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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. Lol, no. Not saying Tenet was particularly good, but it was a Nolan movie + the first big pandemic theatrical release. The buzz was incomparable.
  2. Anecdotal but I really don't feel like there's some huge pent-up demand to rush back to cinemas in the UK. Pubs yes, cinemas no.
  3. I have no strong opinion of these noms. Nothing seems especially egregious, but it's just harder than ever to care about awards this year.
  4. Show was ok. I see it as an indictment of how generally safe and tame the MCU is that it feels quite out-there in comparison, when really it's nothing that remarkable in of itself. Anyway, can't wait for the adventures of Falcon and Bucky!! (Just kidding.)
  5. I'd be totally ok with 'event movies' dying. Looking over the last couple of decades, there really haven't been many good ones.
  6. They've copied the tone and style of the Joker trailer wholesale. Not a bad strategy.
  7. The studio. They made him a major antagonist for 2 captain america sequels and now he has his own tv show. I'd say he's punching above his weight but I suppose it'd be silly to question Marvel's instincts by now...
  8. Safe to say Film Crit Hulk isn't a fan: "The great harm of mystery boxing is that it convinced a generation of writers that mysteries were about creating situations where you have no fucking idea what’s going on and everything is vague. They’re not. Mysteries are actually very clear situations with a driving central question that is also clear (usually who killed X or something). They investigate. New information comes to light and changes the scope of the understanding. And then, in the end, you have utter clarity of the driving questions at the start (even Twin Peaks did this, it just relied on abstract art at times). But nowadays, so many fucking bad mysteries don’t realize their “big reveal” is actually their initial incident and main conflict (and should probably be treated as such). So far, Wandavision is just another example of that. I mean, there’s a reason the breaks in reality feel like the only compelling and real things that happen in this show…" https://www.patreon.com/posts/watercoolering-3-46555836
  9. Damn, the RT score really fell out from under this movie. As a Brit I couldn't watch it even if I wanted to, but its reception has been more interesting than most SH films.
  10. That's such a good reason to freak out, my cynical mind has already kicked in and makes me wonder if it's some kind of genius publicity stunt.
  11. What would count as 'good' at this point? I mean, it's going to make bugger-all in the UK for instance.
  12. Cinemas will probably be shut in London for much of December and January if the current infection rates are anything to go by and the city/much of the country is moved into tier 3 restrictions. I get that at this point WB probably doesn't care too much about cinema box office, but...
  13. Is this actually releasing in the UK in mid-December? For its own sake I hope not...
  14. Does it really matter? Endgame brought people back from the dead, I don't think watertight continuity has ever been big concern of Marvel's.
  15. I haven't watched SM films since Raimi's third and... I probably won't start now, but in a weird way I find it rather touching that Garfield has a shot at playing him again. He always seems like he's about to cry when he talks about the character.
  16. Lol, it's like everyone was waiting for Nolan to break cover. Robbie and Reeves probably have a point given their respective star power. This really is a PR clusterfuck.
  17. God has spoken, and He is not pleased. I'd be interested to know what Denis Villeneuve thinks, not that he'll say it publicly right now. I doubt he's particularly happy Dune will debut on TV. I wonder if he pushed back against the idea at all.
  18. Matrix 4 is the big surprise for me. If the film's actually good (a big if) that would have been quite a treat on the big screen. Now people will just be watching it on TV. Feels very weird. But then, it's been that kind of year.
  19. I still expect this to go the D+ route. In a few months the service will need something new to maintain/increase interest and frankly the US vaccine distribution probably won't be good enough that everything's back to normal by even next summer.
  20. Just to throw it out there, but maybe a small part of this decision was informed by the possibility that WB knew it had a stinker on its hands? No, I'm not saying they're dumping an incredibility expensive tentpole and it's clearly pandemic related, but... maybe that made the decision a tad easier? The trailers did look abysmal. (Not trying to start a flame war, just thinking out loud.)
  21. Bond will never give up on a theatrical release. I can see Marvel being slightly more open to that given Disney has a platform to promote and there's another 27 MCU movies in the pipeline.
  22. Yup, Farrell's makeup is next level. It's not just that he's unrecognizable, it's that he looks normal. It's not cartoonish, which would have been easy. Also, I had no idea John Turturro was in this and for some reason finding out made me laugh.
  23. I've read a few snippy British articles implying Bond let cinema down when it needed him the most since the delay was cited as a reason for Cineworld closing, but that seems willfully ignorant of how bad things are getting again. The movie's not a charity.
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