckling. Were it not for [waves hand] absolutely everything going on I suspect this would have had a nice little run.
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